Burns – Rustler tramps

Location: 25 km.

(Rustlers Ridge Burns. Accessed from Waitati Rd. Tramping track – unbenched. Manager: DOC.)

Rustlers Ridge, Burns Track, Swampy Spur, Transmitter Tower – Information and Trips Library

7. 24/10/2007. Trampers. Rustlers, Burns. Medium. Leaders: Wendy and Peter.

6. 8/5/2002 Leaders: Nancy, Joyce S, Val
5. 31/1/2001. Rustler – Burns Track. Leaders: Nancy, Frank and Lesley.
7/9/2000 Leaders: Bob & Nadia, Shirley
4. 31/1/2000 Leaders: Nancy, Frank & Lesley
3. 13/5/1992. Burns Rustler Track. Combined bush and open country. Great views. Average. Leaders: George, Margaret S, Ivan & Bev
2. 18/10/1989 Burns Rustler Track. Average+ Native Bush. Leaders: Bob H, George H, Mary Y, Margaret S
1. 10/2/1989 Burns Rustler Track. Leaders: Eleanor B, Nancy, Lesley S

Poplar Hut, Mt John, Mount Allan. Extension to Pulpit Rock.

No. 9 on old hardcopy list of 113 club tramps. “Poplar Hut. Mt John. N Strang. Year Round.”

No. 52 on old hardcopy list of 113 club tramps. “Mt Allen, Wenita Year Round”

No. 71 on old hardcopy list of 113 club tramps. “Mt John. (Cowie & Wenita) Year Round”

Location: 17 km.
Closed lambing Oct-Nov.
– Wenita permit. Require 6 weeks notice, but less from us.
– Silver Peaks Station, Seek permission
14 km round trip.
Longer option: 24 km via Pulpit Rock. 5-8 hours. Climbing all the way.
Take lots of water. Cross Big Stream. Up steep vehicle track. About 50 minutes.
Turn right at T junction. After one minute, you see track on left coming up from Poplar Hut.
Descend down 10 minutes.
From Poplar Hut, climb vehicle track 1-1.5 hours to top. Gate marked PRIVATE.
Cross over gate, follow fence to next gate. Keep fence on left.
Follow vehicle track down and round hill to next gate before climbing up to Mt Allan.
Good vehicle track all the way.
Keep forest on right till you rejoin Pulpit Rock track.
Turn right down Long Ridge to Big Stream.
17/10/2007. Trampers. Mount Allan, Mount John. Medium. Leaders: George, Abe.
11/5/2005. Both. Poplar Hut with option do Mount Allan and Mount John. Leaders: Peter and Wendy, Eleanor W, Lesley S, Anne R.
Silver Peaks from Mount Allan
Silver Peaks from Mount Allan

Continue reading “Poplar Hut, Mt John, Mount Allan. Extension to Pulpit Rock.”

School House, Tunnels, McRaes, Steve Amies, Whare Flat Road Return

19/9/2007. School House, Tunnels, McRaes, Steve Amies Whare Flat road ret. Leaders: Ria L, Hazel

Ten trampers set off from the Old School House at Whare flat on a beautiful sunny day without a cloud in the sky. Another “Wonderful Wednesday” Leonie was heard to comment. We followed Tunnels Track which is part of the Racemans’ walkways. This follows the old black, and now somewhat dilapidated water pipe that used to take water all the way from here to the Southern reservoir in Dunedin. This has significant historical interest and brochures and maps about Racemans are available at the Tourist Centre.This led into the McRaes Track and then on to the Steve Amies Track. This climb got our hearts racing and our brows sweating but worth all the effort to arrive at that wonderful picnic spot at the top. Here there are picnic tables in all sorts of nooks and crannies with great views over to Chalkies and the Taieri Plains. There are many planted trees and plaques to well known trampers, and a recent plaque to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the WEA tramping club that was founded by Steven Amies. There are several options trampers can take from here but our leaders opted to go back via the access road and back to our cars. We enjoyed the company of a visitor, Ken, and despite unfortunately locking his keys in the car we hope he enjoyed it enough to come back again.

Booth Rd, Nicols Creek, McQuilkan, Jim Freeman, Pineapple. Either direction

Nicols Creek circuit Maintained by Green Hut Track Group. DCC land.
Click Pineapple Track for background information.
Click Pineapple and Flagstaff walk for background information.

22/8/2007 Nicols Creek, Moon Track, McQuilkan Track, Possum Busters, Possum Hunters Jim Freeman track, Pineapple track. Leaders: Lex, Sabina

9/3/2005. Trampers. McQuilkans, James Freeman Tracks. Leaders:Ian, Lex

24/9/2003. Trampers. Nicols Creek, Moon Track, McQuilkan, Jim Freeman, Pineapple. Medium. Leaders: Bob H, Ian.

