Upcoming Trips

Trip Organisation Guidelines for leaders and trip participants and Track Grading information. See also Trip Programme Information.
Trip Programme for printing (likely not up to date).
Distances and costs are for road travel from Mosgiel car park.
Trip details may change – check latest notices.
This webpage has all current updates. Last updated 28/03/25.

Meeting time at the Mosgiel car park is 8:45 am for 9:00 am prompt departure.

Wednesday 2 April.
Combined. Inch Clutha. Grade 2.5. $17. 70 km (road distance PJP to Somewhere). Leaders: Phil and Raewyn Keene, Graeme Souter, Bruce and Jenni Wright.

Wednesday 9 April.
Trampers. Trotters George, Palmerston Package. Grade 3. $21. 83 km (road distance PJP to Trotters Gorge Scenic Reserve). Leaders: Neil Hodgkin, Sarah McCormack.
Hikers. Old County Track, Waikouaiti. Grade 2. $14. 55 km (road distance PJP to Waikouaiti Centre). Leaders: Jan Butcher, Shirley and Noel McRandle.

Wednesday 16 April.
Trampers. Leisman Falls, Powder Hill, Chalkies Circuit. Grade 4 $5 11km (road distance PJP to Silverstream Car park).
Leaders: Katrina McKenzie, Julie MacKenzie
Hikers. Historic Port Chalmers. Grade 2. $8. 30 km (road distance PJP to Mount St, Port Chalmers). Leaders: Mike Webb, Max Wilson. Continue reading “Upcoming Trips”

Hereweka Harbour Cone Future Forest – Background Information

Start Track SquareThe Hereweka Harbour Cone block of 328ha where the Future Forest is, was bought by the DCC in 2008. Since 2015 it has been managed by the Hereweka Harbour Cone Charitable Trust Continue reading “Hereweka Harbour Cone Future Forest – Background Information”

Ross Creek, Lower Leith Valley, Wakari Rd Bike Park, McGouns, Pineapple and Davies Tracks – Information and Trips Library


This grouping of Club tramps and hikes covers trips involving Woodhaugh, Leith Valley up to Islay Street, Pineapple Track up to Flagstaff (Skyline) Track, Davies Track, McGouns Track, Wakari Rd Bike Tracks, Ross Creek Reserve, Cannington Road and Prospect Road.

Screenshot 2024 08 22 070804 Leith Valley

Background Information:

Road distances from Mosgiel carpark.
Dunedin’s Water Supply.
Pineapple Track: Information.
Pineapple and Flagstaff Walk.

Links to tramps and hikes in the same area:

28/08/2024. Ross Creek and Davies Track. Trampers.  Grade 4 Leaders: Ross Davies and Sarah McCormack.

Continue reading “Ross Creek, Lower Leith Valley, Wakari Rd Bike Park, McGouns, Pineapple and Davies Tracks – Information and Trips Library”

Jenni’s Ginger Truffles Recipe

Jenni’s Ginger Truffles Recipe: We all enjoyed the lovely treats at morning tea time, thanks to Jenni and Bruce! Jenni told me that lots of people asked for this recipe.

Ginger Truffles

 250 g gingernut biscuits
 395 g condensed milk
 60 g glace ginger
 3 cup desiccated coconut
 220 g dark chocolate
 1/2 cup shredded coconut *to decorate

1. Line baking sheets with baking paper. In a food processor, process gingernut biscuits until fine. (To easily crush the biscuits, I heat oven to about 140-150, pop biscuits in until they are starting to go slightly soft, about 10 mins, then easy to blitz in kitchen whiz).
2. Chop desired amount of glace ginger into fine pieces.
3. In a medium bowl mix together the crushed biscuits, condensed milk, chopped glace, ginger and desiccated coconut.
4. Place the mixture in the fridge for at least half hour – rolling the balls is much easier when the mixture is cool. If you would like to coat some of the balls in shredded coconut, do that now while the mixture is sticky.
5. Roll bite-size balls and place on a plate. Refrigerate again before coating with chocolate.
6. Melt the chocolate. Coat truffles in melted chocolate and place on baking paper to set.

You may also like to keep some truffles plain/uncoated.

See 5 October 2022 Abbotsford and Environs.


