14. 24/01/2024. Trampers. Ship at Anchor. Grade 4.5. $14. Leaders: Phil Keene/Gary Mort Lyn Keene.
18 keen trampers turned up and left right on time at 8.30am in 4 vehicles, stopping briefly in Outram for tramper No 19, then travelled through the rolling uplands to above Lake Mahinerangi, before turning right up the El Dorado track, right to the end, through mobs of daggy sheep, the windfarm, the Blackrock Scientific Reserve and finally through the locked gates of DCC 3 Waters with the cameras keeping an eye. Ross was in charge of the key and maybe had a pinch of hypothermia by the time he was back in the car. Brrr would we find our riches at El Dorado?
Some Words From The Wise, Before We Set Off (Photo & Caption Ross)
It was 10am before we set off walking, the group happily forgoing morning tea until we arrived 45 minutes later at the Chinese Diggings situated on the east bank of Deep Stream which was up a little following rain the prior day.
Fuelling Up At Deep Stream Before Ascending The Hill Behind (Photo & Caption Pam)
Mmm NZ Topo 50 is telling us we have to go west and will have to cross. The thought of this seemed to necessitate a continuous stream of walkers, single file, into the bushes. Thankfully they all came back and with a little help from our friends we all crossed, with wet feet and knees to the other side.
“ Follow The Leader” Across Deep Stream (Photo & Caption Pam)
Thus began a steep ascent with a new pathway selected every few steps, not to mention the need for a breather at fairly short intervals!
Scrambling Up The Lammermoore’s To Admire The Expansive Landscape (Photo & Caption Pam)A Big Sky With Cloud Shadows On The Land (Photo & Caption Marijke)Climbing Every Mountain (Photo & Caption Phil)
The ascent was followed by steady to steep ridge-line walk keeping to the true left of a stream, before crossing over nearly at the head, and finally over the last brow of a hill to arrive after 2 hours from morning tea, of fairly serious tramping, at the Ship at Anchor;
At Last The Ship At Anchor (Photo & Caption Phil)Lunch In The Lee, Sheltered By Tussock (Photo & Caption Phil)
thankfully we had not missed the boat and it provided good shelter along with the snow tussock from the fresh westerly that had been present all morning.
Appropriately Named “ Ship At Anchor “ (Photo & Caption Pam)
Our departure was not too long with those who had not previously been here circumnavigating the Ship and we all followed a course on the true right of the stream down another ridge-line, initially made ‘easy’ by a water course shaped I think by ancient shovels?
Heading Down The Highway (Photo & Caption Ross)
With the possibility of a precipice emerging in front our leader tacked left just in time onto another ridge that steeply descended towards a man made watercourse, scout Graham finding the appropriate gang plank onto the other side. It would be fair to say knees were now creaking as we traversed parallel with the contours dropping every now and then towards the crossing of Deep Stream. According to the leaders timepiece we took longer down than up, just like the Grand Olde Duke of York……oh dear!
Mmm Did It Take Longer To Go Down Than Up (Phot & Caption Phil)
If feet and knees were by now warm and dry they were wetted again and with all crossing safely we re-grouped and took off up the prairie back to the cars, this being quite a steady upland walk!
If You Start With Wet Feet You Might As Well Clean The Boots Again When You Finish, Gentlemen Abound (Photo & Caption Phil)
We departed paradise at 4.30pm arriving back in Mosgiel at 5.30pm. Rumour has it that the hydrotherapy pool has been busy since the trip, no wonder. The expansive and varied landscapes are so much more rewarding when set in such a remote and wild environment. Because of the access restrictions at the Weir this was the first time travel to the Ship at Anchor had been done this way. Distance 10.47km, elevation gain 661m, moving time 3:25;59, calories 1,016. And I’m sticking with grade 4.5.
Thanks to everyone for supporting each other so well.
No. 1 on old hardcopy list of 113 club tramps. “Maugatua Microwave. J Roy. Year Round.” Permissions from Horsehoof.
Distance from car-park: 24 km.
29/5/2019. Horsehoof, – Maungatua. M. Arthur.
18 of us set off from Mosgiel and travelled through Outram and turning left off on a road into Horsehoof Station. Clear looking sky and the anticipation of a great day.
