Millennium Track Return (from Henley)

Trampers 15024/07/2024.   Millennium Track return, Henley Start. Trampers. Grade 4   Leaders: Gwenda Farqharson. &  Alison K.

Millennium – a strange name for a track?  By definition. A period of one thousand years, especially one which begins and ends in “000”. Continue reading “Millennium Track Return (from Henley)”

Taieri Mouth – Inc Millennium, Moturata Island, Akatore, Alanton Block

No. 78 on old hardcopy list of 113 club tramps. “Knarston Park Sth Coast (Ask Jean Young) Farm”
15. 29/3/2023. Millennium Track, Taieri Mouth.  Leaders Dave and Mike

I seriously questioned my sanity on the drive from sub tropical Port Chalmers to Mosgiel for this weeks walk. The torrential rain and hailstones on the Southern Motorway left me with a sense of foreboding. However, 17 hikers eventually assembled at the meeting place at Knarston Park on Taieri Beach for what turned out to be a really enjoyable walk with the predicted rain showers non-existent.

Morning smoko was held on the verandah at Jay’s river mouth crib where we could admire the house extension at one neighbouring property and the dismantling of a Kauri boat on another.

29 Mar Hikers Millenium Track morning tea Helen
Morning tea at Jay’s crib. Photo & caption Helen

From there it was a pleasant river side walk on the Millennium Track and boardwalks before starting the grunt up the hill to the welcome seats where we had lunch before re-tracing our steps back to the cars.

29 Mar Hikers Millenium Track On the track Mike
Millennium Track. Photo & caption Mike
29 Mar Hikers Millenium Track Taieri view Helen
View from the lunch seat. Photo & caption Helen
29 Mar Hikers Millenium Track Lunch Helen
Lunch. Photo Helen

Consensus of opinion is that the grade should be re-classified as a 3.5 as Sir Edmund Hillary got a Knighthood for climbing hills that steep. The return to the cars was achieved without mishap and tiffin was taken by some at the Brighton Cafe.

Thanks to Dave Roberts for leading at a leisurely pace that made the uphill sections enjoyable. Total distance walked was 9.5km

Mike Webb

14. 14/12/2022. Taieri Mouth. Leader Phil
” Aah numbers seemed a bit down at the meet n greet so there must be a few heading straight to the Hall at Taieri Mouth (Apologies were received from Carole and Neil Morrison who we hope to see back with us in the New Year). And yes sure enough at the Hall people and cars everywhere, added to by contractors working on the hall and yoga underway, although it seemed more like line dancing to me… After dropping off an array of good looking finger food cars were sorted and off 33 went to Knarston Park, and we were joined for the first time by Rowena McSkimming, who had bought finger food (!) on her first outing, well done, and Neil H grandson.
14 Dec At the start point at Taieri Mouth Helen
At the start point at Taieri Mouth. Photo & caption Helen
14 Dec Setting off beside the Taieri river for the beach Pam
Setting off beside the Taieri river for the beach. Photo & caption Pam
We shambled off down past the river to the beach, which on the day seemed like Waikiki; the wind was quite gentle compared with the day before recce, however the driftwood ‘cabbage tree’ needed it’s socks pulled up….it was a cruisy walk along the beach with no flow from the wetlands to cross, ORC were to open the mouth on the Friday. Baby seals playing in the surf the day before had obviously gone home to Mum.
14 Dec The beach art John
The beach art. Photo & caption John
14 Dec Panaroma Taieri Mouth beach art draws its biggest crowd John
Panorama Taieri Mouth beach art draws its biggest crowd. (Click to enlarge). Photo & caption John

We followed the track into Livingstonia Park for morning tea, making use of all the facilities provided.

14 Dec Morning Tea Phil
Morning Tea. Photo Phil

I was so relaxed I nearly forgot to share my bag of goodies…, but finally remembered, I must be getting older…. Quite a lot of interest was shown in the display boards as we left the Park and walked down ‘main street’ to the entrance to the Alan Green Wetland area.

14 Dec Beside the wetland Phil
Beside the wetlands. Photo Phil
14 Dec Livingstone Wetlands Pam
Livingstone Wetlands. Photo & caption Pam

We dawdled and chatted around the wetland, negotiating the Number 8 wire gates….and off through the forest and the dappled light on the forest floor; what was the sweet scent in the air? Not cabbage trees, not Olearia Fragrantissima shrubs……The sun seemed even hotter when we emerged from the bush, to enjoy the panoramic views of the area.

14 Dec View out across the wetlands Pam
View out across the wetlands with Taieri Island/Moturata Island in the background. Photo & caption Pam

On the return, the group spread out to re-group at the third gate, but as our estimated return time to the Hall was slipping, initiative was shown by the ‘Hall’ team to drive to Coutts Gully road and pick us up and return to Knarston Park, and then the Hall.

14 Dec Heading back to the hall for lunch John
Heading back to the hall for lunch. Photo & caption John

Everyone was accounted for and yes more folk had arrived down for lunch which was great.

