Mt Stuart Reserve – Information and Trips Library


This page of club tramps and hikes in the area South via SH1 and groups together trips to the Mt Stuart Reserve (map) incorporating the Clutha Gold cycle track.

How To Get There:

Proceed south on SH1 to the turn off onto SH8 to Central Otago just south of Milton. Mt Stuart Reserve is located on the right just before the Manuka Gorge about 10 -15 minutes drive from SH1 turn off. Parking is plentiful at the Reserve.

Background Information:

Road distances from Mosgiel carpark.

Links to tramps and hikes in this area:

05/02/2025. Mt Stuart Reserve to Mt Stuart Tunnel (Clutha Gold cycle track).  Grade 2.5 and 3 Combined.  Leaders: Clare Banks, Barbara Shackell, Sue Beal.





Gabriel’s Gully, Otago Dam, Lawrence – Information and Trips Library


This page of club tramps and hikes in the area South via SH1 and groups together trips to Gabriel’s Gully, the Otago Dam and located in the township of Lawrence. (map)

How To Get There:

Gabriel’s Gully is located in the township of Lawrence. Proceed south on SH1 to the turn off to Central Otago just south of Milton. Lawrence is about 30 minutes from the turn off on SH8. The Gabriel’s Gully turn off is about half way along the main street of Lawrence – follow the road to the reserve where there is plenty of parking.

Background Information:

Road distances from Mosgiel carpark.

Links to tramps and hikes in this area:

Gabriel’s Gully, Lawrence. Bus Trip. 2024 – 2000 (8 trips – 5 with reports and photos, 2 with photos only, 1 with no report or photos).




Waihola Area – Information and Trips Library Post


This page of club tramps and hikes in the area South via SH1 and groups together trips to the area around Lake Waihola, including Waihola Hill and Lawlor Farm. (map)

Background Information:

Road distances from Mosgiel carpark.

Access Permissions are required for trips incorporating Lawlor Farm – refer guidelines

Links to tramps and hikes in this area:

04/12/2024. Waihola – new cycleway/walk. Trampers.  Leaders: Heather Kirk and Jenny Wilton

Waihola Walk. 2024 – 2010. (4 trips, 3 with reports and photos, 1 with photos only)
Waihola Hill and Lawlor Farm. 2023 – 2022. (2 trips with reports and photos)
Finlayson, Wilkinson, Waihola, Skyline Roads. 2012 – 1988 (16 trips, 1 with report and photo, 1 with photos only, 14 no reports or photos)

Hope Hill, Wallace’s Farm – Information and Trips Library


This page covers the Club tramps and hikes to Hope Hill located on Wallace’s Farm off SH1  just south of Allanton. (map)

Background Information:

Road distances from Mosgiel carpark.
Parking is available through a gate off SH1 on the farm property.

Access Permissions are required as trips to Hope Hill venture over a working farm – refer guidelines.

Links to tramps and hikes in this area:

29/01/2025. Hope Hill. Grade 4. Trampers. Leaders: John Gardiner and Martin Hickley.

Wallaces Farm on Hope Hill. 2023 – 1993 (14 trips with 6 reports)




McNally’s Walkway, Milton – Information and Trips Library


This page covers the Club tramps and hikes to the McNally’s Walkway located in Milton. (map)

Background Information:

Road distances from Mosgiel carpark.

The McNally Track was developed by the Milton Rotary in 1980 and is still maintained by them today. The track is clearly marked with marker poles  and is suitable for a Combined trip.

How To Get There:

(1) Milton township turn left opposite Presbyterian Church, turn left at Ossian Street and follow on down Moore and Tokoiti Streets to Cemetery near which is the entrance to the McNally Walkway. Park cars by the side of the road.
(2) Turn left off SH1 at the kink in the road onto Springfield Road. Follow Springfield Road to the sawmill and turn right onto Cemetery Road. Turn right onto Cemetery Road and continue to the Cemetery which is the entrance to the McNally walkway

Links to tramps and hikes in this area:

11/09/2024. McNally Walkway. Grade 3. Trampers. Leaders: Graeme Souter & Theresa White.

McNally Walkway. 2023 – 1992, 20 trips with 10 reports.