Parked up in the paddock, we set off up the first hill. The wind was very cold and strong up there, brass monkeys were the call, and numerous layers the call, jackets and hats also.
We stopped in a sheltered spot for our morning tea. Farm trackended and then it was onto DOC land and tussock.Not much track at all and quite hard going. The odd slip on the terrain.
Making it to the top
Finally the Summit. (Gordon pic and caption.)
where photo shoots were taken.
The new Saddle Hill volcanic crater.(Phil pic and caption.)
Great views but soooo cold and windy. Decided to go back to some shelter in the tussocks for lunch.
Lunch out of the wind. (Gordon pic and caption.)
Back up to the corner of Horsehoof,
Out of the West ( Mahinerangi in background) (Phil pic and caption.)
and with three going back down the start track to look for poor old Dave’s iphone lost on way up, while the rest of us went the longer way.
Two things sprung to mind on this tramp. If you go a different direction you need to let the leader know for safety reasons.
Lunch needs to be finished by everyone before some start on their way.
All in all a great tramp in some windy conditions, travelling 14kms. Refreshments well received
Coffee. (Helen pic and caption.)
with great service at the Wobbly Goat in Outram Helen.😉
It saddens the leader to have to write these notes, due to the fact that a few of the group completely ignored the club’s Safety Rules up on Maungatua.
The club formulate these safety rules many years ago, which were updated 2-3 years back. All new members are given a copy when they join, and they are on the club’s website. (v. Page 7a.) Everyone should be familiar with them.
There is nothing difficult about these rules, just simple commonsense things (but of course, as they say, common sense isn’t common any more. (A detailed email is going out to all members about this) – Art.
21. 27/2/2019. Maungatua. M. Leader: Gordon.
A Fairy Tale.
Once upon a time 12 happy trampers set out to climb the big mountain of Maungatua. They wanted to get to the top, and were very determined.
But the nasty rain came just as they set out, and the cold wind joined in to make things unpleasant for the 12 happy trampers.
The cloud came down too, to hide the top of the mountain, but that was no deterrent either. Jackets and gloves kept them warm.
Uphill they went, on the good 4WD track, into the cloud and with the wind and rain attacking them.
In time they were high up on the mountain, and stopped to have their morning tea in the slight shelter of a little hut, beside some aerials.
After a brief stop to enjoy their hot cups, discretion was decided upon, and the 12 happy (still) trampers returned back down the mountain to their cars.
But the 12 happy trampers had had a good morning’s exercise, covering more than 6 km and the rain and wind had given a good test to the weatherproofness of their clothing.
Feeling a bit wet and cold, the 12 happy trampers drove back to Mosgiel, returning safely to their homes.
And they all lived happily ever after! – Art.
20. 10/5/2017. Trampers. Maungatua trig via Horsehoof. M. Leader: Arthur.
Clear skies, a light breeze, and lots of sunshine gave perfect conditions for our tramp up onto Maungatua. The cars were left high up beside the farm road on Horsehoof, a group of 13 happy trampers setting out from here on the uphill dozed farm track.
About halfway up morning tea was taken, with stunning views to enjoy at the same time, in the clear air.
Onward and upward, we reached the top boundary of Horsehoof Station, and climbing through the fence were in the DOC reserve which encompasses all of the top of Maungatua. It was then single file through the tussock and turpentine shrubs on the faint track.
We stopped to admire the Big Rock,
The beautiful rock. (Helen pic and caption.)
photos being taken of the group.
The group of 12 plus me. (Helen pic and caption.)
Just as we were preparing to move on a pair of N.Z. falcons flew in and landed on top of Big Rock just above us. They weren’t at all worried by us humans, and it was marvellous to see them there.
In single file we moved on, and eventually came to the summit post at 12 noon – perfect timing for lunch.
From here, on the highest point (895 metres) we could see in all directions – 360 degrees. A huge fog bank right down the coast totally hid the sea and the Otago Peninsula, but the land was in clear view as far as the eye could see. What terrific scenery.
Margreet pic.
Lunch over we began the return journey, which meant retracing our steps. With an occasional brief rest/regroup stop, we were back past Big Rock, through the fence onto Horsehoof again, and down hill with a brief uphill bit to reach the cars.
