10. 17/6/2020. Hikers. Woodhaugh gardens and the University area. Dawn Pool and Pam Clough.
9. 31/7/2019. Hikers. Treasures around the Leith. Jenni and Judy D.
Despite a rather iffy forecast, 18 hikers met to explore “Treasures around the Leith”. We met our Brighton contingent at the Malvern Street Bridge and proceeded to an early morning tea at the Woodhaugh Gardens. So off we set though the Botanic Gardens admiring the recent rose pruning, through the Clive Lister Garden, along and up through the terraced gardens and finally up a gentle track which lead us to Lovelock Avenue.
The weather held as we investigated the historic bell in the University’s quadrangle. This bell was part of the New Zealand Exhibition in 1865, before being moved to the stock exchange building in 1868. The full story was captured by the ODT on 3 February 2019.

From there, we ventured to the Otago Business School to view the outstanding architecture and the very cool photographic exhibition “Cuba through Kiwi eyes”. There was a great variety of excellent photographs, and we were fortunate to be able to see this. The exhibition closes on 2 August.

We meandered along the side of the Leith, noting the exciting new $26m Music, Theatre and Performing Arts Development and checked out the new Leith bridge which links Dunedin with Port Chalmers for both walkers and cyclists.

We returned to the seating area outside the Stadium for lunch, which turned out to be an excellent shelter from the nippy Southerly.

Back along Union Street, as we passed the Multi Disciplinary Unit we talked about the world famous “Dunedin Study” and the amazing facilities they are housed in. Time was on our side so we entered the Student Union building and the Information Services building which has been cleverly joined by “The Link”. We marvelled at the space that the students enjoy today and the architectural features including a circular internal Oamaru stone wall. A highlight of the tramp was seeing the developments to alleviate flooding in the area and preservation of the St David bridge.

How fortunate we are to have so many treasures around the Leith.
Distance travelled around 9kms. Coffee and cake at Village Green. Special thanks to Judy Dennison for being “Tail End Charlie”. Today’s leader: Jenni Wright.
8. 28/11/2018. Hikers. Gardens / Leith Street. E. Leaders: Judy and Elaine.

After an overdose of rain, 23 hikers and four ramblers abandoned the planned Flagstaff/Swampy hike in favour of the Botanic Gardens area.
We parked in the gardens car park and wandered by various paths to the Rhododendron dell for a leisurely morning tea. The sun shone and the birds sang.

Eventually we headed off over the road, into the northern cemetery where a successful search was made for Elaine’s ancestors.

Leaving them undisturbed we headed off down the hill, and the steps, to Logan Park and around to the stadium for lunch. (Quite a relief to have toilets available at both morning tea and lunch!)

The sun shone and a one-legged seagull enjoyed lots of titbits. From here it was a stroll across the road into Anzac Ave, then across to follow the Leith up through the University

and so back to the Gardens, coffee, and the cars.
Judy and Elaine
7. 15/8/2018. Hikers. Gardens / Leith Street. E. Leaders: Dawn and Pam.

6. 28/6/2017. Hikers. Leith walk Mouth to Woodhaugh. E. Leaders: Jan Y and Jan B.

5. 25/6/2008. Hikers. Woodhaugh – Botanic Gardens. Easy. Leaders: Marjorie, Carmel.