19. 12/5/2021 Kuri Bush. Leaders Liz and Alex
Meeting at a suitable parking spot on the Taieri Mouth road at the start of Mount Allan forestry hike 12 brave members set off for a pleasant walk in bright sunshine. As Pine trees had been removed it gave a different feeling from our previous hikes. Great views and an understanding of how rough the hills really are for planting. First stop after a good climb was morning tea break.

Everybody relaxed. Onward up and down until we reached Big Stone Road .

Lunch time.

Down the road until we met the next track and into the forest again. From here it is mostly down hill with more great views until we arrive back at car park.

Coffee at Brighton Beach shop with relaxed chatter including meeting Dot and Chris who had just completed there own walk. 12 kilometers in total .New member was welcomed and had a good day. Good company and enjoyable.
Liz and Alex.
18. 22/5/2019. Hikers. Forestry walk Kuri Bush. Dave and Liz.
A little bit nippy for a start

but 2o hikers and 3 Ramblers set off what was to be a pleasant gradual climb amongst pine trees and bush.

A 9.50am morning tea was taken with sun shining brightly which warmed all and accepted. From here the Hikers took the Daphne Road

and Ramblers the Isobel Road. The Hikers continued until reaching Big Stone Road

and then onto the downward trip via Katherine Road. The Ramblers did very well reaching the top of Isobel Road and then down Katherine Road. Total distance for Hikers was about 12 Kilometres. Off to Brighton Beach Cafe went very weary but happy Hikers and Ramblers. Thanks to all Liz and Alex.
17. 16/5/2018. Hikers. Daphne, Big Stone and Kathleen Roads. M. Leaders: Alex, Jim and Betty.

Conditions were a pleasant cool day for the hike in the Allanton Block of Wenita Forrest south of Brighton. The majority of 22 hikers stopped off at the Brighton Cafe for refreshments on the return trip to Mosgiel.
It was a successful late change to the planned hike.
Betty & Jim
16. 17/6/2015. Hikers. Daphne, Big Stone and Kathleen Roads. M. Leaders: Alex, Liz and Dot.

About twenty Hikers did the now more customary route of climbing the Daphne Road’s gentler but longer route and descending by Kathleen Roads shorter but steeper. We morning-teaed in the sunny spot at the foot of Daphne Road where the Club has always stopped, and lunched

on a level stretch of the road, but still some distance from the top. Older members, presumably familiar with the route found they had failed to recollect the many gully dips on the road. They also appreciatively noticed the rubbish collection by the top gate had been cleared. …W-e-l-l perhaps not all!

Reaching the top of Kathleen Road, a substantial number struggled around and under the closed and apparently locked gate before Les noticed that it was not locked at all. … Sigh.
It was yet another good-weather Wednesday, tempting some to to wonder whether a Higher Power must look after the Club. (Well, it was colder on Tuesday and Thursday promised snow.) Admittedly a cold breeze had driven us into woollen hat and gloves when we emerged from our cars, but this eased in the shelter of the forest and in the patches of sun the trees permitted us from time to time. It was a great Winter’s day tramp and a great location – a metalled road rather than a sloshy paddock or slippery track. (Pity the poor trampers! – see their report.)
Mention must be made of the occasional great views of the coast and down gullies that we stopped to enjoy from time to time.

It was further remarked that tramps like this get us to see the other sides of properties that mere car travellers never get to appreciate.
So, thank you leaders, for a well-reconnoitered and led tramp. We were well looked after, with thoughtful stops for regrouping. – Ian.
15. 13/2/2013. Hikers. McLeods Farm. Leaders: Wendy and Peter.
14. 22/8/2012. Trampers. Daphne Road, Big Stone Road, Kathleen Road. Medium. 12 km.
13 . 4/7/2012. Both. Daphne Road, Big Stone Road, Kathleen Road. Medium. 12 km. Leaders: George, Lex.
Starting at the home of George and Elizabeth, George and Hazel led us along to the corner of Queen Street and up across several paddocks to reach Highland Street where we sheltered from the wind for morning tea. Once we reached Big Stone Road, we paralleled it on a forest track just across the fence, which was much more interesting, if slower, than walking the road. We were amazed to see the extent of forest harvesting on the other side of the road, cleared, replanted and now for sale as lifestyle blocks.
Later we came across a couple of pig skins on a fence.
Shortly after passing the McLaren Gully Road turnoff on our right we turned off onto Kathleen Road on the left and then again on the right into Isobel Road where we stopped for lunch.
Isobel Road provided a pine-needle-strewn softer surface for walking down to the coast. There we joined the beach, nice and firm on an ebbing tide, but oh so loooong to get back to Brighton and the cars again. 18 km in all, and were we glad to reach the cars again!
There were only six of us, three of whom from Mosgiel who, vehicle-less as it turned out on this occasion (Doug would have gone back for his car had he been required to), depended on first-time visitor Susan who was surprised into having to provide the transport to Brighton, but who most graciously provided it. – Ian
11. 6/8/2008. Both. Margaret Road, Katherine Road. Medium. Leaders: Dot M, Chris.