26/02/2025. Gardens, Pine Hill Return. Grade 2. Hikers. Leaders: Jenny Finnerty, Kay Seddon.
8.40 and only me in the carpark? I thought everyone had gone with the trampers. Luckily, I managed to scrounge up another 6 plus met up with another 5 in town
This grouping of Club tramps and hikes covers trips in the Central City and involves the Botanic Garden (both upper and lower), Chingford park, University walkways, Willowbank, and the Woodhaugh Gardens.
25. 29 September 2021. Hikers. Otago Museum and the Fashion FWD Exhibition and a Springtime Walk. M. $5.00. Leaders: Jenny Finnerty, Noi McCunn
On Wednesday 19 hikers set off on a walk, starting at Botanical Gardens and walking to the Museum park for morning tea.
Morning tea in the Museum Reserve – photo Noi
We then went to have a wander around the Fashion Gallery Trail in the Museum after which we walked through the varsity to the St David Street zig zag.
Walking through the varsity – photo Noi
Otago University Clocktower Building – photo Noi
St David Street steps – photo Noi
Things had changed since I was a kid because Arana Hall had expanded and so now there is a locked gate at the top but lucky for us a lady swiped us in and swiped us out on the other side. Had a bit of tiki tour through studentville to Dundas Street but took a wrong track but ended up at the Cemetery.
Bush track up the hill – photo Noi
Bracken View – photo Noi
Alex took us to the gravesite of the 1st white baby born in Dunedin.
Alex at the gravesite – photo Jenny
Had lunch at the Rhododendron Del and after looking around we all met up at the Croque-O-Dile for coffee.
Magnolia tree in the Botanic Gardens – photo Jenny
Another walk done and dusted thanks hikers.
P.S. Was good to see our Brighton chums and others from town. Jenny and Noi.
2. 23/8/2017. Hikers. Gardens to Surf. E. Leaders: Pam and Dawn.
We Parked our cars in Duke Street, near the Woodhaugh gardens. 22 members started off. We walked through the Varsity and had morning tea at the Polytech outdoor area. Walked along Portsmouth Drive to Queens Drive down to St Kilda beach. Walked along playing fields and some track to picnic area above beach, where we had our lunch. We then continued on to St Clair, via street and caught the bus back to the Botanical gardens where we enjoyed a hot drink. Back to our cars and home to Mosgiel by 3.45pm. A very enjoyable day was had by all. – Dawn.
1. 19/8/2015. Hikers. Gardens to Surf.
We had a good day walking from the Botanic Gardens…
…and along the beach to St Clair. I had not been on the beach since the June storms and was blown away by the damage to the beach.
Rocks (John pic)
The piles…
Piles (John pic)
…are nearly all bent over by St Clair. Thank goodness I have done 3 paintings of the piles. Judy Knox was on TV Wed. night and did a very good interview on the local TV channel.
We all went back on the bus to the Gardens and all (I think) 27 of us didn’t pay. I think the bus driver got a bit of a surprise. – Elaine. [An unintended report, purloined from an email. – Ed]