A group of 13 happy trampers had had a great day, walking a total of 12 km. The perfect weather certainly added to the enjoyment of the day.
But, the tramp finished too soon (obviously too short), as it was necessary to stop in Outram for a while on the way home so that discussion that hadn’t had time to be had during the tramp could be concluded.
The leader was particularly pleased to have such a good turn out of trampers today – thank you to all. – Arthur.
19. 11/1/2017. Hikers. Maungatua Big Rock and Trig via Horsehoof. M. Leaders: George and Ian.
It wasn’t the best tramp to ease into after the relaxing holidays. However the easier programmed Kuri Bush beach walk had not taken the tide times into account. What to do? Something inland. George scouted Saddle Hill (summit not tackled by the Hikers since 2010) and Horsehoof (last done by the Hikers 2011). Relevant property owners for Saddle Hill could not be reached, so Horsehoof and Big Rock then.
Seventeen turned out on the day. A respectable number, given that some members were still on holiday. Admittedly the road entrance to Horsehoof is easily missed, as happened to some on the day, but eventually all the cars arrived and drove on up to park in the high paddock where the FWD track to the top corner of the station starts. At about 690m here, we had already made good inroads on Maungatua’s Big Rock elevation of 880m.
It was still a bit early so we trudged through that first unavoidable gully to merelyregain the cars’ height a kilometre or two further on, finding a bank to sit on for morning tea.
(Clive pic.)
No more gullies now but it was up, steadily up, with frequent regrouping stops to eventually reach the Horsehoof Station’s top corner. At 865m effectively all climbing was behind us. We had gained 225m since leaving the cars. One of us elected to stop here and await the return of the others, and Mollie, who hadn’t wanted to miss the chance of revisiting Horsehoof, was happy to keep her company.
Now it was 15 who scrambled through the fence onto the Maungatua reserve to push on through the tussock and dracophillum (turpentine bush) till we reached a point opposite to the Big Rock.
(Clive pic.)
Here, along with George, ten were happy to make this their destination stop,
(Clive pic.)
while a remaining group of five carried on with an assurance it was only another half hour to the trig. W-e-l-l not exactly. More likely three quarters, as one found the going harder than others. But we got there! Or rather two did.
Made it! 895m.(Ian pic and caption.)
Too bad,the other three had stopped off short of the last rise and lunched. However with the encouragement of the trig returnees (or is it returners?) they were encouraged to push on so that they could say they had made it too. And they did!
On the return we discovered the hypotenuse short-cut that avoids a right angle in the fence and which we had missed on the way in due to overgrowth disguising it at its other end. A shame. It needs a fence indicator.
When we arrived at Big Rock, we discovered the ten others had long since given up waiting for us, and were back waiting for us when we straggled up the last weary slope up to the cars – at least weary for this writer.
So there it is. A good traditional tramp perforce resurrected for the hikers by an unfortunate tidal assesssment. And an enjoyable stop and chat at the Wobbly Goat to finish it off. And roll on the better weather. – Ian.
18. 10/2/2016. Maungatua Summit. Leader: Arthur H.
Horsehoof Station to maungatua peak. GPS of route, courtesy Ken. (Ken pic and caption) 13.2km; 3.7km/h; 3h 33m moving; total ascent 409m; max height 900m
Nine trampers set out in ideal conditions to conquer Maungatua. The day was sunny with some high cloud. The breeze was light all day – westerly, then changing to southerly for a while, and then died away altogether.
We drove in through Horsehoof Station, up the road towards the microwave. A car shuttle was set up by taking one car back 2-3 km, leaving it at the top of the hill above the woolshed.
We took the dozed farm track that winds its way up to the top of Maungatua, stopping for morning tea at a suitable spot.
We reached the top of the track, where the small shed and various aerials are situated, at 10.50 a.m. Climbing over the fence we were then in the DOC Reserve, which covers a large part of Maungatua.
From here there is a faint track heading to the summit, which is some 2.5 km away. This is undulating country.
We soon came to the large tor, and stopped for several minutes to inspect and photograph it.
