Powder Ridge to Long Ridge (return)

Image005a Thumbnail12/02/2025. Powder Ridge to Long Ridge (return). Grade 5. Leaders: Pam Cocks, Esther Willis.

Fabulous day – and the writer is officially pooped.

Fourteen of us took up the challenge, leaving from the Pumphouse Car Park, destination the junction of Powder Ridge and Long Ridge Tracks.

The first forty minutes or so was a gentle meander, largely following Silverstream .

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Crossing Powder Creek and no wet feet – photo & caption Pam

We stopped where the track branched, to remove any extra layers of clothing before starting the climb of Powder Ridge proper.

The hard grind up to morning tea – photo & caption Jane

Contours on maps don’t lie- the track is steep and a real grunt initially. We made a good dent in it, before stopping for a well earned cuppa.

After the initial effort the track was kinder on the cardiovascular system.    Certainly there were more steep bits, but then the going would even out again.

That highest bump in the distance is Point 586 where we’re going…! – photo & cation Jane

Just before the seven km mark a strategically placed rope was used.   From there just a hundred meters or so to the track junction.

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Almost at the top Gwenda – photo & caption Pam
The Rope – the view from the bottom – photo & caption Jane
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Lunch never tasted soo good (at the top of Powder Ridge) – photo & caption Pam

The weather was kind so we enjoyed lovely views.

View down the leeeeength of Powder Ridge – photo & caption Jane
Powder Hill at left, Boulder Hill at centre, with Long Ridge in foreground – photo & caption Jane

As is often the case, we all, to a person agreed that the bigger challenge was the descent.

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Careful footing required – photo & caption Pam

Hurrah for poles and no recent rain, even so our knees were talking to us as we neared the end of the descent.

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Still smiling after 6 hrs. – photo & caption Pam
Here’s how to cross the Silverstream with dry feet -photo & caption Jane

Distance 14 kms
Elevation gained about 780m
Moving time five and a half hours

todays trek to Powder Ridge – map supplied by Jane

Thanks Graeme for leading the pack on the decent.
Pam and Esther

Link to background information and earlier tramps and hikes in the same area.


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