
Upcoming Trips

Trip Organisation Guidelines for leaders and trip participants and Track Grading information. See also Trip Programme Information.
Trip Programme for printing (likely not up to date).
Distances and costs are for road travel from Mosgiel car park.
Trip details may change – check latest notices.
This webpage has all current updates. Last updated 9/10/2024.

Meeting time at the Mosgiel car park is 8:45 am for 9:00 am prompt departure.


Wednesday 16 October.
Trampers. Ravensbourne, Signal Hill, Big Easy. Grade 3. $5. 19 km (distance PJP to Otago Yacht Club). Leaders: Karen McInnes, John Gardiner.
Hikers. Warrington, Seacliff. Grade 2 . $12. 46 km. Leaders: Maria MacNee, Julie MacKenzie.

Wednesday 23 October.
Trampers. Tomahawk, Soldiers’ Memorial, Karetai Track. Grade 3. $5. 19 km. Leaders: Chris and Di Bezett.
Hikers. Flagstaff, Bull Ring. Grade 2.5. $5. 13 km. Leaders: Theresa White, Julie MacKenzie.

Wednesday 30 October.
Trampers. Greengage Track. Grade 4. $11. 43 km (distance PJP to Steep Hill). Leaders: Graeme Souter, Graham Thurlow.
Hikers. Three Kings from Heenan Road. Grade 3. $7. 25 km. Leaders: Dave Roberts, Neville Griffiths.

Continue reading “Upcoming Trips”

Graham’s Bush, Organ Pipes, Buttar’s Peak, Mt Cargill

Grahams Bush Square09/10/2024. Graham’s Bush to Mt Cargill. Grade 4. Trampers.  Leaders: Karen McInnes and Gail Williams
Eleven hardy trampers met at the end of Hall Road in Sawyer’s Bay on Wednesday morning, very aware that the weather was dodgy to say the least.

Continue reading “Graham’s Bush, Organ Pipes, Buttar’s Peak, Mt Cargill”

Fraser’s Gully

9 Oct Frasers Gully Hikers Square Photo09/10/2024. Fraser’s Gully. Grade 2.5. Hikers. Leaders Helen Morris and Heather Reid.
18 hardy souls left the PJ carpark for Frasers Gully car park on a damp morning. No rain in town. Walked up so far and stopped for our morning tea on a corner. Then carried on up to the top at Dalziels Road. Continue reading “Fraser’s Gully”

Three Mile Hill Forest

Square 150 Hikers18/09/2024.  Three Mile Hill Forest. Grade 3.     Hikers.  Leaders: Bruce Spittle & Bill Cubitt.
Thirty-two outdoor enthusiasts, including Dave and Peter coming for their first hikes, assembled on the Taieri Lookout carpark a day or so after snow had covered nearby hills. Continue reading “Three Mile Hill Forest”

Big Stone Road

11 Sep Big Stone Road Hikers Square Photo. Photo & Caption Helen11/09/2024. Big Stone Road. Grade 3. Hikers. Leaders: Bill Cubitt & Adrienne Ensor.
On a beautiful spring morning 20 keen walkers started out from the lay-bay opposite the entrance to Daphne Road to commence their adventure through, what is known as the Allanton Block of Wenita Forest.

Continue reading “Big Stone Road”

Outram Heritage Trail and Floodbank


Thumbnail Image Square04/09/2024. Outram Heritage Trail and Floodbank. Grade 2. Combined. Leaders: Anette MacRae, Katrina McKenzie, Cathy Ferguson, Janette Abbot.
41 happy walkers left the Outram Rugby Club carpark and headed around Outram following the heritage trail looking at old churches, halls, houses and banks. Continue reading “Outram Heritage Trail and Floodbank”

Ross Creek and Davies Track

Img 0382 Thumbnail 28/08/2024. Ross Creek and Davies Track. Grade 4. Trampers.  Leaders: Ross Davies and Sarah McCormack.

There was a throng of people in Malvern Street in Woodhaugh by the time the leader arrived. It was a sunny and calm morning, and the throng numbered exactly 27 keen people. Interestingly, as the day wore on, the number diminished, but always exactly
Continue reading “Ross Creek and Davies Track”