14 Dec Fantastic food Helen
Fantastic food. Photo & caption Helen

Following a moment’s silence to remember absent friends and family, followed by Ian Fleming’s grace, 55 folk enjoyed a delicious lunch, supplemented by chocolate goodies from Neil S, another with a near Xmas birthday. This was followed by an update from Anne Ward on the planning for the Bannockburn week in March. After lunch was cleared away Grant Shackell provided a generous bracket of Xmas music, with good crowd participation on occasions! Thank you, Grant.

14 Dec Beautiful singing by Grant Helen
Beautiful singing by Grant. Photo & caption Helen

Thanks also to Jay and the team for setting and cleaning up the food and Hall, especially after not getting full access till after 10.30am.

Another very successful Xmas club outing and yes, the first walk for 2023 is the 11 January!

Ho ho

Phil K

13. 07/09/2022. Alanton Block of the Wenita Forests. Grade 2 –  $8. Leaders: Esther & Karen, Alex & Bruce S.

Forty-six Club members set off on the combined tramp in the Allanton Block of the Wenita Forests, 7.13 km south of the Big Rock School at Brighton.

On the forestry road -M2 - Pam
On the forestry road -M2 (photo & caption Pam)

A welcome was extended to Roger and Barbara who are testing the water. We proceeded along Daphne Road passing the D7 sign and turned into Margaret Road.

Regrouping at the Margaret Road intersection - Jenni
Regrouping at the Margaret Road intersection (photo & caption Jenni)

We had morning tea near a log at about 10 am.

Morning Tea stop on side of road - John
Morning Tea stop on side of road (photo & caption John)

We then proceeded up Margaret Road to Big Stone Road and saw some logging trucks, with logs, emerging from Daphne Road.The lunch venue was changed from the planned spot near Margaret Road to near the start of Kathleen Road.

Catching up over lunch - Pam
Catching up over lunch (photo & caption Pam)
Lunch stop out of the wind - John
Lunch stop out of the wind (photo & caption John)

After lunch we proceeded down Kathleen Road and then along Margaret
Road back to the cars.

Happy leaders heading downhill after lunch - Jenni
Happy leaders heading downhill after lunch (photo & caption Jenni)
Heading back to the coast through Farm land - Pam
Heading back to the coast through Farm land (photo & caption Pam)
And still chatting on the road - Pam
And still chatting on the road (photo & caption Pam)

Distance travelled approximately 10 km. Climb 243 m. The weather remained cool but there was no rain. A large group had refreshments at the Brighton Café.

Looking north over forestry to Blackhead quarry -Pam
Looking north over forestry to Blackhead quarry (photo & caption Pam)

Our thanks are due to all the leaders: Karen, Esther, Alex and Bruce S. In addition, we thank Liz for her liaison with the Brighton Café and Wenita Forests for permission to enter the forest.

Bruce Spittle

12. 20 October 2021. Taieri Mouth. Leaders Bob Mitchell and Barbara Shackell

Clive 20 Oct Leaders photo resize
Bob and Barbara our leaders for the day (caption & photo Clive)

“Twenty (or was it 21?!) folk set out for the Akatore River bridge, where Hike Leader, Bob Mitchell, was to meet us at the anticipated road works traffic lights on the hill climbed at the end of a previous tramp.  There was sufficient off-road parking on the south side of the bridge for all vehicles and we were quickly off, heading downstream to the coast like bits of colourful flotsam, passing as we went a wading spoonbill which took off and flew over us.

Clive 20 Oct Morning tea Akatore Inlet resize
Morning tea Akatore Inlet (caption & photo Clive)

We settled ourselves for morning tea among nesting oystercatchers before tackling the short sharp climb into farmland above the coast.  It was very pleasant strolling south in perfect weather. The forward motion stalled briefly to watch a group of talented surfers riding the regular rollers coming in.

Clive 20 Oct Watching the surfers resize
Watching the surfers (caption & photo Clive)

Unfortunately I was too taken with the conversation with a pleasant land-bound surfer to remember the name she gave the ‘point’.

Clive 20 Oct Scenic Otago coastline
Scenic Otago coastline (caption & photo Clive)

It’s obvious it’s not only trampers that the obliging farmer allows access across his paddocks.  Eventually we set off further south, cross-country, until we dropped down onto a sheltered rocky spot for lunch where a seal kept a benign eye on his human companions.  From the lunch stop the group gradually moved up and inland across lush clover filled paddocks and along farm tracks which brought us out onto the Akatore-Taieri Mouth Road.

Clive 20 Oct Homeward bound
Homeward bound Akatore Conservation Area (caption & photo Clive)

Several kilometres on, we were back at the vehicles with doubts about our ability to reach the Brighton Cafe which was expecting us about 2.15pm.  Unfortunately, when we finally arrived at 2.55pm our fears were realised and we were declined service as they were closing at 3pm.  From that point we made our own way back to Peter Johnstone Park carpark, and from there, home.  Happy, a little sun/windburned, and feeling like we had actually walked the 12 km the fitbits suggested.

Thanks to Bob for his planning, and leading this day.

