PJP to Cnr Narrowdale and Golf Links Rd 41 km.
Golf Course Corner, Gorge Hill, Wilkinson Rd, Windy Ridge, Narrowdale Rd: Round walk. Tedious Narrowdale road walk-out.
Golf Course Corner, Gorge Hill, Wilkinson Rd, Windy Ridge, Narrowdale Rd: Round walk. Tedious Narrowdale road walk-out.
11. 6/09/2023. Combined. Akatore Forest – Narrowdale Rd.
Grade 3, 41km, Leaders: Bruce Spittle, Alex Griffin, Sarah McCormack, Phil Morris.
Grade 3, 41km, Leaders: Bruce Spittle, Alex Griffin, Sarah McCormack, Phil Morris.
On a goodly spring morning, we headed from Peter Johnstone Park with a good number of trampers and hikers. At Milburn we turned left into Narrowdale Road (of note turning right at same point was Lime works and Whale Fossil Lookout). With Wenita permit conditions, group was split with trampers lead by Phil M and Sarah tramping up old golf course road while hikers lead by Bruce and Alec tramped up Narrowdale Road.
The trampers headed past 2 small farms up into pine trees which obscured views but with warm conditions. We continued the climb with a stop for morning tea.
Then along Stoop Road onto Homestead Road. Track conditions were perfect and chatter was aplenty. Time to junction Narrowdale and Homestead was 1.20min, 270 elevation.
Hikers travelling along Narrowdale Road past some belted Galloway cattle then up to the Rifle Range to the left. It was a good spot for morning tea.
Hikers travelling along Narrowdale Road past some belted Galloway cattle then up to the Rifle Range to the left. It was a good spot for morning tea.
Then on to junction listed above (Narrowdale and Homestead). Time 1 hr, 185 elevation.
The group continued left along Dale Road, down onto Siberia Road at the junction. We met at Lower Narrowdale Road where hikers and a few trampers travelled on a grassy track for 2km before they stopped for lunch at 12.45pm.

The trampers continued up Siberia Road…
…with full elevation of 405m, where we turned left along newly-named Scooter Road, with a stop for lunch in the sun at 12.30pm.
After lunch we continued along Scooter Road in search of a view (but none could be found) of prison compounds, Calder Stewart Ltd or Milton township. A decision to return back to meet hikers was made. With the good track conditions, the birds in forest were unable to get a word in, for the continual chatter of the trampers about many scenarios.
The trampers for the 2nd time were a few minutes late so most of the hikers took the Homestead track option, while the trampers headed down Narrowdale Road and back to cars by 15.05pm. The Hikers arrived back about 15.35-15.45. Pollen during the tramp could be seen blowing in the open, hence most had a lime greenish tinge on clothes, shoes. and on cars.

It was an interesting part of the Akatore Block, thanks Bruce S for sourcing.
Phil M.
Stats: Hikers 13.5km (phone) 16km (Garmin), elevation gain 324m, travel 4hrs, grade 3
Trampers 15.2km, elevation 405m actual travel 3hs 30min, grade 3.5
Stats: Hikers 13.5km (phone) 16km (Garmin), elevation gain 324m, travel 4hrs, grade 3
Trampers 15.2km, elevation 405m actual travel 3hs 30min, grade 3.5
10. 8/10/2009. Trampers. Golf Course Corner, Gorge Hill, Wilkinson Rd, Windy Ridge, Narrowdale Rd. Medium. Leader: George.
Partly because Leone wasn’t available as a leader (swapped with Sabina earlier), George had not done a recce. Although he had a different route in mind, Ian persuaded him to take the gate just down from the Golf Course corner and up the (very) steep track to eventually arrive at the trig.
As there was general feeling that we should return by the usual road route, we went on down through the forestry and farm to Wilkinson Road in the valley, being early enough to climb up it and lunch at the top.
After lunch just below the crest to shelter from the cool wind, we emerged onto Windy Ridge and all its views.

A couple more upward slopes across the ridge, and it was down, down and on on along Narrowdale Road and back to the cars safely home before the promised cold hailstone front due in from the south slammed in at afternoon tea time when we were refreshingly showered, sheltered, nourished and warm.
9. 12/7/2006. Trampers. Stewarts Forestry, Gorge Hill, Windy Ridge, Narrowdale Road. Leaders: Graham, Ian
8. 24/3/2004 Trampers. Gorge Hill. Medium. Leaders: Doug M, Bob H
7. 25/7/2001. Gorge Hill – Narrowdale Road. Medium. Leaders: Donny, Graham, Irene
6. 28/6/2000 Gorge Hill – Narrowdale Road. Leaders: Ian, Dot T
5. 21/4/1999. Gorge Hill – via Wilkinson Road. Leaders: Ria L, Joyce, Molly.
4. 10/6/1998. Gorge Hill via Wilkinson Road, round trip. Leaders: George, Hazel.
3. 15/10/1997. Gorge Hill round trip from Wilkinson Road. Leaders: Hugh, Jack M, Ivan.
2. 23/5/1990. Gorge Hill – round trip via Wilkinson Road. Great views of Lake Waihola and Milton. Average. One hill to start. Leaders: Peggy M, Nel v Elizabeth Peg C
1. 21/4/1989 Leaders: Ria L, Joyce S, Molly