Powder Ridge – Information and Trips Library


This page of club tramps and hikes in the Whare Flat area  groups together trips to Powder Ridge (map)

Background Information:

Road distances from Mosgiel carpark.
Silver Peaks Forest for background information on the nearby area. DCC land.
Powder Ridge Maintained by Green Hut Track Group.

How To Get There:

Powder Ridge track runs between Racemans and Long Ridge Tracks. It is best accessed from Racemans Track approximately 30 -40 minutes from the Whare Flat carpark along the Silverstream Valley Road off Dukes Road North (just before Three Mile Hill)

Links to tramps and hikes in this area:

12/02/2025. Powder Ridge to Long Ridge (return). Grade 5. Leaders: Pam Cocks, Esther Willis.

Powder Ridge tramps. 2021 – 1991 (13 trips, 6 with reports and photos, 1 with photos only, 6 with no reports or photos)





Pulpit Rock – Information and Trips Library


This page of club tramps and hikes in the Silver Peaks area groups together trips to Pulpit Rock. (map)

Background Information:

Road distances from Mosgiel carpark.
Silver Peaks Forest for background information.

How To Get There:

There are any number of tracks within the Silver Peaks that will reach Pulpit Rock. Arguably the most common way is via the Possum Hut track.

Proceed via the Northern motorway to Waitati and turn left onto Double Hill Road (just past the store on the left at the end of the motorway), which joins Semple Road where there is several access points to the Possum Hut track.

Links to tramps and hikes in this area:

Green Hut, Pulpit Rock. 2023 – 1988 (10 trips with reports and photos, 13 with no reports).
Shuttle: Mountain Road, Pulpit Rock, Long/Powder Ridges, Whare Flat. 2019 – 1998 (3 trips with 1 report and photos, 2 trips with no reports)