Side trip to rock tor (Helen pic)
Continuing on along the track, which follows the fence line, we gained the summit a few minutes before 12.00 noon. A black and white painted post now marks the spot, …
“Trig” post with rock placed on top by one of the party. (Helen pic)
… and is visible from a short distance. Sitting down in the tussock, we had a relaxed lunch on the spot. The slight breeze was just a tad cool, we noted.
Lunch at the “trig”
From the summit there is a great 360 degree view, but unfortunately haze in all directions spoiled this somewhat.
Half of the group had a look over the brow, down in the direction of the 3 Kings -which isn’t visible. All of us then picked our way through the rough vegetation, in an easterly direction, to get a better view down on the Taieri Plain and Airport.
Making our way back up to the track, we returned along it to the shed and aerials, and over the fence. A brief stop here, where it was noted the altitude was 865m, compared to the 895m at the summit.
We now walked down a 4WD track through the tussock, following the western spur.
On fence line track well down to the Lee Creek gully showing ‘uphill grunt’ on other side. (Helen pic)
A restful stop was made at the bottom, in the shade of the beech trees at the north branch of Lee Creek. A short uphill grunt gave a “tang” to the end of our tramp, and we were soon back at the “shuttle” car.
All agreed that it had been a good tramp and an enjoyable day. This had been a first time for most.
Seven held a debrief at Outram on the way back home.
Coffee at Outram. (Helen pic)
The tramp distance was 13.2 km. – Arthur H.
29/3/2010. Private. Horsehoof, Maungatua Trig.
GPS of route from car to trig
At the Maungatua Trig (1)
At the Maungatua Trig (2)
17. 4/5/2011. Both. Horsehoof upper paddock to Big Rock. Medium. Leader: George.
George had recceed the programmed McKendry Road tramp and found the mud too squishy and the undergrowth too thick so elected to fall back to Horsehoof Station again.
We took the cars on through several gates to the paddock that gave us a shorter walk up to the paddock corner at the top.
It was a misty day, but at our tea-break the weather cleared to reveal the wind turbines beyond Lake Mahinerangi.
Beyond the fence at the top corner, we went on to negotiate the turpentine shrub (dracophyllum longifolium), tussock and alpine moss to reach the large rock for an early lunch.
A cool westerly wind drove us to shelter in a cleft in the rock’s SW side.
A sheltered lunch spot.
An interesting bank of fog in the west.
The tarn beyond the big rock.
Obviously scientific, an exclosure on the tarn.
After all that, we returned the way we had come back to the cars. A good outing. – Ian.
16. 15/9/2010. Trampers. Horsehoof to Big Rock. Medium. Leader: George.
Walked up the 4WD track that went by the Microwave.
Morning Tea break. George. (Emma pic)
Lunched at the Big Rock.
Keith and George at the Big Rock. (Emma pic)
Returned back down through the Woodside Creek gully.
15. 6/5/2009 Both. Horsehoof Station. Bridge over Woodside Creek, top corner, back down the more regular farm road. Medium. Leaders: Bruce, Wendy.
Many were discouraged by the wet morning start, but 8 of us enjoyed a farm walk on what turned out to be an cold overcast day (which we were well wrapped up against) interspersed by sun at morning tea and lunch. From the regular parking spot, for a change we turned down steeply click to enlarge
Descent to bridge
to cross the Woodside Creek upper tributary nearby
Woodside Creek
and to then climb steeply
Climb ahead
to enjoy a cuppa at the set of rocks a little way up.
Then to carry on up to the top corner of the station. This was a route the club hasn’t taken for five years and more. We forewent going on to the big rock and tarn through the rather heavy wet dracophyllum we would have had to struggle through, so lunched at the top under the shelter of a bank
Lunch in sun
and returned by the more regular farm track.
Rock and Pillar Range in sunRecycled car bolstering bridge. Wee waterfall behind.
We all enjoyed a good tramping day but regretted there were not more to share the walk with. Bruce stood in for Marjorie who was indisposed on the day. Our thanks to Wendy and Bruce for their leadership. – Ian.
