Distance from carpark: Otago Yacht Club 19 km.
City to Surf – Information and Trips Library
25/05/2022 Stadium to the Sea. E. Leaders: Raewyn & Phil Keene
Shall we hike or not? That was the question asked at PJ Park on a cold & windy morning. 10 hardy hikers said “yes”, so off we went to meet 6 others at the carpark in Magnet Street as arranged.

With extra clothing, beanies & gloves, we set off into stormy skies for morning tea at the Harbour Basin.

Low & behold, the sun broke through so we continued on our blustery walk to Portsmouth Drive & beyond.

Along the way we were educated by the new Urban Nature signs put up by DoC around the city (www.doc.govt.nz/urbannature) and the histories behind Rongo Rock & Fox Hall.

Onwards, upwards & over to the Andersons Bay Cemetery where the wind blew even harder, down to the Chisholm Golf links, then across to John Wilson Drive & the sea.

Our planned lunch stop was taken over by the high seas, so shelter was sought on high ground.

AND THE WIND BLEW. Unable to walk along the beach, we braced ourselves and walked into the head wind down to Marlow park.

9.5km & two buses later, we were back at the Stadium for coffee at the Plaza Cafe, followed by a short walk to our cars.
