Herbert Forest – Information and Trips Library


This page of club tramps and hikes covers trips on the North Coast north of Dunedin City, Waitati involving club trips to Herbert Forest (map).

Background Information:

Road distances from Mosgiel carpark.

Links to tramps and hikes in this area:

Herbert Forest. 2022 – 2019 (2 trips with 2 reports)

Herbert Forest

Herbert Forest – Information and Trips Library

2. 19/10/2022. Trampers. Herbert Forest. Grade 3. Leaders: Di, Anne and Lyn

Today we set off over the Kilmog to the Herbert Forest; a hidden gem saved from the axe over 50 years ago. It is one of the last Podacarp (hardwood) forests left of the North East Otago region.

Map Pam
Photo Pam

We parked off Reid Road and proceeded along Swallow Track following the creek and crossing over the creek into steeper terrain.

Dapple sunlight on Swallow track Caption and photo Pam
Dappled sunlight on Swallow track Caption and photo Pam
Many a Creek crossing on Swallow track Caption and photo Pam
Many a Creek crossing on Swallow track Caption and photo Pam

After much huffing we reached a little yellow sign beneath a stone outcrop announcing the presence of the cave (Dave Melish was involved with this signage).

How did you pop up there Eleanore Caption and photo John
How did you pop up there Eleanore Caption and photo John

We stopped here for morning tea then continued up and onto the forest road,  walked along a bit and went down to the Podacarp Track which is known for its big native trees Totara, Matai, Rimu,  Miro and Kahikatea.

Some parts of the track were slippery and bit muddy due to the recent rain, but after a few creek crossings we came to the junction of the loops and had a well earned lunch and thanks to Anne for the liquorice allsorts.

Old codgers Caption and photo Esther
Old codgers Caption and photo Esther

We walked back on the Glenburnie Loop with its very impressive silver ferns and bird life, came back onto Podacarp Track and returned our steps back to cars taking a shortcut at the top of the Swallow Track.

View towards end of track. 1st view. Caption and photo Helen
View towards end of track. 1st view. Caption and photo Helen
Tramp postmortem Caption and photo John
Tramp post mortem Caption and photo John

We stopped and had a delicious ice cream at Hampdon Store and headed home.

Overall we had a varied terrain and some neat flora and bird life along the way, thanks everyone who assisted on this tramp.


Di,  Anne, Lyn

1. 30/1/2019. Trampers. Herbert Forest. Leader: Dave.

34 keen trampers and hikers met at the carpark and organised themselves, into vehicles to head to Waianakarua’s Herbert Forest. The drive from Mosgiel is approximately 1hr 15mins to the start of the Swallows track.
The clue is in the middle 4.5 hours Total Loop! (Clive pic and caption.)
The track was damp in places, we passed through Punga ferns to a cave where we had morning tea.
Morning tea at caves. (Gordon pic and caption.)
It was then on to the Podocarp track which is known for its big native trees that weren’t milled ie. Totara, Rimu, Matai, Miro and Kahikatea. It was pleasant in the damp gully on such a hot day.
Lunch was had at the top of this track on Breakneck road.
Part of the large group at lunch. (Gordon pic and caption.)
The final track was the Hoods track which included stream crossings, waterfalls and climbing down a vertical ladder through the bush!
One more obstacle. (Gordon pic and caption.)
One of many sream crossings. (Gordon pic and caption.)
Nearly down. (Gordon pic and caption.)
The walk ended by visiting a beautifully, large landscaped garden. “The trees and plants looked good to the eye wherever you looked”.
Enjoying the beautiful garden. (Gordon pic and caption.)
The trip concluded with well deserved icecreams at Hampden.
Thanks to those who assisted on this walk.
Distance for the day: approximately 14 km. – Dave.