Mountain Road / South Waikouaiti River

2. 15 May 2024. Trampers. Mountain Road/ South Waikouaiti River. Grade 4. Leaders: Graham Thurlow and John Gardiner

Square 100Sometimes my grandmother would say something to me, and I’d ask,
“How do you know that?”
She used to say,
“A wee birdie told me.”
This report is a ‘wee birdie’ (a Fantail) told me tale: –

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An exploration day in Silver Peaks

GPS of Exploration Day in Silverpeaks – Ken

On Monday 29th Oct 2012 Dermot & Ken went exploring in the Silverpeaks. We parked at the first locked gate on Mountain Rd. & walked Nth. to where we had seen an old forestry road heading into the bush, on the west side of the road. We actually walked past it to start with, as you can see by the Google pic. After locating the correct track, we ventured off down it towards the Waikouaiti stream,
[or a branch of it.] Continue reading “An exploration day in Silver Peaks”