20/11/2002 Ria L
13/2/2002 Betty B, Denise
17/3/1989 Barbara M, Irene, Sabina


No responses yet

Karitane over the Railroad Bridge, Hawksbury Lagoon.

Farm walk. Karitane  to Hawksbury Lagoon, Waikouaiti. Nick Hurst, farmer, John Saunders, Manager, over land – fences to Matanaka Drive, Beach Road, Scotia Road to lagoon. Return along farm track along River – railway bridge.


Seek permissions

14/6/2006 Farm walk. Karitane  to Hawksbury Lagoon, Leaders: Lesley Sapleton, Diana M

Big Stream, Mount Allan, Pulpit Rock, Long Ridge

No. 91 on old hardcopy list of 113 club tramps. “Big Stream – Pulpit Rock Return (M Vaughan) Year Round”

Location: 17 km
18/1/2006. Trampers. Big Stream, Mount Allan, Pulpit Rock, Long Ridge. Leaders: Doug M, Ian.
14/11/2001. Big Stream – Mount Allan – Pulpit Rock – Long Ridge. Hard. Leaders: Claude, Hazel, Doug M.
15/11/2000 Big Stream: Mt Allen Pulpit Rock, return Long Ridge, zigzag, Big Stream. Leaders: Wendy B, Elaine D
29/1/1997. Mount Allan – Pulpit Rock and return Long Ridge. Medium+ and a long day. Leaders: Jack R, Ian, Claud.

Aramoana, Heyward Point, Murdering Beach Road

No. 59 on old hardcopy list of 113 club tramps. “Aramoana to Heyward Point. Farm.”
40 km from carpark

7. 10/8/2005 Aramoana, Heyward Point, Kaikai Beach. Leaders: Ian, Hazel

6. 3/5/2004. Trampers. Aramoana, Heyward Point, Kaikai Beach. Medium. Leaders: Arthur H, Lex.
5. 20/8/2003. Trampers. Heyward Point, Murderers Beach. Medium. Leaders: Arthur H, Lex.
4. 27/3/2002. Aramoana – Kaikai Beach – Murdering Beach Road. Medium. Leaders: Doug M, Margaret and Les.
3. 10/5/2000. Heyward Point – Kaikai Beach from Aramoana. Leaders: Bill H< Lesley S, Graham.
2. 28/4/1999. Aramoana – Heyward Point. Leaders: Barbara McC, Marion M, Shirley McN
1. 22/10/1997. Murdering Beach from Heyward Point to Aramoana. Park at Aramoana. Leaders: Colleen, Evelyn M, Barbara McC.

Warrington, Porteous Hill, Hammond Hill, Guilds Hill

Location: 40 km.
Deer farm fences are now limiting. Couldn’t do Hammond Hill.

3. 21/1/2004 Trampers. Porteous Hill and Hammond Hills. Medium. (Fences prevented Hammond Hill.) Leaders: Shirley McN, Wendy B, Ria L

Irene followed by Hazel and Evelyn
Evelyn, Wendy J, Irene, Hazel, Shirley, Ria. Overlooking Warrington
Wendy J, Lex. Overlooking Blueskin Bay.
Evelyn, Wendy J, Shirley. Taken looking towards Seacliff.

2. 16/7/2003. Trampers. Warrington, Hammond Hill, Porteous Hill. Leaders: Ria L, Shirley McN

1. 13/3/1996. Hammond Hill and Guilds Hill from Church Road. Medium. Leaders: Eleanor, Shirley McN, Molly

Waipori Gorge, Milton Poleline track, Horseshoe Ridge, Shaw Road.

No. 54 on old hardcopy list of 113 club tramps. “Waipori Gorge Horseshoe Ridge Year Round”

29/10/2003. Trampers. Waipori Gorge, Milton Poleline Track, Horseshoe Ridge, Shaw Road. Medium. Leaders: Graham, Arthur L.
1/2/2000 Waipori Gorge, Milton Poleline track, Horseshoe Ridge, Shaw Road. Bill H, Claude, Colleen
30/6/1999. Waipori Gorge. Milton Pole Line Track. Leaders: Bill H, Colleen, Shirley McN.
28/4/1999. Waipori Gorge – Horseshoe Ridge. Leaders: Bill H, Claude, Pat.
30/10/1996. Waipori Gorge – Milton pole Line Track. Medium+. Leaders: Bill H, Lesley S, Bob H.
17/7/1996. Waipori Gorge Horse (sic) Ridge. Medium+. Leaders: Les and Margaret, Bill H.
5/10/1994 Waipori Gorge Road, Horseshoe Ridge. Medium. Leaders: Bill H, Lesley S, Doug & Ngaire
28/4/1989 Leaders: Bill H, Claude, Pat