Outram Heritage Trail and Floodbank


Thumbnail Image Square04/09/2024. Outram Heritage Trail and Floodbank. Grade 2. Combined. Leaders: Anette MacRae, Katrina McKenzie, Cathy Ferguson, Janette Abbot.
41 happy walkers left the Outram Rugby Club carpark and headed around Outram following the heritage trail looking at old churches, halls, houses and banks. Continue reading “Outram Heritage Trail and Floodbank”

Nicols Creek, Moon Track, Pepper Tree Track, Pineapple Track

Out Of The Mist Ross Square26/06/2024 2024. Trampers. Nicols Creek, Pineapple Track. Grade 4. Leaders: Wyn and Ross Davies.

The weather forecasts were not very encouraging. Nevertheless, 12 courageous trampers arrived at the meeting point at Booth Road Continue reading “Nicols Creek, Moon Track, Pepper Tree Track, Pineapple Track”

Whare Flat, Waiora, Schoolhouse, Tunnels Track, McRaes Weir, Racemans

Do I Run Or Walk Helen Square26/06/2024. Whare Flat. Hikers. Grade 2.5. 11km. Leaders: Bruce Spittle,  Adrienne Ensor.

Sixteen hikers assembled at 0950 after parking on the side of the Silverstream Valley Road near the McKerrow Bridge Fields near the end of the tar sealed part of the road, 3.74 km along the road. Continue reading “Whare Flat, Waiora, Schoolhouse, Tunnels Track, McRaes Weir, Racemans”