Finlayson, Wilkinson, Waihola, Skyline Roads

Waihola Forest Road Tramps

No. 63 on old hardcopy list of 113 club tramps. “Waihola – Wilkinson Rd. Easement Rd. Skyline Rd. Wenita. Farm”
Waihola tramps

Waihola tramps

Distance from car-park: 27 km.
Year round. Winter option. Contacts:
Parking: Contact Manager, Christian Youth Camp, Mr Kinnon 03 417 7120 for permission to park on the old wooden two-storey house property.
Carpark to Wilkinson Road 45 minutes.
15 minutes
Wilkinson to top of Easement 1 hour.
Easement to Bluff 30 minutes.
Bluff to Waihola top 1 hour.
Down Finlayson Road to car park. 30 minutes.
Wenita permit. Require 6 weeks notice, but less from us.

16. 18/1/2012. Hikers. Finlayson Road picnic area. Wilkinson, Easement, Skyline and Waihola Roads, round trip. Leaders: Marjorie and Bruce.

We parked our cars at a rest stop on Finlayson Rd, near Wilkinson Rd turn-off. Bruce led us round the area, planted with a variety of interesting trees, not the least being this large macrocarpa.
One tree – or many? Impressively large, anyway.

The walk was anti-clockwise on forestry roads. It was hot ascending Wilkinson Rd, so we were pleased to reach the top and find the tea stop just beyond.

Tea break in the shade, on Wilkinson Rd, next Waihola Rd corner.

Then it was on and down till we reached the Easement Rd on our left, which was to lead us up (steeply again) on and on to meet the Skyline Rd.

Corner Wilkinson Road and Easement Roads

We rested and regrouped at the corner before setting off (left again) after instructions to keep strictly to the roadside to avoid alarming the driver of a large occasional forestry truck hurtling by in a dusty rush. We lunched safely on a convenient quiet side-road.
Along Skyline Rd a bit more and we found the top end of the overgrown Waihola Rd which took us down to meet Wilkinson Rd at the point where we had had morning tea, and back down to Finlayson Rd and the rest area again.
Thank you, Marjorie and Bruce for a well-planned walk, which we understood was not the easiest one to get permission for. – Ian.

15. 28/10/2009. Hikers. Waihola Forest area. Leaders: Chris, Dot B

Waihola Hotel
14. 14/7/2004. Both. Wilkinson Road, Waihola. Leaders: George, Bob H, Val and Brian, Helen S.
13. 18/7/2001 Waihola Road, Wilkinson Road, Easement Road, Skyline Road. Easy+. Leader: Ria L, Evelyn C, Pam.
12. 16/9/1998. Waihola, Wilkinson Road, Skyline. Leaders: Les and Mavis.
11. 18/6/1997. Waihola Forestry Walk. Lunch Waihola Tavern. Leaders: Betty B, Val, Sabina. (Midwinter)
10. 9/4/1997. Waihola Forest Walk return via Trig Road. Leaders: Catherine, Nel K, Betty B.
9. 17/4/1996. Waihola – Wilkinson Road. Leaders: Mavis, Ted, Ray.
8. 25/1/1995. Wenita Forest, Waihola-Taieri Mouth Road, Milburn. Leaders: Rob Q, Les and Margaret, Ivan.
7. 23/11/1994 Wilkinson Road, Waihola, Medium+. Leaders: Ria L, Nel K, Marie F, Catherine T
6. 9/6/1993 Wilkinson Road, Waihola. Up Wilkinson Road, Finlayson Road, Skyline Road. Easy. Leaders: Peg C, Les & Mavis, Myrie
5. 21/8/1991 Waihola, Wilkinson Road to trig. Coastal Forest. Lovely views from trig. Average. Leaders: Bob H, Peter R, Stan R, Daphne
4. 14/9/1989 Coastal Forest. Wilkinson Road, Waihola Road, Skyline Road Leaders: Ria L, Daphne
3. 30/8/1989 Wilkinson Road, – beyond Waihola. Average. Coastal forest, round trip. Leaders: Daphne, Bob H, Doreen, Peter R
2. 14/9/1988. Coastal forest from Waihola (Wilkinson Road.) An interesting tramp. Leaders: Ria, Daphne.
1. 4/5/1988 Waihola to Trig. Splendid views of lakes and Milton. Leaders: Hugh, Ria de J

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