11. Taieri Mouth Millennium track, Alan Green track. Leaders Jay Devlin, Jan Butcher, Alec and Liz

 On Wednesday the 9th of December approximately 60 members met at the Leitch Memorial Hall at Taieri Mouth for a walk and a shared Christmas Lunch. It was a picture perfect day and showed Taieri Mouth at its best. There were two walks on offer, The Millenium Track and the Alan Green Track.  Most opted for the Alan green Track as it was one that was new to many members. The Alan Green Track is off Moturata Road and is a private conservation track.  It meanders round wetlands and is home to a large variety of bird life which then leads on to a gully with fine examples of podocarps.
“Our Leaders” – Photo and Caption John
“Walking past a magnificent flowering rata tree.” – Photo and Caption Helen
“The picturesque wetland.” – Photo and Caption Gordon


“A peaceful spot.” – Photo and Caption John
“Time to regroup and take in the view.” – Photo and Caption John

The track is very narrow but well formed and is lovely to walk on. At the top of the gully you get lovely views of Taieri Mouth and surrounding farmland. On the way back Alec led us through a track off Livingstonia park where we had great sea views. We got back to the lunch venue 12.30pm.   Arthur lead his group on the Millenium Track which many of us are familiar with. Thirty six folk enjoyed the walks while the remainder were happy to stay and catch up with those they hadn’t seen in a while. Jill, Jan B and their team of helpers stayed at the hall and set up the tables in a Christmas theme and put out delicious food brought by everyone.

“An enjoyable lunch with amazing food.” – Photo and Caption Helen
‘More mature club members.” – Photo and Caption Helen
Faye, Alec and Liz led us in “We Wish You A Merry Christmas”
So to everyone have a safe and Happy Christmas.  Jill Jan B and Jay

10. 21/10/2020. Leaders Noi McCunn and Bob Mitchell

Photo and Caption Clive – “Knarston Park – the set off point”.


Photo and Caption Clive – “The road south from Taieri Mouth”.

Photo and Caption Clive – “The happy team.””.


Photo and Caption Clive – “View back from the coast.”20201021_114650res

Photo and Caption Clive – “Lunch at the beach.”

20201021_114925 (1)
Photo and Caption Clive – “Surfs up”.

9. 24/4/2019. Hikers. Taieri Mouth Area. Leaders: Chris, Dot, Alex and Liz.

Route map, courtesy Ian. 8km limited to the 7 who returned after lunch. (The rest did 4km more not travelled by this Nike app!) The “8km” indicator hides the points on the map where the route started and finished.

About 26 Hikers and Ramblers mustered under a cloudy sky by the Taieri Mouth Bridge to walk through hidden nooks and crannies of the Taieri Mouth area, led by Liz and Alec.

We started off along Riverside Road and cribs that are only a stones throw from the flowing river.   A living history was related by Alec and Liz as we went past the cribs telling us stories of past and present inhabitants.   We eased along a lower part of the Millennium Track to a sheltered glade where we sat down for morning tea. More stories were told of holidays spent along these banks and of income gleaned from whitebait or discarded beer bottles.

C.1) Morning Teac

After morning tea we returned along Riverside Road to Hanning Place.   This is a turn off that is easily passed without discovering Picnic Gully.   Picnic Gully is a walk that used to be frequented by travelers from Dunedin more than a hundred years ago before the bridge was put across the Taieri.

C.3) Picnic Gullyc
Picnic Gully. (Clive pic and caption.)

We didn’t miss it this time and were soon into the thickly covered bush walk


which ended in a scramble up a bank onto a newly bulldozed track up onto Finlayson Road.   This track was very steep and soon had us all stopping to catch our breath.


We learnt that this gully walk crossed the land of Alan Gorton who allows us to cross other parts of his land when going to the old sawmill.  We also acknowledge the work done on the track by the children of the nearby Taieri Mouth school.

Down the hill saw us entering Knarston Park and led us onto the beach.   It was now close to low tide and we could see it would have been easy to walk out to Moturata Island, but not today.   We continued along the beach and passed a recently erected old tree and masses of toa toa and pipi shells.   Charlie and Jess had recorded their presence in Toa toa shells which would last only until the next king tide.K.4aIMG_1907c

Lunch was now in sight.   We arrived at Livingstonia Park as the sun broke through.   There was discussion over lunch as to the name for the park be it Livingstone or Livingstonia.   Those in the know confirmed it as Livingstonia and was a living war memorial to returned servicemen and women with amputations and other injuries.

After lunch we headed up Coutts Gully Road to a walk up through bush at Livingstone – Green bush walk and lagoon.   Someone had taken a lot of time and trouble writing notices along the path explaining the history of the bush area.  There was a great view from the top along the beach to North all the way to Saddle Hill.

C.8) The view from the topc
The view from the top. (Clive pic and caption.)

Once down the hill we skirted the lagoon to see geese spoonbills and ducks before heading back to the cars by the Taieri Bridge.   We had walked nearly 12 kilometers in 4 1/2 hours.   Some wished they could have taken longer as there was such a lot to see and enjoy.   Maybe something to do on another day.   Thanks Liz and Alex.

– Clive

8. 5/12/2017. Both. Livingstonia Park. Moturata Island. M. Leaders: Bob and Phil.

Route Map, courtesy Ian. (Ian pic and caption.)

A combined 32 Trampers and Hikers ventured down  through Brighton to Taieri Mouth , certainly not expecting traffic lights at Kuri Bush!  Livingstonia Park was the starting point after being warmly welcomed by Bob and we set off towards Akatore passing a range of new property developments; just prior to moving on up the rise to the highest point of the walk, Bob detoured us onto the lawn, surrounded by sheltering trees, at the old NZ Forest HQ.