Ady’s Nut Fudge Recipe

Original recipe: Bliss Balls

1 1/2 Cups ground almonds
1/4 Cup chocolate protein powder
2 Tbspn Maple Syrup
2 Tbspn peanut butter
120gm dark chocolate
Coconut flakes garnish

My recipe: Nut Fudge

1 1/2 cups ground almonds
1/4 Cup Cocoa
2 Tbspn runny honey
2 Tbspn Peanut Butter
120 gms chocolate chips
Roasted Peanuts roasted blitzed
Dates cut in half.

If you double recipe you also need 2 ozs butter approx.
Put chocolate chips, dates, runny honey & in basin in oven or microwave what ever container using. Give a good stir when melted & put with dry ingredients in beater combine.
Double mixture is big enough for Swiss Roll tin.
Press Coconut over top & put in fridge to set.

from Ady Whitson August 2024.
(see 14/08/2024. Taieri Mouth Excursion.)


Bannockburn Camp 2023- Hiking, Tramping and Biking

3 -10 March 2023. Bannockburn. Trampers and Hikers and Bikers. Leaders: Anne and Rod Ward.

The club planned a trip to Bannockburn for three days of tramping and three of bike rides. This all started on Friday 3rd of March with accommodation at the old Bannockburn school now run by the Otago Outdoor Education Trust. Accommodation was a mix of the old schoolhouse, an attached cottage and the barracks for boys and girls at the other end. Anne and Rod had a full programme of activities for the six days, including delegating the evening meals to teams for the first four nights, this included providing nibbles, main course, dessert, and home baking for supper.

Friday 3rd March – Day 0
Travelled to Bannockburn and settled into the camp. It was a beautiful hot afternoon/evening under the veranda soaking up the atmosphere. With rooms sorted some had a swim, others happy to watch. Team 1 prepared scrumptious ham, salads, etc as required for the duty team.

Bannockburn day 0 John
First night, settling in. Photo & caption John
Bannockburn Camp Helen Day 0
Bannockburn Camp. Photo Helen

Saturday 4th March – Tramping
Link to Day 1 tramping report: Kanuka Track and Trail to Old Cromwell Town.

Sunday 5th March – Tramping
Link to Day 2 tramping report: Kawarau River Track.

Monday 6th March – Tramping
Link to Day 3 tramping report: Bannockburn sluicings, Stewart Town and Long Gully Loop Track.

Tuesday 7th March – Biking
Link to Day 4 biking report: Bannockburn Camp to Smiths Way and return.

Wednesday 8th March – Biking
Link to Day 5 biking report: Lake Dunstan Trail and Millennium Track to Alexandra.

Thursday 9th March – Biking
Link to Day 6 biking report: Gibston to Arrowtown and Back.

Friday 10th March
All that remained to do for those who stayed overnight was to pack up, tidy up, and head back home.

Thanks to all cooking groups for preparing and organizing meals, that were varied and enjoyable, great menus for the week.

Also to all the drivers for ferrying us to various start and pickup points, your service was invaluable and very much appreciated.

Overall our accommodation was well suited for our tramping group. Bannockburn Outdoor Trust was very obliging to our needs. I’m sure we’ll return for more adventures.

Thanks, Anne

Bannockburn Camp Day 1: Kanuka Track and Trail to Old Cromwell Town.

Saturday 4th March – Tramping
Day 1 – Kanuka Track plus Trail to Old Cromwell Town.
Lunches made, the tramping group (20) travelled to the Bendigo DOC Historic Reserve to complete the Kanuka Loop Track – 14kms from the Cromwell bridge to the turnoff onto Bendigo Loop Road and onto Mines Road to the carpark. The day was overcast with periods of drizzle so required jackets off and on as needed.

Bannockburn Kanuka track they are on their way Phil Day 1
They are on their way. Photo & caption Phil
Bannockburn Kanuka track Day 1 John
Morning tea. Photo & caption John
Bannockburn Kanuka track view of tarras Phil Day 1
Working out where Tarras Airport is? Photo & caption Phil

This track is 10.6km long, with elevation gain of 487vertical metres. It is a rugged trail with steep sections, but the elevation gains give you views from the Old Woman Range to the Saint Bathans. Underfoot it’s a variation of grass, tussock, rocky outcrops, with some good cover from the Kanuka and Manuka bush, Lunch was at the skyline ridge. Moving time for our tramp was just over 4 hours. Once back to the cars we drove up the hill to have a look at the relics of the old goldmining settlement of Welshtown, stone buildings and mineshafts from a bygone area. After much discussion we agreed the track rating would be 4.5.

