Kaikorai Stream

29/6/2016. Kaikorai Stream Walk. E. Leaders: Jan and Lesley.

Nike Route Map
Maori Hill Circuit route map.  Bishopscourt Grnd; Kaikorai Strm; Marae; Kaikorai Common Rsve; School Rd (1km); Tyne St; Wright St; Highgate; Selkirk St; Tweed-(2km)-Littlebourne-Avon St; Melrose St; Wallace St; Newington Av; (3km) Queens Dr; Corrie St; View Pk La (4km);  Falkand St; Henry St; Stonelaw Tce; Prospect Pk & lunch; Cannington Rd; (5km)Pilkington St; Balmacewen Rd; (6km) Chapman St; Lynn St; Bishopscourt Grnd. (7km).
Morning Tea
Morning Tea in Kaikorai community garden shelter.
Sofa so good - Ian relaxes at morning tea. (Judy pic and caption.)
Sofa so good – Ian relaxes at morning tea. (Judy K pic and caption.)
Marae. (Adrienne pic.)
Sitting pretty. Te Paihere Marae. (Adrienne pic.)
Kaikorai Common Reserve.
Kaikorai Common Reserve that we walked along.
Social wind up at Roslyn Fire Station Coffee Culture.
Social wind up at Roslyn Fire Station Coffee Culture Cafe.