Morning tea at Forestry HQ. (Phil pic and caption.)

Some of us pondered the thoughts of this site having a ‘second coming’ with the new governments initiative of a billion trees…….

We then headed south with the breeze at our back, up the gradually increasing rise, enjoying the views of forest and farmland and sea, interrupted regularly by shouts of ‘truck’ and ‘car’. before Bob again turned us off ( clearly a man with great local knowledge and contacts!)   and headed down through farmland to the seaside.  Here we mounted the stile and various scouts attempted to find their way onto the beach.  This was more easily achieved by Bob when his hands were free after helping at the stile!

A mix of short beach walks, interrupted by rocky headland became the norm, requiring some inventiveness to move through the formations,

Into the promise land? (Phil pic and caption.)

as well as some rather intimate team bonding as some larger rocks were mounted!  Well done everyone!

Eventually the main Taieri Beach came into view and on we set following the curve of the surf to the ‘bar’; nothing changes when tramping, initial hesitancy to getting the feet wet to plain old just barge on in or take the boots off.  Rumours of a channel were probably proved correct as a ‘minor river’ was crossed before the main bar being traversed …

Sand bar, not showing heavy-flowing channel needing to be waded. (Ian pic and caption.)

… and we reached the Island at around 12.30pm, to be greeted by large numbers of nesting gulls;


Birds nesting on Moturata Island close up. (Ian pic and caption)

apparently the island was used to collect guano in the good old days, and you could understand why.

Colours on the rocks over on the Island. (Helen pic and caption.)

With low tide being over half an hour past, it was decided to return to Knarston Park for lunch, and shelter from the incessant sea breeze.  This was a good decision as the ‘minor river’ had increased in volume, requiring river crossing techniques for some.

The scale of the bar was impressive, being much larger than thought, as were the patterns in the sand and rock formations both at the island and on the rocky headlands.

Following a late lunch, (more so because of the early morning tea!) everyone safely made their way back to the cars and met up with others who had completed a shorter walk.

I am reliably informed  the full walk was 11.4 km and well, we won’t specify the altitude will we….

The day was very satisfyingly repleted at the new Brighton Café, where it seemed we had more than 32 folk chatting away!

New coffee bar in Brighton.(Helen pic and caption.)

( Ice creams from next door more than welcome, as both shops are apparently owned by the same folk).

Ho ho and have a happy festive season. – Phil.

7. 26/6/2013. Hikers. Knarston Park. Moturata Island. Leaders: J Knox, P Clough

GPS of Route

It was a treat of a day. Well, yes, a bit of a cold wind, but – the sandbar!

We parked, morning-tead at Knarston Park on concrete picnic table seats that were not at all warm.

Then out to the sandbar. The tide was super-low, half a metre below sea-level. The bar was broad as broad. And dry. We walked and walked. This writer was overwhelmed with the experience of being on such a wide and long stretch of sand so under the waves at other times.  Eventually we reached the island.

At Moturata Island

We sauntered round. The tide was so-o-o low we were assured of plenty of time before heading back. We headed to the rocks the north end of the islands and scrambled over them to see the surf breaking on the seaward side of the island.

Rock at northern end of island.

And then we sauntered back. Marvellous, as John Campbell would say.

The wind was still a bit sharp however, so we went back to the cars and on round the road past the fishing boats. A couple of fisherfolk said they had already noticed us and it was good to hear that locals keep a sharp eye out for the sandbar trekkers. Then on further to the start of the John Bull for lunch. (5km marker on GPS route map).

Lunch at terminus of John Bull track.

Back down and across the bridge to walk round the beach on the river’s true left. Yes, back to the cold wind, but it was behind us. We observed the cliffs below the houses until we thought it best to get off the beach.  We climbed a set of steep large steps and up through a property and a wire fence to reach the highway at the top. (7km on map)

Onto road
Onto road

We took the road back, crossed the bridge and reached our cars at near the 10km mark. Thanks to Judy and Pam carefully checking out our chances the day before and their leadership on the day.

A most satisfying day. – Ian

6. 5/9/2012. Both. Knarston Park. Moturata Island – NOT! Leaders: Ian, Margaret.

Click to get full photo.
Morning tea time – when we were still optimistic of a successful outcome!
Tide, wind and flood were all against us.
Tide – Even though we had got the low tide time exactly as we had wanted, we failed to take in consideration that minimum low tide was still o.9 metros. Must aim for nearer 0.0 next time!
Wind – Although a boisterous wind was from off the land, whipping up sand and breaker spray, the waves were still coming in stronger than we had expected.
Flood – The Taieri River was in quite flood mode, breaking two channels across the sand-bar we had hoped to traverse.
S-o-o-o-o-o. We had morning tea. We walked down the beach to where the rocky part begins and back. We waited. And waited. Some more hopeful than others. Some more resigned to failure. We early lunched. Then walked down the beach again, aiming for a round trip through Livingstonia Park and back along the road, but short-cutted through a bit before that.
And then behold. KB contractors drilling a pipe-line for fibre-optic (we think) alongside the road with a wonderful machine. Complete with GPS guidance showing on a screen to the operator, it automatically screwed and push-drilled successive pipes through alongside the road and  under the ground, with a clever drill-head (we learnt on asking) that could tilt the pipe’s direction left and right, and up and down on the operator’s bidding. Marvellous! (To the technically-minded anyway.)
We were now close to the cars again. The day had been wind, but grew warmer as it progressed. Everyone was philosophical about the way the day had turned out.
Perhaps, as was suggested, a low-tide day late summer or autumn, when the Taieri is NOT in flood would be a much wiser day to tackle the Island next time.

