Big Stone Road

11 Sep Big Stone Road Hikers Square Photo. Photo & Caption Helen11/09/2024. Big Stone Road. Grade 3. Hikers. Leaders: Bill Cubitt & Adrienne Ensor.
On a beautiful spring morning 20 keen walkers started out from the lay-bay opposite the entrance to Daphne Road to commence their adventure through, what is known as the Allanton Block of Wenita Forest.

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Kuri Bush Forestry, Big Stone Road – Information and Trips Library


This grouping of Club tramps and hikes covers trips involving Kuri Bush (Big Stone) area located  on Taieri Mouth Road between Brighton township and Taieri Mouth beach. It includes Big Stone Road, Daphne Road, Margaret Road and Kathleeen Road. (map)

Background Information:

Road distances from Mosgiel carpark.

Links to tramps and hikes in this area:

11/09/2024.Big Stone Road. Grade 3. Hikers. Leaders: Bill Cubitt & Adrienne Ensor.

Kuri Bush Forestry, Daphne/Margaret Road, Kathleen Road, Big Stone.  2021 – 1988 (19 trips with 5 reports)