10/07/2024. Government Track, Kowhai Spur. Grade 4. Trampers. Leaders: Lyn Keene, Jenny Wilton.
18 Trampers braved a frosty morning to walk the Government Track /Kowhai Spur. Continue reading “Government Track and Kowhai Spur”
Category: Trampers
Nicols Creek, Moon Track, Pepper Tree Track, Pineapple Track
26/06/2024 2024. Trampers. Nicols Creek, Pineapple Track. Grade 4. Leaders: Wyn and Ross Davies.
The weather forecasts were not very encouraging. Nevertheless, 12 courageous trampers arrived at the meeting point at Booth Road Continue reading “Nicols Creek, Moon Track, Pepper Tree Track, Pineapple Track”
Goodwood Road, Bobby’s Head, Puketapu
Bobby’s Head, near Palmerston. Also Puketapu.
7. 19/6/2024 Bobby’s Head expand. Grade 2.5 Leaders Barbara Shackell and Dave Mellish
The weather report was not that exciting for the planned trip to the Bobbys Head area east of Palmerston.
Rollinsons Rd Locked gate, Swinespur, Swampy Ridge, McQuilkans, Smithies
Click Swampy ridge track for background information
5. 12/06/2024. Smithys, McQuillans, Swampy Ridge Road and Swine Spur. Trampers. Grade 3.5. Leaders Esther and Gail.
Twenty-two hardy trampers met at PJ park, and headed to Rollinson Road where we parked. Continue reading “Rollinsons Rd Locked gate, Swinespur, Swampy Ridge, McQuilkans, Smithies”
Boulder Beach
Boulder Beach closed during yellow eyed penguin nesting 1 November – 28 February.
Distance from car-park: 24 km to Macandrew Bay, 27 to Highcliff Road.
18. 22/05/2024. Trampers. Macandrew Bay to Boulder Beach and return. Leaders Pam and Gwenda
With overcast skies 23 trampers headed up Greenacres Track (From Macandrew Bay) to Boulder Beach. Continue reading “Boulder Beach”
Mountain Road / South Waikouaiti River
2. 15 May 2024. Trampers. Mountain Road/ South Waikouaiti River. Grade 4. Leaders: Graham Thurlow and John Gardiner
Sometimes my grandmother would say something to me, and I’d ask,
“How do you know that?”
She used to say,
“A wee birdie told me.”
This report is a ‘wee birdie’ (a Fantail) told me tale: –
Grahams Bush, Old Main Rd, Organ Pipes, Buttars Peak, Mt Cargill, Mt Cutten
18. 24/04/2024. Hikers. Graham’s Bush/Organ Pipes. Grade 3. 27 km. Leaders: Maria MacNee/Theresa White
A twenty-one strong group of hikers met at the rendezvous in Sawyer’s Bay at the Emmanuel Church Car Park. Continue reading “Grahams Bush, Old Main Rd, Organ Pipes, Buttars Peak, Mt Cargill, Mt Cutten”
Rosella Ridge
Mt Charles, Cape Saunders, Puddingstone Rock, Allans Beach
No. 99 on old hardcopy list of 113 club tramps. “Mt Charles Mr Neil Farm”.
27 km from car-park.
Click here to read about Cape Saunders Lighthouse and the two graves
Mt Charles, Cape Saunders – Information and Trips Library
12. 10/4/2024 Mt Charles Grade 4 Leaders: Graham and Carol Thurlow
28 trampers gathered at Allan’s Beach. Continue reading “Mt Charles, Cape Saunders, Puddingstone Rock, Allans Beach”
Sandymount – Sandfly Bay
No. 24 on old hardcopy list of 113 club tramps. “Lovers Leap – The Chasm – Sandfly Bay. N Strang. Farm. Year Round.” No. 73 on old hardcopy list of 113 club tramps. “Sandymount – Lovers Leap. Year Round”.
29 km from car-park.
See Sandymount for area background information.
Sandymount closed for lambing Aug-Oct. Track unformed in places, grassy, slippery when wet. (See also article on pingao planting.)
Maori Peak, Split Rock (Trampers)
Harbour Cone, Broad Bay, Turnbulls Bay, Bacon Street, Peggys Hill
Broad Bay Future Forest – background information.
Trampers park cars at Broad Bay. DCC Public Land; Hikers park at top of Bacon Street.
20. 20/03/2024. Hikers. Broad Bay Future Forest (New Hike), Grade 2.5. 30 km. Leaders: Jenny Flack, Vivienne Manning.
Twenty hikers gathered at the end of Bacon St for this new walk. Continue reading “Harbour Cone, Broad Bay, Turnbulls Bay, Bacon Street, Peggys Hill”
Evansdale, Careys Creek, Honeycomb, Rongomai
Track up Careys Creek alone: an easy walk.
Continue reading “Evansdale, Careys Creek, Honeycomb, Rongomai”
Waikouaiti: Matanaka, Beach Walk
Mahinerangi Farm Tramps
We tramped the reverse route from last time after parking in Ash Beattie’s yard. The day was sunny, became warmer as time went on and the expected wind proved to not be a problem. Morning Tea was enjoyed at the Black Rock.