Friday 18/9/1992 – Sunday 20/9/1992. Teschemakers. 25 attended.Organiser: Catherine.
Category: Both Hikers & Trampers
Taiaroa Head Royal Albatross Colony, Pukekura.
No. 61 on old hardcopy list of 113 club tramps. “Taiaroa Head Albatross Colony (Nov-Aug) Year Round”
Closed Late August to Late September for nesting.
12/2/1992. Taiaroa Head. Seals, shags, shipping, and a visit to the Royal Albatross Colony for those interested. Leaders: Ivan & Bev, Jack M, Diana B, Daphne
19/4/1989. Taiaroa Head. Penguins, seals, albatross and views. Necessary to book in advance to visit albatross colony. Leaders: Bob H, Molly, Mary McG
Pleasant Valley Camp
18-20/5/1990. Leader: Frances Maslin.
30 people attended.
Pam Jones of the Field Club gave good talks to members attending.
Big Stone Road to Wallis Farm
14/6/1989 Big Stone Road to Wallis Farm. Coastal views. Leaders: Margaret G, Betty, Jean