Silverstream Water-Race, Racemans, Top Weir

No. 40 on old hardcopy list of 113 club tramps. “Silverstream Weir. Racemans. Winefields. Year Round”
No. 107 on old hardcopy list of 113 club tramps. “Whare Flat – Silverstream Weir Year Round “

20. 11/01/2023. Racemans Circuit, Trampers. Grade 4 (regraded 3 – see below). Leaders: Neil Hodgkin, Julie MacKenzie.

Trampers: 10 women, 4 men
Weather: Low cloud, drizzly, calm, 16 degrees
Track: 14 kms, 3.5 hours walking and 170 m height gain.
A good, mainly flat walking surface, the odd muddy patch, and sometimes short, sharp, steep, descents/ascents in and out of side creeks.

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Striding out at the start of Raceman’s (photo and caption Pam)

Several crossings of the Silverstream and even though the flow was low, care was needed and poles were helpful with slippery and unstable rocks.
As a first up tramp for 2023 it was great and a very suitable tramp for the weather conditions. In the bush there was no precipitation and no wind. We had the usual stop for smoke-o …

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Morning tea at the junction with Tunnels track (photo and caption Pam)
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Abandoned water pipe on track (photo and caption Pam)
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Strange objects in several places along the track. Much speculation about what they are/were. No conclusions. Any ideas? Feel free to use the Comments section at the bottom of the page. (photo and caption Ross)

…and got to the weir about midday…

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Silverstream top weir (photo and caption Ross)

…but decided to move on down the track for lunch where it was less noisy.

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Lunch taken between intermittent light drizzle (photo and caption Pam)

On our return I as leader came face to face with six barking and not so friendly dogs who were eventually followed by a female runner who didn’t seem to worry. She said that the dogs were barking because we had sticks, but I didn’t believe her. What goes up must come down so we were expecting their return and when we heard them approaching we all stood off the track, sticks by our sides and gave them a TRTC guard of honour!

Grading: The grade of this tramp is solely dependent on the flow and depth of the Silverstream. The way it was on Wednesday, I’d put it at 2.5 – 3, but with more water it would certainly be a 3 -3.5 I think.

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