This turned out to be a tramp from Horsehoof Station rather than from the advertised Allendale Farm. So it was simply up by the regular farm road to the Maungatua Trig and back. click to enlarge
Decorated Trig. George, Hazel, Ria, EmmaSaddle Hill from Maungatua
What was different was the wind measuring masts
Mast for measuring wind?
and various markers presumably installed by Trustpower. A breeze pleasantly tempered the heat of the sun and 8 of us enjoyed a tramp in the tussocks and Maungatua top with the George making it easier and shorter by having the two cars parked further up the hill than on previous tramps. – Ian
13. 27/8/2008Trampers. Horsehoof Station Upland road-walk Leaders: Ian, Ken
Winter conditions decreed a firmer road walk in place of the anticipated soggy ground we would have encountered at the Flagstaff big rock. So it was Horsehoof Station for a look at the fast disappearing snow conditions. click to enlarge
Drift snow remains. Ken
Seven of us set off from our cars parked down at the shearing shed and walked steeply up in the general Maungatua direction. It was a good walk in the fresh air with general sunny conditions turning to threatening clouds later. The breeze was fresh but sheltering in the lee of a gully made for a comfortable morning tea.
Lunch was on the sheltered side of the repeater station,
Emma and Glenys approaching the Microwave. George ahead.
reached by cutting across a couple of wet gullies swollen with fresh snow runoff.
The return. Bill, Pat, Emma
A shorter day but the sun was out most of the time and the views and company were good. – Ian
The return. Bill, Glenys, Emma.
12. 18/6/2003 Horsehoof Station walk. Leaders: Shirley M, Bill & Pat.
Lex, Doug J, Arthur, Doug M
Snow on NE Maungatuas
11. 16/2/2005. Both. Maungatua with Summit option. Leaders: Val and Brian, Arthur and Barbara.
10. 18/9/2002. Microwave – Maungatua Summit. Medium. Leaders: Ria L, Barbara and Arthur.
9. 21/11/2001. Maungatuas Summit from Microwave. Medium. Leaders: Les W, Mary M, Shirley R.
No. 4 on old hardcopy list of 113 club tramps. “Blacksmiths Flat. Hindon Stn. Bob Heenan. Farm. Lambing.”
No. 14 on old hardcopy list of 113 club tramps. “Hindon. Ardachy to River. D Graham. Haggie. Farm.”
Distance from carpark: 33 km.
13. 31/5/2017. Trampers. Ardachys – Blacksmith Flat. M. Leader: Arthur.
The weather wasn’t great, but good enough. 8 trampers out today, including one new member – welcome Phil. We travelled in low cloud all the way from Outram to our parking spot at Ardachy, but from there on we could clearly see down into the Taieri gorge. An improvement was expected though.
We first went to inspect the nearby “Lonely Grave” of Mr Don Graham.
Family grave in Ardachy Station. (Helen pic and caption.)
The Graham family have been on Ardachy for 120 years – check our club website for more details about the “Lonely Grave”. [Scroll further down this post for this. – Ed.]
A short stop was made in the tussock for morning tea, before continuing on down hill. 4 friendly horses greeted us when we reached “Blacksmith Flat”, beside the Taieri river.
Four friendly hores came to visit. (Helen pic and caption.)
We followed the “Flat” upstream for some distance, before turning and retracing our steps.
Mount Allan railway station was directly across the river from us, but no train today. It was a lovely and peaceful spot there, the river making the only noise, except for 6-8 fantails flitting around.
The return journey was up “Blacksmith Gully”, and we travelled some distance before stopping for lunch.
Lunch. Second photo I missed was a lovely view while no fog. (Helen pic and caption.)
The cloud had come down now, with no more than a couple of hundred metres visibility, and remained so until we returned to Outram.
Incidentally, the names “Blacksmith Flat” and “Blacksmith Gully” go back to the gold mining era around 1863. Gold was found in some quantity in the area, but after 2 0r 3 years the “rush” was over.
The leader decided that, as it was a relatively short tramp today, we would return by a slightly more strenuous route than had been planned originally, to give everyone a bit of a workout. All thought this a great idea, and enjoyed the extra bit. There were no complaints anyway!
We arrived back at the cars before 1.30 pm, having walked 8.8 km. The vertical difference in altitude between the river and the cars was approx. 250 metres.
On returning to Mosgiel we stopped in at Wals for hot drinks, sitting in front of the fire to enjoy them. It made a very good end to the day. – Art.