5. 7/8/2011. Both. Taieri Mouth. Knarston Park. Beach Walk. Easy. Leaders: Lex, Graham.

There was a full tide around 11.30 a.m., which we cunningly exploited by negotiating the narrow beach parts before and after its peak.
The beach walk down river however, was rather constrained by the rising tide at one brief point, splitting the ‘(Fool(?)-Hardy Paddlers’ from the ‘Off-Beach-Detourers’ before we could make it to the large beach seen on the next pic.
The Taieri Mouth in the distance behind us.
Inevitably, we had to come to the rocky outcrops and were forced to make our way up a rope-lined track to paddocks.
A careful steep climb.
The track climbed. (Elaine pic.)
A view from the paddocks. (Elaine pic)
Further on, we were able to descend to another beach.
At one point, we were treated to a swimming seal lumbering its way out of the water to sun itself on a rock
Then it was time for lunch before retracing out steps back to our cars.
While we were seated, our President read out a text sent to us by Leslie S from hospital, saying she was feeling better and sitting up. (Today’s trip was a replacement for the scheduled trip to Waipori with Leslie and Bill as leaders.)
The lunch stop.

4. 30/6/2010. Hikers. Taieri Mouth. Beach Walk. Easy. Leaders: Lesley G, Neil.

A bitterly cold wind to start with. – Bill.
Taieri Beach, well wrapped up. Early lunch lunch stop. (Bill pic and caption)

Guess whose knees. (Members only.) (Bill pic and caption)
A necessary warm-up coffee stop. (Bill pic and caption)

3. 17/1/2007. Hikers. Taieri Mouth Easy. Leaders: Chris, Ray.

2. 14/6/2000 Taieri Mouth – Beach Walk. Leaders:Dot B, Joan H, Pam H

1, 8/2/1989. Moturata Island.

Moturata Island. Peg Chisholm, Molly Vaughan.

Millennium Track from Taieri Ferry Rd, Finlayson Rd, Galloway Rd, Bells Farm, Kennedys Farm, Wenita (Morrisons Block) – Information and Trips Library


This page covers the Club tramps and hikes in the area South via SH1 and groups together trips to the Millennium Track  (Henley end) located on Lower Taieri River commencing on Taieri Ferry Road. (map)

Background Information:

Road distances from Mosgiel carpark.
Taieri River Geology for some background information.
Legends of the Lower Taieri includes a section about John Bull if you persist in reading down far enough.
High tides flood the access road and this has happened to us more than once. N.B. Programme Committee! Avoid high tides forecast near the the hours of 9.00 a.m. or 2.00-3.00 p.m.”

2018 Trampers – Millennium Track, Taieri Ferry Rd. to Taieri Mouth and return – “We walked 18.6 km’s.  Similar times of 2 1/4 hours each way. ”
Bell Farm.  (2002) Seek access permission. Lambing Aug to Oct. Cars park halfway down Taieri Ferry Road, end of forest. Up hill till lunch time. Wenita permit. Wenita Map.
Galloway Rd – Taieri Ferry Rd tracks, see map below. Seek access permission.

Links to tramps and hikes in the same area:

14/08/2024. Taieri Mouth Excursion. Hikers.  Leaders: Bill Cubitt & Alex Griffin.
24/07/2024.Millennium Track return, Henley Start. Trampers.  Leaders: Gwenda Farqharson. &  Alison K.

Taieri Ferry and Finlayson Roads, Bells Farm, Kennedys, Millenium (1994 – 2023, 18 trips)
Millennium Track (2002 – 2017, 17 trips with 3 reports)
John Bull Gully Track and Millennium – from Henley and Taieri Mouth (1993 – 2016, 17 trips with 6 reports).


Galloway Copy
Galloway Road tracks map. (Map courtesy Arthur.)


Millennium Track from Taieri Mouth – Information and Trips Library


This page covers the Club tramps and hikes in the area South Coast and groups together trips to the Millennium Track  located on Lower Taieri River commencing on Taieri Mouth. (map)

Background Information:

Road distances from Mosgiel carpark.
Taieri River Geology for some background information.
Legends of the Lower Taieri includes a section about John Bull if you persist in reading down far enough.

Links to tramps and hikes in this area:

John Bull Gully Track and Millennium – from Henley and Taieri Mouth (1993 – 2016, 17 trips with 6 reports).
Taieri Mouth – Inc Millennium, Moturata Island, Akatore, Alanton Block (1989 – 2023, 15 trips with 13 reports including 29/03/2023 Millennium Track).

Millennium Track

Click !!!Taieri River Geology!!! for background information.

