No. 30 on old hardcopy list of 113 club tramps. “Woodside Glen to Maungatuas. E Blackburn, D McEwan. Summer”
Short and long options. (Maungatua climb fairly steep. 5-7 hours. Heavy tussock on top. Route only. Manager: DOC.)
Woodside Glen, Maungatuas – Information and Trips Library
18. 14/2/2024. Trampers. Maungatua Option. Leaders Lyn Keene, Anne Ward and Di Bezett
Travel Distance 40ks, Grade: 3.5, Altitude gain: 711 metres. Total distance: 15.64 ks.
The day dawned to reveal blue skies and temperatures were predicated to be between 28-29 degrees. Continue reading “Woodside Glen, plus to top of Maungatuas”