
Upcoming Trips

Trip Organisation Guidelines for leaders and trip participants and Track Grading information. See also Trip Programme Information.
Trip Programme for printing (likely not up to date).
Distances and costs are for road travel from Mosgiel car park.
Trip details may change – check latest notices.
This webpage has all current updates. Last updated 10/01/24.

Meeting time at the Mosgiel car park is 8:45 am for 9:00 am prompt departure.

Wednesday 15 January.
Trampers. Akatore Estuary to Taieri Mouth. Grade 4. $10. 38 km (road distance PJP to Akatore Creek Bridge). Permission required. Leaders: Spen Walker, Jane Bruce.
Hikers. Moeraki – Millennium Track to Boulders. Grade 2.5. $23. 92 km (road distance PJP to Moeraki). Leaders: Neville Griffiths, Dave Roberts.

Wednesday 22 January.
Trampers. Mt Royal / Bobby’s Head (Tavora Reserve). Grade 3.5. $17. 68 km (road distance PJP to Tavora Reserve). Permission required. Leaders: Graham Thurlow, Graeme Souter.
Hikers. Lady Thorn Dell/Cedar Farm Reservoir. Grade 2.5. $8. 30 km (road distance PJP to Lady Thorn Dell). Leaders: Heather Reid, Val Cayford.

Wednesday 29 January.
Trampers. Hope Hill. Grade 4. $5. 17 km (road distance PJP to Wallace’s Farm off SH1.). Permission required. Leaders: John Gardiner, Martin Hickley.
Hikers. Harwood area. Grade 2. $9. 37 km (road distance PJP to Harwood Township). Leaders: Raewyn Keene, Helen Morris.

Continue reading “Upcoming Trips”

Takitakitoa, Wetland, Waihola Hall.

11/12/2024. Takitakitoa, Wetland, Waihola Hall. Grade 2. Combined hike and Christmas Lunch.  Leaders: Jan Butcher, Wendy Langley, John Gardiner, Graeme Souter.

Square 150This, our final event of 2024, promised to be a fitting farewell to the year’s activities, and a prelude to the Christmas cheer that awaited us all. About 50 keen hikers and trampers assembled at Peter Johnson Park. Continue reading “Takitakitoa, Wetland, Waihola Hall.”

Frasers Gully/Friends Hill/Wingatui Tunnel and return

20241120 115612 Thumbnail20/11/2024. Frasers Gully / Friends Hill / Wingatui Tunnel & Return. Grade 3.5. Trampers. Leaders: Anne Ward and Lyn Keene.

Our group of 19 met at Ellis Park before beginning our walk up Frasers Gully, beautiful native bush, singing birds and flowing stream.

Continue reading “Frasers Gully/Friends Hill/Wingatui Tunnel and return”

Chingford Park, Cleghorn Street, Opoho Circuit

Square 15013/11/2024.  Chingford Park, Cleghorn Street, Opoho Circuit. Grade 4. Trampers.  Leaders: Ross and Wyn Davies.
20 trampers met up up North Road in North East Valley, on the corner of Crown Street. We headed off at about 9:45am up the valley in sunshine.

Continue reading “Chingford Park, Cleghorn Street, Opoho Circuit”

Deep Creek Reservoirs

6 Nov Square Photo06/11/2024. Deep Creek Weir. Grade 3. Combined.  Leaders: Barbara Shackell, Wendy Langley, Carolyn Pridham, Sue Johnstone.

28 set off in absolute perfect weather, past Rocklands Station on the Old Dunstan Road, until reaching the Te Papanui gate.

Continue reading “Deep Creek Reservoirs”

Tomahawk, Soldiers’ Memorial, Karetai Track

Rugged Coastline John 2 Square23/10/2024. Tomahawk, Soldiers’ Memorial, Karetai Track. Grade 4.  Trampers. Leaders: Di Bezett, Gail Williams and Lyn Keene
24 people set off on a very humid day, straight up the 4wheeldrive track, the views were spectacular. Continue reading “Tomahawk, Soldiers’ Memorial, Karetai Track”