Wardells’ Cottage abt 25 km from car park.
High tides flood the access road and this has happened to us more than once. N.B. Programme Committee! Avoid high tides forecast near the the hours of 9.00 a.m. or 2.00-3.00 p.m.

Millennium Track from Taieri Ferry Rd, Finlayson Rd, Galloway Rd, Bells Farm, Kennedys Farm, Wenita (Morrisons Block) – Information and Trips Library

17. 9/8/2017. Hikers. Millennium Track. Leaders: Bob and Lesley.

20 Hikers set out on this bush walk along the Taieri River. The usual wet portions were muddy following all the rain. There were a few small slips onto the track and a few bites out of the lower side, but all negotiable. The track was carpeted with leaves and twigs. Morning tea was at the usual spot down beside the river…

(Wyn pic.)

…and lunch at John Bull Gully.

(Wyn pic.)

This track with many silver ferns and birds is a favourite for many members. We ALL adjourned to The Black Swan for refreshments. – Lesley.

16. 29/7/2015. Hikers. Millennium Track. Leaders: Helen, Bev.

iPhone GPS route map
iPhone Nike app route map of Millennium Track trek.
Our day started with some rain so we had morning tea early at house at start.
Morning tea out of the rain
The 20 Hikers having morning tea out of the rain (John pic)

!!!Click here to get John’s video of us sheltering in the old house verandah!!!

By then the rain had stopped so had a lovely walk led by Helen at front and Bev at the back. Lunch in the ordered sunshine at the tables at John Bull’s gully.

Lunch (1) (John pic)
Lunch (1) (John pic)
Lunch (2) (John pic)
Lunch (2) (John pic)

Slight rain as we started back then the sun again.Nice to see the river through the trees with the leaf drop. Back to cars and through some water on the road. High tide.
Coffee at Wal’s ended our enjoyable day. – Helen

15. 5/10/2014. Both. Millennium Track. Leaders: Les and Margaret.

Tea break
Tea break
Lunch at John Bull Gully
Lunch at John Bull Gully

14. 24/7/2013. Hikers. Millennium Track. Leaders: Les and Margaret.

13. 15/6/2011. Hikers. Millennium Track. Leaders: George, Dorothy
12. 18/8/2010. Both. Millennium Track. Medium- Leader: Lesley St.
Four Trampers unable to do their tramp came with Hikers but walked further to the seat. – Ian
11. 9/9/2009 Hikers. Millennium Track. Medium-. Leaders: Evelyn, Graham
10. 21/1/2009. Hikers. Millennium Track.  Easy+. Hikers Leaders: Les, Margaret, Bev

9. 2/4/2008 Leaders: P McLean, L Gowans

Should we split up?
Should we split up?

Being the first tramp of the month, trampers and hikers combined to walk a good old standby, the Millennium Track down the Taieri River from the old Wardells house. It was a substitute for Berwick Forest which is presently difficult to gain access to. Although only 16 turned out, with many trampers noticeably absent, it was still a good day out, starting cold but improving. In spite of being a frequently used tramp, it’s a lovely piece of bush to take your time in and enjoy and the bird life is a joy to hear. A feature of the walk for the trampers was that 11 walked on beyond John Bull Gully to sample the recently broadened track as far as the seat at the high point of the track. The gradient had been realigned with all steps eliminated, sometimes however making for steep slopes. With the pine plantation gone, we were surprised to see that bullibulli

Bullibulli colonising the slop
Bullibulli colonising the slope

has largely colonised the area. A delightful surprise on the return walk was a juvenile harrier hawk (?)

Juvinile Harrier Hawk?
Juvenile Harrier Hawk? (But see comments below post.)

perched on a broken trunk which quite calmly allowed us to photo it. The 5 of us who chose to go just to the picnic spot by the river really had a very happy time, taking in the scenery, having our lunch and walking back to cars in a leisurely way. – Bev and Ian

8. 5/12/2007. Both. Millennium Track. Easy. Leaders: Lex, Dot T

Wood Pigeon nr track start
Wood Pigeon nr track start (5/12/2007)
Tea stop. Doug M, Neil, Bob H
Tea stop. Doug M, Neil, Bob H (5/12/2007)
Track through newly-cleared plantation. Doug M, Bill
Track through newly-cleared plantation. Doug M, Bill (5/12/2007)

7. 7/3/2007 Leaders: Evelyn C, Bob & Evelyn

6. 13/9/2006. Hikers. Millennium Track. Henley. Easy. Leaders: Lesley G, Chris
5. 19/10/2005. Both. Millennium Track from Henley. Leaders: Ray and Diana, Dorothy S
4. 12/1/2005. Hikers. Millennium Track, Henley. Leaders: Betty B, Dot T
3. 17/4/2004 Trampers. Millennium Track, Henley. Trampers. Medium. Leaders: Glenys P, Wendy B. Easy. Hikers: Jack & Rosemary
2. 7/5/2003 Both. Millennium Track from Henley. Easy. Leaders: Evelyn C, Wendy J, Ray, Les W
Bull Creek lunch. Evelyn, Bill, Lex, Doug Pat
Bull Creek lunch. Evelyn, Bill, Lex, Doug Pat (7/5/2003)
1. 21/8/2002. John Bull – Taieri Mouth from Wardells Henley. Medium. Leaders: Claude, Ian, Donny.

