Outram Heritage Trail and Floodbank


Thumbnail Image Square04/09/2024. Outram Heritage Trail and Floodbank. Grade 2. Combined. Leaders: Anette MacRae, Katrina McKenzie, Cathy Ferguson, Janette Abbot.
41 happy walkers left the Outram Rugby Club carpark and headed around Outram following the heritage trail looking at old churches, halls, houses and banks. Continue reading “Outram Heritage Trail and Floodbank”

Outram Museum


1. 2/12/2020. Hikers. Outram Historical Park. Leaders Judy and Catherine.

22 Hikers met at the West Taieri Rugby Club car park. We walked through the grounds, crossing the road and making our way along the riverbank to Ferguson’s new subdivision then up onto the green where we had morning tea.

“Along the stopbank at Outram” – Photo and Caption Clive
“Sue and Katherine our leaders”. – Photo and Caption Clive
“Morning tea” – Photo and Caption Clive
We then crossed the road at the Outram Bridge and made our way up George King Memorial Drive to the Historical Park.We were fortunate Neil Gamble one of the members was there and opened up 3 of the buildings for us to look through one being the old original Outram School which brought back many memories for Ady who started her schooling there.We then walked up to James Reids property Minchmoor having to detour from our usual track because of the trees being logged close by.
“A walk in the forest, trees being felled around us” – Photo and Caption Clive.
We walked through his paddocks over the top and eventually stopped for lunch overlooking Outram and the Taieri.
“Lunch above Outram”‘ – Photo and Caption Clive
“Looking down on Outram” – Photo and Caption Clive
The weather was very pleasant, We then proceeded down James,  road to Outram where Jim Finnie had organised with his friend to see some of his vintage machinery for those that were interested, after which we went around the walkway at the Maungatua View subdivision before arriving back to carpark and coffee at the Wobbly Goat.