Craiglowan Falls – Information and Trips Library


This page of club tramps and hikes in the area of Whare Flat groups together trips to the Craiglowan Falls

Background Information:

Road distances from Mosgiel carpark.

Links to tramps and hikes in this area:

Craiglowan Falls. 2018 – 1997 (9 trips, 4 with reports and photos, 1 with photos only, 4 with no reports or photos)

Raingauge Spur – Information and Trips Library


This page of club tramps and hikes in the Silver Peaks area groups together those trips on the Raingauge Spur. (map)

Background Information:

Road distances from Mosgiel carpark.

Access to the Raingauge Spur can be made via Rollinsons Road which will require a key to the gate approx. 2 km’s from the “Elbow” where the track starts. A key is currently held by the clubs President.

Links to tramps and hikes in this area:

18/09/2024  Raingauge Ridge – Steve Amies. Grade 4.5. Trampers.  Leaders: Neil Hodgkin and Sarah McCormack.

Rain Gauge Spur via Picnic area, Nth Coal, Racemans. 2009 – 1998 (8 trips, 1 with a report, 1 with photos only, 6 with no reports / photos)