John Bull Gully Track and Millennium – from Henley and Taieri Mouth

No. 38 on old hardcopy list of 113 club tramps. “John Bull Track to River. J Shaw. Year Round”

Location: 31.8 km.

17. 5/10/2016. Hikers. Millennium-John Bull; Taieri Ferry to Taieri Mouth. Bus at both ends. M. Leaders: Bob and Doug.
Map of route Taieri Ferry to Taieri Mouth. 3.3km Ferry Bridge to Wardells Cottage; about 5km to seat; about 3km to track end; about half km to bus at T.M. Bridge.
Map of route. 3.3km ferry bridge to Wardell cottage; about 5km to seat; about 3km to track end; about half km to bus at T.M. bridge.

Millennium Track – combined trip Wednesday 5th October 2016-10-05

A dampish morning did not deter 40 intrepid club members who boarded the bus at the Bush Rd car park promptly at 9am.  Packs were stowed in the luggage compartment and our driver Richard transported the happy crew out to Highway 1 and along to Henley and the start of the track – well, almost the start.  24 hikers disembarked in persistent light rain and trudged along the road for 45 minutes to a morning tea stop on the veranda of the white house just over the style, at the true beginning of the track.

The remaining 16 bods (and  the bus) departed for Taieri Mouth.


Sheltering from the rain for morning tea in the old Wardell's crib verandah.
Sheltering from the rain for morning tea in the old Wardell’s crib verandah.

The upward plod soon began and we were glad it wasn’t too hot.  The light rain continued but there was no wind and it was pleasant for tramping.  It was lovely in the bush with plenty of bird song and glimpses of the river below as we climbed.

A couple of solid hours saw us at the junction down to John Bull Creek, where it was unanimously decided not to descend, but to press on to the top for lunch.  Which we did, collapsing gratefully for welcome food and drink.  The rain had stopped and a pleasant break was had, with chocs to celebrate Alec’s recent birthday.

Lunch at the seat. Rain stopped at last.
Lunch at the seat. Rain stopped at last.
Lunch stop viewed from another angle.
Lunch stop viewed from another angle.

Then down, and down, with a few inadvertent sit-downs, and the loss of a couple of impatient members who tried to take the direct route….it was quite slippery.  No harm done, and we were soon back by the river for the last plod out to the road.  The bus parked by the bridge was a welcome sight.

Nine cheerful souls on the bus had had a pleasant few hours meandering round Taieri Mouth and catching up on gossip, and there was no sign of the hardy seven trampers.

Thanks to hiking leaders Bob and Doug and tramping leader Arthur.  It was a great day out, well-supported and enjoyed by all, and rounded off with a riotous session for coffee for 23 at Topiary.  – Judy.

Coffee at Topiary. 22 in the sun.
Coffee at Topiary. 23 in the sun.

16. 13/7/2016. Trampers. Millennium and John Bull from Henley. M. Leader:  Arthur.
Two cars transported 9 trampers to begin the day’s adventure. The mild temperature was welcome, the sky overcast with northerly breezes.
We left the car-park at 10.00 a.m. and waked for about 10 minutes, to have morning tea at the picnic spot on the riverbank.

Continuing on it was up and down, as the track flows, and then up to the high up seat where we stopped for a little while. This spot overlooks the river to advantage

Another river view. (Margreet pic and caption.)
Another river view. (Margreet pic and caption.)

and also views away to the north too.

View from the top. (Margreet pic and caption.)
View from the top. (Margreet pic and caption.)

For example, Mount Cargill stood out in all its glory, with its mast on top.

The track was now downhill, the trampers intelligently noting that it would be the opposite on the returning journey. We came to a small wind-blown tree across the track, but Neil M. wrestled mightily with it and it was a problem no more.

An hour after leaving the high up seat we reached the track’s end. We were invited to have our lunch outside at Jay’s nearby house (she didn’t have the key with her), which we found a most pleasant and suitable place. – Thanks, Jay.

Lunch on the verandah of Jay's Bach at Taieri Mouth. (Margreet pic and caption.)
Lunch on the verandah of Jay’s Bach at Taieri Mouth. (Margreet pic and caption.)
A half-hour’s lunch and rest stop, and the party was on the track again. Grim determination was noted now, and with little talking, a fast pace was set, and we were back at the high up seat in an hour uphill – the same time as it had taken going down.
It had just come on to rain, so a brief regroup was taken under the trees, coats on, etc. The view being ignored now, downhill, and we were back at John Bull gully – just as the rain stopped and the sun came out.
Up the zigzag, and along, and down, etc., saw us back a the car park at 3.35 p.m.
The DoC sign at the car park stated that it was 9.3 km to Taieri Mouth but Margreet’s electronic gizmo said that we had done 16.2 kms.
Whatever distance we walked, we can say very definitely that “we went there and back”. A satisfying day’s tramp.
Blustery wind and rain welcomed us back to Mosgiel. No time for coffee today! – Arthur (substitute leader for Helen – off sick.)

