Moores Bush – Information and Trips Library


This page of club tramps and hikes to the Leith Valley area and groups together trips to Moores Bush (map) incorporating Leith Saddle, Patmos Ave and Sullivans Dam.

Background Information:

Road distances from Mosgiel carpark.

How To Get There:

Ascend the Leith Valley road out of Dunedin and take a left turn into Thompsons Road, and not far along is the entrance, signposted but fenced, to this Forest and Bird Society property.

Links to tramps and hikes in this area:

19/02/2025. Moores Bush & Sullivan Dam. Grade 2.5. Hikers.  Leaders: Pam Clough, Jay Devlin.

Patmos Avenue, Leith Saddle, Moores Bush. 2017 – 2002 (5 trips, 1 with photos, 1 with report and photos, 3 with no reports or photos)





Ross Creek, Lower Leith Valley, Wakari Rd Bike Park, McGouns, Pineapple and Davies Tracks – Information and Trips Library


This grouping of Club tramps and hikes covers trips involving Woodhaugh, Leith Valley up to Islay Street, Pineapple Track up to Flagstaff (Skyline) Track, Davies Track, McGouns Track, Wakari Rd Bike Tracks, Ross Creek Reserve, Cannington Road and Prospect Road.

Screenshot 2024 08 22 070804 Leith Valley

Background Information:

Road distances from Mosgiel carpark.
Dunedin’s Water Supply.
Pineapple Track: Information.
Pineapple and Flagstaff Walk.

Links to tramps and hikes in the same area:

28/08/2024. Ross Creek and Davies Track. Trampers.  Grade 4 Leaders: Ross Davies and Sarah McCormack.

Continue reading “Ross Creek, Lower Leith Valley, Wakari Rd Bike Park, McGouns, Pineapple and Davies Tracks – Information and Trips Library”