Post Office Creek via Reid Farm

Lake Mahinerangi Square19/03/2025. Post Office Creek via Reid Farm. Grade 3.5. Hikers.  Leaders: Bruce Spittle and Dave Roberts.
After leaving Peter Johnston Park at 0900, seven cars regrouped and collected more passengers at Traquair Junction before 30 hardy outdoor enthusiasts proceeded in convey about 11 km down Mahinerangi Road to park near the woolshed about 500 m past the entrance to Verterburn Station at Rapid Number 1013. Continue reading “Post Office Creek via Reid Farm”

Yellow Ridge via Walkers Road, River Track/out via Tunnel Track

Square Image19/03/2025. Yellow Ridge via Walkers Road, River Track/out via Tunnel Track. Grade 5. Trampers. Leader: Ross Davies.
Three of us showed up for an adventure in the South Waikouaiti River. Continue reading “Yellow Ridge via Walkers Road, River Track/out via Tunnel Track”

Moores Bush and Sullivans Dam

Square Image19/02/2025. Moores Bush & Sullivan Dam. Grade 2.5. Hikers.  Leaders: Pam Clough, Jay Devlin.
Moores Bush Reserve. Hikers left PJ Park and travelled over Three Mile Hill, Wakari Road, Tanner Road, Malvern Street, Leith valley Road to end at Thompson Road to the beginning of the Moores Bush Reserve. Continue reading “Moores Bush and Sullivans Dam”

Mt Royal/Bobby’s Head (Tavora Reserve)

Square Phil22/01/2025. Mt Royal/Bobby’s Head (Tavora Reserve). Grade 3.5. Trampers.  Leaders: Graham Thurlow, Graeme Souter.
Parking at Tavora Reserve in the long grass on a warm summer’s day with a slight breeze we, 15 trampers, made our way up the gravel on Bobby’s Head Rd turning left onto the Goodwood Rd passing a familiar sign, “Adam Sutherland Road”. Continue reading “Mt Royal/Bobby’s Head (Tavora Reserve)”

Tomahawk, Soldiers’ Memorial, Karetai Track

Rugged Coastline John 2 Square23/10/2024. Tomahawk, Soldiers’ Memorial, Karetai Track. Grade 4.  Trampers. Leaders: Di Bezett, Gail Williams and Lyn Keene
24 people set off on a very humid day, straight up the 4wheeldrive track, the views were spectacular. Continue reading “Tomahawk, Soldiers’ Memorial, Karetai Track”

Outram Heritage Trail and Floodbank


Thumbnail Image Square04/09/2024. Outram Heritage Trail and Floodbank. Grade 2. Combined. Leaders: Anette MacRae, Katrina McKenzie, Cathy Ferguson, Janette Abbot.
41 happy walkers left the Outram Rugby Club carpark and headed around Outram following the heritage trail looking at old churches, halls, houses and banks. Continue reading “Outram Heritage Trail and Floodbank”

City to Surf

The Boys Helen Square07/08/2024. City to Surf. Grade 2. Combined. Leaders: Gail Williams, Karen McInnes, Jenni and Bruce Wright.
Was it a record? Forty six keen members, including one visitor, met at the Otago Yacht Club carpark in Magnet Street for the City to Surf Combined Trip. Continue reading “City to Surf”

Nicols Creek, Moon Track, Pepper Tree Track, Pineapple Track

Out Of The Mist Ross Square26/06/2024 2024. Trampers. Nicols Creek, Pineapple Track. Grade 4. Leaders: Wyn and Ross Davies.

The weather forecasts were not very encouraging. Nevertheless, 12 courageous trampers arrived at the meeting point at Booth Road Continue reading “Nicols Creek, Moon Track, Pepper Tree Track, Pineapple Track”

Whare Flat, Waiora, Schoolhouse, Tunnels Track, McRaes Weir, Racemans

Do I Run Or Walk Helen Square26/06/2024. Whare Flat. Hikers. Grade 2.5. 11km. Leaders: Bruce Spittle,  Adrienne Ensor.

Sixteen hikers assembled at 0950 after parking on the side of the Silverstream Valley Road near the McKerrow Bridge Fields near the end of the tar sealed part of the road, 3.74 km along the road. Continue reading “Whare Flat, Waiora, Schoolhouse, Tunnels Track, McRaes Weir, Racemans”