St Clair, St Kilda, Kew, Corstorphine, Ocean Grove, Tomahawk – Information and Trips Library
2. 24/08/2022. Hikers. St Clair/Kew Street Walk. Grade 2.5. $5. Leaders: Shona & Maria
24 hikers met at the Forbury Trotting Club where Maria distributed a handout giving information on points of local interest (thanks Maria).
We walked together to Second Beach (a hidden Dunedin gem), for morning tea and took time to look at some stone installations there.

We proceeded to Jacob’s Ladder where most climbed the 287 steps to Seaview Terrace and the remainder studied some of the more impressive homes on the flat.

Both groups re-joined at the bottom of Allandale Rd before dividing up again, one group taking themselves up the walkway beside Frances Hodgkins Retirement village to Easther Cres and meeting the rest for lunch at the recreational area between St Andrews home and Sarah Cohen school. We walked back to Forbury via Surrey St.
Coffee at The Good Oil at Nichols.
Distance approx. 8.4kms
1. 5/4/2000 St Clair – Kew. Street walk Leaders: Colleen, Bev H