Distance from car-park: 24 km.
12. 08/05/2024 Hikers. Macandrew Bay, Greenacres. Grade 2
23 hikers set out from MacAndrew Bay heading to Company Bay stopping at the Yellow Eyed Penguin plant nursery.
A lovely spot for morning tea after an informative talk of the work done by the team there.
Away across a few paddocks over private land, then up Camp Road, a steady climb, amazingly clear views back over the Harbour

Lunch at the gates to Larnach Castle. It was a fairly quick break as the rain started and the wind got up, the weather really turned on us. A hasty retreat along the road and down Greenacres Track.

Whilst coming down the track Jill received a call from a staff member from Glenfalloch asking or our progress in such dreadful weather. A mutual agreement was made to abandon the previous intention of an after hike gathering there.
It was a pretty bedraggled but still cheery party arriving back to the cars, a welcome sight! 10.5kms for the day!
11. 13/09/2023. Hikers. Delights of Macandrew Bay. Grade 2, $6, 24km, Leaders: Jenny Flack, Avis Williamson.
It was a reasonably pleasant September Spring Morning when 25 keen hikers gathered at Ralph Ham Park (The Muddy ) ready to tackle the ups & downs of the hidden pathways of Macandrew Bay.

We headed up Marine Parade to the first shortcut which took us rather steeply up to Marion St.

We stopped to breathe & admire the harbour views, daffodils, magnolias, kowhai trees & tuis which only got better as we walked along Howard St & Barling St . The descent to the harbourside was quite steep but in no time we were at Glenfalloch enjoying morning tea.

No long rest allowed tho & we were soon returning along Marine Parade, admiring more gardens , taking a hidden path between the school & Portobello road. We snuck down the Pharmacy’s driveway & took the side entrance to the Macandrew Bay cemetery where we were soon checking out James Macandrew’s headstone in a hidden corner.

Up Wharfdale St thro the shortcut to Mclelland St, a quick look at the windblown harbour then up Porterfield & the very steep Kellas St until everyone happily collapsed on the Flacks deck & enjoyed their lunch. After lunch we all safely descended the Track of Terror and then were treated to a garden tour at Judy & Greg Hawkers complete with chocolate chippie biscuits served by lovely 4 year old Georgie Hawker.

The day was disappearing & afternoon tea at Glenfalloch was calling so while some paused at the Company Bay bus shelter the rest of us did a quick walk around the back of Company Bay & then all returned along the cycleway/ walkway to the cars.
This was my first trip as leader & I’d really like to thank my co-leader Avis for her help , also Jenni W & all the other walkers for their support & positive comments & my husband Trevor for woodchipping the paths to improve their safety .
Total distance covered 8km.
P.S. We all enjoyed a debrief at Glenfalloch. I did notice that it wasn’t only coffee & tea being consumed & somehow Alex managed to enjoy a free dessert !!

Morning tea took place at top end of Greenacres Street and then onto walking track heading up hill to Camp Road.

Perfect day for this walk which was about 11km. Up Greenacres St then morning tea and up to the start of the track which would take us to High Cliff road. The track was steep but many stops helped, I hope.

We cautiously walked along the road until we arrived at Larnach Castle and down the road beside it called Camp Road were we stopped for lunch half way down only to see one of the best views around and in brilliant sunshine which I think was enjoyed by all.

On to the Camp Track …

… which led us to the start of a track through private property but well marked.

This took us out at McTaggart Street and onto Portobello Road at Company Bay. From here we walked along the well formed footpath and waters edge back to Macandrew Bay for a well earned coffee. – Alex and Liz.

The weather was drier down the Peninsula than it had been back at Mosgiel. We found the planned route beyond McTaggart Street blocked by a recently erected track closure notice, forcing us to retrace our steps to an earlier than planned lunch back at Macandrew Bay. We sought shelter in the lee of a Pohutukawa planting.

We made the most of the time afterwards by exploring a couple of no exit streets nearby, the second of which at its end gave entrance via a set of descending steps to the Macandrew Bay Bowling Club green, of which Club the husband of one of our group was a member. We then explored a lane beyond to exit on another road back to the cars, and then home. – Ian