12. 20/8/2014. Trampers. Ardachy Station. Blacksmith Flat and Gully. Medium.
The tramp on Ardachy Station to Blacksmiths gully was not a very long walk, but the climb out at the end of the day means that it is not all easy going. 4 trampers turned up on the day, & we set off to where we park the cars, just around the corner from the lonely grave site above Hindon. As it was 10 AM when we arrived there, morning tea was taken before we set off on the tramp along the top of the ridge. The weather was fine, with a very slight, cool breeze, & some frost & frozen puddles underfoot. We spent some time down by the river looking at the destruction among the willows, caused by flood waters, & we were also amazed by how high up in the trees the flood debris was deposited. [probably about 6-7 mtrs. above the river level]
As it was only around 11:20 by this time, we set off along the picturesque valley floor, until we came upon a good sheltered, sunny spot for a lunch break, …
Lunch spot (Ken pic and caption)View from lunch site (Ken pic and caption)
… not far from where we had to cross the stream, & start the climb back to the car. After a leisurely lunch, we moved on until we came to the old mine shaft, which we climbed up the bank to inspect. the fence around it is slowly getting wrecked as time goes on, but the bush growing around the hole is still protecting it well. After this, it was just a matter of climbing back to the car, which seems like a daunting task when looking up from the valley floor, but it only takes around 1/2 an hour to climb out.
We all agreed it was a good walk, with the area being new to two members of the party.Walked 6.44km
moving time 1hr 45min.
ave 3.7km/hr
climbed 326mtrs. -Ken
11. 8/8/2012. Trampers. Ardachy Station. Blacksmith Flat and Gully. Medium.
The pic below shows 3/4 of the party at the point on the ridge where on previous tramps we had crossed from the river side of the ridge to the other. We arrived at this point by keeping to the ridge and avoiding the river-side track. Here we stopped for morning tea.
There had been a little drizzle to this point, but from here on, the weather and the views cleared to give us a good day out. To those who remained at home, we proved that you make your own luck. Bravo.
The cross-over point on the ridge taken on previous tramps.
And from this point we still kept to the ridge and found a clear crack down the nose of the ridge to the river flats. Club pioneers! I think we’ll always wish to do the descent this way, now. We explored Blacksmith flat, noting a new electric fence put in no doubt to keep stock away from the river.
We then took the track down-river that leads to the further flat reached from the Mains Road tramp, and lunched, seated at the lovely BBQ area. Then it was back to take the Blacksmith Gully route up to the car.
The writer had forgotten just how far we have to ascend the gully floor before locating the FWD track that takes us back up to the car.
Ascending Blacksmith Gully
Then it was just a 25-minute hard-breathing one-foot-in-front-of-the-other climb, after first subjecting Judy to the obligatory mine shaft sighting.
Back at the car at top of ridge
And so back into the car and out along a road, good and smooth, but a bit sloppy from the earlier drizzle. A good try-out for Ian’s little new/old Corolla. – Ian.
We passed by the gravesite dedicated to Murdoch Graham and went onto the FWD track ahead.
Memorial Site
This gradually descended before eventually climbing again to cross the steadily descending ridge on our right.
At this point, through a gate in the fence on the ridge crest, we took a track descending on the ridge’s right, although the Google Earth map does show a track going on down the ridge to the bottom.
The track to the right led us down into Blacksmith Gully which we pursued down to its end on the Taieri River.
After a wander round, we took the track going on down the river to lunch in warm sun by the water on a grassy flat.
Lunch by Taieri River (Ken pic)
Retracing our steps,
Walking back after lunch (Ken pic)
this time we went further up Blacksmith Gully till we took a track that at its first zigzag encompassed the fenced off mine shaft and threw down stones to gauge its depth.
Then it was steadily on up up up to regain the cars at the track’s top. – Ian.
Postscript: (A bit of Club history, recollected by George and confirmed by Bob Heenan.)
Daphne, then President and founding member of the Club, was also a member of the Dunedin Photographic Club. She met Don Graham, Ardachy Station owner there and got talking. An upshot was that he invited the Club to do a tramp on his land. This the Club did in 1989. They parked where we still park today, and followed the ridge from there down to the Flats. An arduous effort, following the ridges ups and downs. (We follow an easier 4WD track today.) On their return, club members were surprised to find Don by the cars, with a billy boiling over a fire.
