This page of club tramps and hikes in the Dunedin Central City area groups together trips from the Bull Ring (Flagstaff / Whare Flat Road) and incorporates the Flagstaff Walkway, Pineapple Track and Ben Rudd shelter. (map)
This grouping of Club tramps and hikes covers trips involving Woodhaugh, Leith Valley up to Islay Street, Pineapple Track up to Flagstaff (Skyline) Track, Davies Track, McGouns Track, Wakari Rd Bike Tracks, Ross Creek Reserve, Cannington Road and Prospect Road.
On parking our cars at the Nicols Creek bridge we were amazed to find a whole new set of tracks up the creek’s true left made by Mountain Biking Otago. This part had been discovered by our leaders only at the end of their recce so for us it was a recce in itself. The tracks (open to walkers too) zigzagged and zigzagged up the slope on a gentle gradient which although easy walking added a considerable distance to the day. But it was fun. See Nicols Creek tracks for details – click on Image Gallery for an endless supply of photos of the tracks. Well, that was track number one.
We eventually latched onto Moon Track further up and sat down to morning tea with Ferrero Rocher chocs slipped into Ian’s pack by Lex earlier to celebrate Lex’s 80th birthday.
and almost immediately across and down McQuilkin Track. This was well cleared but two or three nasty bush crashes across the track made for some scratchy scrambling through. Wish we had brought our pruning saws. We joined Possum Busters and made our way round the track to where it links with Possum Hunters where we lunched at 12.30. On the way we made the three familar McQuilkin stream-crossings and the fourth came shortly after lunch
McQuilkan creek cross No. 4
McQuilkan creek crossing No. 4. Doug, George
and the second treat of Lex’s chocs. Again we struck several bush falls across the track (where were those saws?) and reached the bottom of the Jim Freeman.
It proved just as steep (or steeper? – as we age!) as it ever was. There were one or two Rhodo blossoms on the track but none on Bruce Campbell’s bushes that we passed up. Then it was onto the Ben Rudd track and up to the Firebreak. Down along that and across to the Pineapple
View of Dunedin.
View of Dunedin.
and then steeply down to where we reached the place to strike left and down through the long Spring cocksfoot to where our leaders had cleverly located the almost hidden entrance to the bush track that would lead us through to the Nicols Track that took us down the creek’s true right to the cars. The wind on the top kept us from over-heating. To repeat, the highlight of the day had been the discovery of Mountain Biking Otago’s work-in-progress of its ambitious biking tracks, making for a surpising addition to our day out. – Ian