Mt Stuart Reserve to Mt Stuart Tunnel (Clutha Gold cycle track)

150x15005/02/2025. Mt Stuart Reserve to Mt Stuart Tunnel (Clutha Gold cycle track).  Grade 2.5 and 3 Combined.  Leaders: Clare Banks, Barbara Shackell, Sue Beal.

Thirty-seven Hikers and Trampers (plus one driver/reader) gathered at the Mt Stuart Reserve in the Manuka Gorge on a warm and windless day to tackle what, for many, was a new track – part of the Clutha Gold Cycle trail.

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Mt Stuart Reserve – Information and Trips Library


This page of club tramps and hikes in the area South via SH1 and groups together trips to the Mt Stuart Reserve (map) incorporating the Clutha Gold cycle track.

How To Get There:

Proceed south on SH1 to the turn off onto SH8 to Central Otago just south of Milton. Mt Stuart Reserve is located on the right just before the Manuka Gorge about 10 -15 minutes drive from SH1 turn off. Parking is plentiful at the Reserve.

Background Information:

Road distances from Mosgiel carpark.

Links to tramps and hikes in this area:

05/02/2025. Mt Stuart Reserve to Mt Stuart Tunnel (Clutha Gold cycle track).  Grade 2.5 and 3 Combined.  Leaders: Clare Banks, Barbara Shackell, Sue Beal.