“22/8/90. Members of Taieri Recreational Tramping Group waiting for billy to boil after tramp. Ardachy Station, Hindon, Taieri Gorge.” (Ian pic, scanned from Peg Chisholm photo collection.)
He invited them to get their mugs out and filled them with tea. A very happy introduction to what has been a satisfying series of tramps there over the years.
Post-post-script: – from NZ Herald Sunday April 3 2011.
It took a long battle with bureaucracy, but an Otago farmer has been returned to the soil he worked on all his life.
Don Graham, 72, was buried on his Ardachy Station property at Hindon this week in a ceremony attended by more than 120 family members and friends.
A bagpiper played as Mr Graham was interred in the place he had chosen on the property, among rolling hills and wind-swept tussock.
A piper plays as Don Graham’s casket is carried to his plot beside the Hindon station road overlooking his farm, Ardachy station, and the Taieri River. Picture / Otago Daily Times
Obtaining permission for the burial was a long legal process, including gathering affidavits and securing consents.
Funeral director Robert Campbell said it was the first time in 40 years he had been involved in a home burial.
“It’s very uncommon, because you have to get permission through the Burial in a Special Place Act,” he said.
The law stipulates that people must be buried communally if they lived within 32km of a cemetery.
But it allows for home burial “if there are exceptional circumstances making the burial of that body in that place particularly appropriate”
Mr Campbell said: “He was granted permission by the Ministry of Health four years ago, because he and his forebears had farmed the land for 105 years and had a close association with the property.”
The grave site looks over Ardachy Station towards the Taieri River.
“It’s a lovely spot in the hills overlooking the valley,” said Robin Gamble, who delivered the eulogy at the funeral.
Mr Gamble said Mr Graham was passionate about the area in which he lived, and always wanted to be buried there.
“But it was very difficult and involved. He had to get 10 affidavits from people to support his request, as well as regional council consents.”
Mr Graham lived all his life in the area, taking over Ardachy Station from his father-in-law in 1956.
Mr Graham’s widow, Leila, said it was an emotional day for her and her two sons.
“He spent very little time away from the farm, and he would have been so proud. We can look out the back window of the house and see him down there now,” she said.
Mr Graham enjoyed a laugh. On April 1, 1991, he appeared on the front page of the Otago Daily Times with a “shabbit”, a creature he claimed to have bred from a merino sheep and a rabbit.
The April Fool’s Day trick was so successful people were still ringing him up months later to ask about breeding stock.
9. 1/3/2007. Ardachy Station, Blacksmith Gully and Flat. Medium+ Leaders: George, Doug M
Very good but long drive in.. Several fences and gates to negotiate.
Took Hindon turn-off from George King Memorial Drive.
Just before road dipped down to the Taieri Park, parked at corner on grassy surface off road.
Followed 4WD down to river. Proceeded down-stream for some distance and stopped for lunch. Returned clockwise up valley. At stone fireplace, turned steeply up right bank, viewed vertical mine shaft, and met 4WD track back up to cars.
8. 18/4/2001. Hindon, Ardachy Station, Blacksmith Gully. Leaders: Bob H, Colleen, Doug M.
7. 18/4/2002
6. 27/11/1996. Blacksmiths Gully Hindon. Leaders: Eric and Dot, Joan H.
5. 1996 Bob H
4. 25/10/1995. Hindon, Blacksmith Gully, (Old Battery). Medium+. Leaders: George, Ria L, Bob Q, Jack R.
3. 3/11/1993. Blacksmith Gully. Hindon. Medium. Leaders: Bob, Daphne, Margaret D, Bob Q.
Easier alternative:: Leaders: Les and Mavis.
2. 19/6/1991. Blacksmith’s Gully. Lovely views – a good climb home. Average+. Leaders: Mervyn, Wendy, Ted, Daphne.
1. 22/3/1989. Blacksmith’s Gully from Ardachy Station. Lovely walk to Taieri River. Steep return. Leaders: Kath, Jack and Joan.