Moeraki Millennium Track Moeraki Township to Moeraki Boulders

15Boulders Thumbnail/01/2025. Moeraki Millennium Track Moeraki Township to Moeraki Boulders. Grade 2.5. Hikers.  Leaders: Neville Griffiths and Dave Roberts.

A group of 13 hikers in 4 cars made the trip to Moeraki and met up at the car park adjacent to the public toilets in the Moeraki township.

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Fraser’s Gully

9 Oct Frasers Gully Hikers Square Photo09/10/2024. Fraser’s Gully. Grade 2.5. Hikers. Leaders Helen Morris and Heather Reid.
18 hardy souls left the PJ carpark for Frasers Gully car park on a damp morning. No rain in town. Walked up so far and stopped for our morning tea on a corner. Then carried on up to the top at Dalziels Road. Continue reading “Fraser’s Gully”

Three Mile Hill Forest

Square 150 Hikers18/09/2024.  Three Mile Hill Forest. Grade 3.     Hikers.  Leaders: Bruce Spittle & Bill Cubitt.
Thirty-two outdoor enthusiasts, including Dave and Peter coming for their first hikes, assembled on the Taieri Lookout carpark a day or so after snow had covered nearby hills. Continue reading “Three Mile Hill Forest”

Big Stone Road

11 Sep Big Stone Road Hikers Square Photo. Photo & Caption Helen11/09/2024. Big Stone Road. Grade 3. Hikers. Leaders: Bill Cubitt & Adrienne Ensor.
On a beautiful spring morning 20 keen walkers started out from the lay-bay opposite the entrance to Daphne Road to commence their adventure through, what is known as the Allanton Block of Wenita Forest.

Continue reading “Big Stone Road”