Balclutha River Walk

69 km from car park.

28/3/2018. Hikers. Balclutha River Walk. E. Leaders: Bev and Lesley.

Route map, courtesy Ian.

Luckily the day was bright and sunny as we were going a bit further afield for our hike today, to Balclutha. There were 17 met at Naish Park in Balclutha  and as it was 10am we sat in the sun and enjoyed a leisurely morning tea before setting out on the walk.

Morning tea at the park. (Clive pic and caption.)

Naish Park is a lovely area with beautiful trees, garden, aviary and childrens play ground.

Naish Park. (clive pic and caption.)

It was originally a market garden and orchard, donated to the people of Balclutha by the Naish Family.

The walk is called the Blair Atholl walkway and goes along the stop banks beside  the Clutha river.

Along the flood bank beside the Clutha River. (Clve pic and caption.)

We went to the end of it…

The terminus tree that the leaders made us all  circumnavigate before returning. (Kevin pic.)

… and up a side track by a rhododendron dell that must be a great site in the right season. We had a our lunch here. Once again taking out time and enjoying the sun. Then back the way we had come till the track divided and we went along a loop that was closer to the river. Unfortunately where you had to cross an inlet the water was higher than expected. However, some elected to wade across…

Back to the park (some through the ‘ford’). (Clive pic and caption.)

…while the rest of us retraced our steps and followed the path we had started on. We then adjourned to the Heart & Soul café for the after walk social get together. – Bev.