Camp: Armstrong, Dunback

Friday 15/9/1995 – 17/9/1995. Camp Armstrong. Dunback. Combined meals. Camp mothers: Molly and Bev.
13-17/3/1994. Weekend Camp at Camp Armstrong .
Arrived at camp before lunch on Friday. 12 people..
Sorted out accommodation, had lunch and ready to go by 1.00 p.m..
The afternoon tramp was through Mr John Prebble’s property to the Caves. Very good tramp in ideal conditions of about 3 hours..
On Saturday we left Camp at 9.00 a.m. for Allan Rutherford’s property, up past the old Woolshed and then on up the valley, crossing the creek several times, quite swollen with the overnight heavy rain. Had lunch and returned to the woolshed by a different route and missing the problem of fording the creeks which had posed a problem on the way up. Arrived back at Camp at 3.30 p.m. Social hour and tea. A bit cool but good tramping conditions.
Sunday’s trip started 9.00 a.m. and was from Mr L Still’s property up to the Microwave Station which entailed continuous climbing for about 1.5 hours. Had morning tea and returned to camp for lunch. Cleaned up toilets, showers, rooms &c and left Camp about 1.30 p.m. for home. Beautiful day after light frost. – (Unsigned written report.)
Friday 27 – Sunday 29/3/1992. Camp Armstrong, Dunback. Combined meals. Get own breakfast. 14 attended.