15. 9/9/2015. Trampers.  John Bull and Millennium from Taieri Mouth.
This tramp was done in place of the one scheduled, as I could not get permission from the farmer to do the tramp that was on the program.
Ten of us arrived at the Taieri Mouth car park, & set off along the riverside track. We had quite a late morning tea stop at the wooden seat at the top,…

Cuppa (Ken pic)

…before going down to John Bull Gully, where we had a short break. Then it was on along the Millennium track towards the Henley end. We arrived at the picnic spot down by the river, & had lunch there…

Lunch1 (Ken pic)
Lunch2 (Ken pic)

…before setting off to do the remainder of the track, though to Wardells Cottage, & the car park beyond. [just to do the full track distance]
After a short break here, it was back the way we had come. We stopped at the seat at the highest point again for a rest & refreshments, after climbing the quite steep track up from John Bull Gully. We then made our way back to the cars at Taieri Mouth.
The weather was fine all day, but the track was quite muddy in places, & care is needed on the downhill muddy slopes.
It was good to hear the comments from some, that they had enjoyed the walk.
Although many in the group had walked both tracks in the past, it was the first time that quite a few of us had walked the full distance, there & back.

Walked 16.4km; ave 3.8km/h; moving time 4h 15mins; climbed 760m. – Ken.

14. 21/12/2011. Trampers. John Bull and Millennium from Taieri Mouth.

GPS. Taieri Mouth John Bull Gully Millennium Track. Courtesy Ken.
Lunch. (Ken pic and caption)
Lunch2. (Ken pic and caption)
13. 8/12/2010. Trampers. Taieri Mouth to Wardells’ Cottage, return. H.
GPS of route, courtesy Ken.
The day was a bit cold and windy with some promised rain. A vote taken at the Taieri River mouth bridge was two to one (the writer was the ‘one’) with two abstentions to do the more sheltered John Bull Gully track instead of the scheduled Akatore beach walk. Aerobically it was certainly more beneficial with its plentiful provision of ups and downs. Continuing on to the Millennium Track to Wardells Cottage as well provided us with an all-up 18 km work-out which we all enjoyed. There was some spring grass overgrowth in places and the odd fallen tree. Some scrub cutting had been started There was some school group or other on inflatables out on the Taieri.
Distant shot of inflatables on river
12. 15/4/2009 Hikers. John Bull Track. Leaders: Lesley S, Bill H, Fred.

The hikers’ walk from Taieri Mouth on the John Bull track took a turn for the worse when 2hrs into the walk Elaine had to stop because of chest pains etc.
Leaving Elaine in the professional care of Bev, Lesley G and Neil, the remaining 10 carried on to higher ground to try and get cell phone coverage. This proved more difficult than anticipated and it took Lesley S to search for higher open area off the main track before finally making contact with the emergency service.
After the helicopter landed a paramedic ran down the track to where Elaine was lying. After her condition was checked and she was stabilized, she was attached to the paramedic and winched through a small gap in the bush canopy into the helicopter. – Fred

Morning Tea
Morning Tea. Neil, Evelyn, Bob, Lesley, Chris, Fred, Margaret. (Elaine pic)
Calm Taieri
Calm Taieri. Lesley, Margaret, Evelyn, Les. (Elaine pic)
Taieri reflection (Elaine pic)
Taieri reflection (Elaine pic)

Update from Elaine.

Hello Ian

I have been overwhelmed with kindness from the tramp club since the event on the John Bull track.
Would you be able to convey my thanks to the members of the club who helped as a great team in my dramatic exit from the track  which I don’t really remember.
The quick action of Bev, Lesley and so. I have found out the support of Neil in keeping me warm. And Lesley S who found cell phone coverage.
Chris who rang  her husband in Brighton who  linked it all together and the tramper who had the white shirts on that lay in the open area for the chopper.
ED at the hospital told me later that I was very lucky that I had had such great care.
They did a battery of tests –  CT Scans  but the last test I had was the Head  Scan. (That was purely because I was a member of the TRTC –  “Just joking”  they said.)   I had previously told them about the mad wet day that we did to Dr Point in the rain.
It has turned out great in the end. They said I can carry on tramping as usual next week If you will have me back?
Kind regards to every one – Elaine.
11. 16/5/2007. Hikers. John Bull from  Taieri Mouth. Medium. Leaders: Dot B, Lesley G.
10. 15/10/2003. Medium. John Bull Gully from Taieri Mouth. Medium. Leaders: Jack and Rosemary.
9. 5/9/2001. Combined. John Bull Track. Leaders: Frank and Lesley, Pam.
8. 1/11/2000. John Bull Track. Leaders: Doug M, Hazel, Jean.
7. 16/6/1999. John Bull Track. Leaders: Lance and Lois, Judy C.
6. 18/11/1998. John Bull Track to river. Leaders: Dot B, Doug and Ngaire.
5. 8/7/1998. John Bull Gully and return. Leaders: Bev H, Bev McI.
4. 4/6/1997. John Bully Gully. Leaders: Joyce, Nancy, Eleanor.
3. 14/2/1996. John Bull Gully. Leaders: Dot and Eric.
2. 6/4/1994. John Bull Track, then over paddock to Waihola Road, back on John Bull Track. Medium. Les S, Bill H, Doug and Ngaire
1. 17/2/1993. Taieri Mouth Bridge to John Bull Flat. Average. Leaders: Eric and Dorothy, Joan H, Chris.