Bannockburn hikers day 1 Helen
The 3 hikers. Dave, Helen and Raewyn. Photo & caption Helen

The Hikers (3) enjoyed a walk on the track to Old Cromwell Town for coffee and return 5.2km each way.

Bannockburn Camp Raewyns's team dinner Day 1
Team Raewyn’s tea. Photo & caption Phil

Link to next day.

Bannockburn Camp Day 2: Kawarau River Track

<<– Link to previous day

Sunday 5th March – Tramping:
Day 2 –Kawarau River Track.
Due to rain overnight and start of Sunday morning we changed our walk to River Walk from Bannockburn Bridge up Kawarau River track (combined walk). Some walked return and others were given a lift back to camp where we had lunch. (4.5km each way) Very interesting walk which one day will join up with the carpark at the Goldfields Mining Centre.

Bannockburn Day 2 River walk Helen
Beautiful views. Photo & caption Helen
Bannockburn Day 2 River walk John
The long and winding road. Photo & caption John
Bannockburn Day 2 Mist rising John
Morning mist lifts on another day. Photo & caption John

In the afternoon Ross took us to the Quartz Reef Point Track about 6kms up the lake from the Cromwell bridge for a brisk 30 min walk from the carpark to view the formation of diggings in the shape of leaves (herringbone tailings).

Bannockburn Day 2 Northburn John
Hope this is worth it. Photo & caption John
Bannockburn Day 2 No need to go to the gym back in the day Phil
No need to go to the gym back in the day. Photo & caption John

Some travelled back to Cromwell Pool for well-earned spa & swim while others visited Highland Park racetrack.

Bannockburn Day 2 Boys and their toys Helen
Boys and their toys. Photo & caption John
Bannockburn Loos with a view Helen
Photo Helen
Bannockburn This one took Johns fancy Helen
This one took John’s fancy. Photo & caption Helen
Bannockburn Helen laying down the law to her 'boys'! Phil
Helen laying down the law to her ‘boys’. Photo & caption Phil


Link to next day –>>

Bannockburn Camp Day 3: Bannockburn Sluicings, Stewart Town, Long Gully Loop Track

<<– Link to previous day.

Monday 6th March – Tramping.
Day 3 – Bannockburn Sluicings, Stewart Town, Long Gully Loop Track

Beautiful weather for start of the day. Lunches made. We left cars at Bannockburn Camp just a short distance from School Camp and headed along Domain Road/Gibson Road to the start of sluicings and up to Stewart Town for morning tea with all of group.

Bannockburn Day 3 High Tea under the trees at Stewart Town Phil
High Tea under the trees at Stewart Town. Photo & caption Phil
Bannockburn Day 3 Heather's photographic skills to the fore John
Heather’s photographic skills to the fore. Photo & caption John
Bannockburn Day 3 Stewart Town Helen
Lovely old house. Photo & caption Helen

Here hikers and trampers parted ways, the hikers walking around through sluicings to Felton Road and back to carpark via coffee stopover.

Bannockburn Day 3 Hikers at lunch Helen
Hikers at lunch at the Black Rabbit cafe in Bannockburn. Photo & caption Helen

The trampers headed further afield to complete Long Gully Loop Track 7kms, a steady uphill climb, where we stopped for lunch at the top and admired magnificent views of Bannockburn, its wineries and further down to Cromwell and Lake Dunstan. We couldn’t have chosen a better day; the scenery was amazing. Lunch over and back down steep incline to complete Loop Track, a tired but very satisfied group on completion of track.

Bannockburn Day 3 Stewart Town tramp Phil
Boundary riders. Photo & caption Phil
Bannockburn Day 3 We did it Phil
We did it. Photo & caption Phil
Bannockburn Day 3 A long way down John
A long way down. Photo & caption John
Bannockburn Day 3 Felton road vineyard Neil
Views of the Felton road vineyard. Photo & caption Neil

Many sore and tired muscles took refuge in the pool back at camp.

Bannockburn Day 3 Wyn savouring Keith's cooking Phil
Wyn savouring Keith’s cooking. Photo & caption Phil

Neil started the evening meal with his version of grace, very apt for our group. Our yummy meal was followed by Neil’s quick wit for ‘News of the Day’ very entertaining thanks Neil. Shona and Keith arrived just in time to assist with meal preparation.

Link to next day –>>

Bannockburn Camp Day 4: Bike from Camp to Smiths Way and Back

<<– Link to previous day

Tuesday 7th March – Biking
Day 4 – Bike to Bannockburn Camp to Smiths Way and return.

