Ocean View suburbs

27/4/2016. Hikers. Ocean View Suburbs. E. Leaders: Alex and Liz.

Nike app route map. Parked Ocean View freedom camping site. Dunes walk. Bush track Brighton Rd to John St. Morning tea at school, (1km). Along John St, up Creamery Rd to Museum.Track from Brighton Rd to Kayforce Rd to Bennett Rd (3km). Lane at end down to Brighton Rd. Lunch at Brighton Bowling Green (5km), Beach back to Surf Club, and again from north of BIg Rock (7km) to the cars.

23 took part in a walk around Ocean View Brighton in a perfect weather setup. There where some interesting places bought to our attention by the leaders of the group including the old Ocean View school

Hikers at morning tea.
Hikers at morning tea.

and the welcome by local Warren Harris presenting his very own museum. The scenery was acceptable and the variation of walk pleasant.

Tunnel alternative to getting feet wet.
Tunnel alternative to getting feet wet.
A second alternative to getting wet feet. Alex disavows responsibility for this adventurous part of the tramp.. Liz happily accepts it.
A second alternative to getting wet feet. Alex disavows responsibility for this adventurous part of the tramp.. Liz happily accepts it.

To cap it off a visit to Agnes Café in Green Island where a great deal of chatter took place. Alex @ Liz GRIFFIN.