This was the start of the biking days so some of the trampers headed home after breakfast. After swapping poles for bikes our (15 bikers) first ride was from Bannockburn camp to Old Cromwell, Pisa Moorings and up to Smiths Way a round trip of about 52kms, on the return we stopped at the coffee shop for mostly our own homemade lunch; jolly decent of them to allow this for just a few cups of coffee. This was a 3-hour trip so we were home early.

Bannockburn Day 4 Cyclists Phil
Tour de Dunstan starters. Photo & caption Phil
Bannockburn Day 4 Crossing Bannockburn Bridge Phil
Crossing Bannockburn Bridge. Photo & caption Phil
Bannockburn Billy getting in the way Phil
Billy plays chicken. Photo & caption Phil
Bannockburn Day 4 Lunch at Pisa Moorings Helen
Lunch at Pisa Moorings. Photo & caption Helen
Bannockburn day 4 census night Phil
The census stumps the brains trust. Photo & caption Phil

Link to next day –>>

Bannockburn Camp Day 5: Lake Dunstan Trail and Millennium Track to Alexandra.

<<– Link to previous day

Wednesday 8th – Biking
Day 5: Biking Lake Dunstan Trail and Millennium Track to Alexandra.
Getting a bit more adventurous, so this was a big day for some. The logistics keep our coordinator on the ball with lots of options offered and only one trailer to pick up bikes.

Bannockburn day 5 starting at Alexandra Phil
Starting at Alexandra. Photo & caption Phil

Some headed off from the camp to the Lake Dunstan Trail and others did the same but went down another 12kms on the Millennium track to Alexandra. Others started at the other end and came back, and a few did only the Millennium track. Everyone met at the Clyde Rowing club for lunch. It was perfect weather.

Bannockburn Sculpture on the trail Phil
Sculpture on the trail. Photo & caption Phil
Bannockburn the bannockburn starters arrive Phil
The Bannockburn starters arrive; the following numbers to weigh in are… Photo & caption Phil
Bannockburn Day 5 Lunch in the sun Helen
Lunch at the rowing club. Photo & caption Helen

Link to next day –>>

Bannockburn Camp Day 6: Biking Gibston to Arrowtown and Back

<<– link to previous day

Thursday 9th – Biking
Day 6: Biking from Gibston to Arrowtown and Back.

Final day, so we loaded the trailer and two cars with 12 bikes and headed to Gibbston Tavern, from there we rode to Arrowtown on the Gibbston River Wine Trail and Arrow River Bridge Trail, via the bungee jump bridge: 22km each way.

Last day Well spotted Phil, congratulations Phil
Well spotted Phil, congratulations. Photo & caption (other) Phil
Last day bridge Phil
Crossing the rubicon? Photo & caption Phil

Lunch at Arrowtown was pretty much a pie for everyone with a coffee or tea to wash it down, the riders returned to the Gibbston Tavern for a cool drink and pizza mid-afternoon, tea that night was light with all the leftovers from the week.

Last day pie Rod Phil
What a pie, definitely not a Jimmy’s. Photo & caption Phil
Last day animals Helen
Friends in the paddock and Dave. Photo & caption Helen
Last day gibbston tavern Helen
Pizza and cool beverage. Photo & caption Helen
Last day lunch Phil
A well earned pizza and ginger (alcoholic) beer at the Tavern. Photo & caption Phil


link to back to main page –>>

Whare Flat – Information and Trips Library

Background Information:

Road distances from Mosgiel carpark.
Whare Flat School (history)

Links to tramps and hikes to the same area:

26/06/2024. Whare Flat. Hikers. Grade 2.5. 11km. Leaders: Bruce Spittle,  Adrienne Ensor.
Tramps Associated with the Whare Flat Schoolhouse. (1995 – 2017, 4 trips, only 2 reports).
Waiora Scout Camp (2007 – 2020, 3 trips all with reports). Continue reading “Whare Flat – Information and Trips Library”

Government Track, Kowhai Spur, Mill Creek – Information and Trips Library

Background Information:

Road distances from Mosgiel carpark.
2.5+ hours from road to Pole-line and Styx Road.
DCC – Government Track map – see image below.
DCC: Mountain biking on Government Track
[DCC brochure extract: Government Track. 4 hr 30 min, 17 km (return). Continue reading “Government Track, Kowhai Spur, Mill Creek – Information and Trips Library”