20/11/2024. Frasers Gully / Friends Hill / Wingatui Tunnel & Return. Grade 3.5. Trampers. Leaders: Anne Ward and Lyn Keene.
Our group of 19 met at Ellis Park before beginning our walk up Frasers Gully, beautiful native bush, singing birds and flowing stream.

Reaching the top of the track at Dalziel Road and crossing over to Brinsdon Road up past the Water Treatment Station to a welcome sunny morning tea stop just short of Halfway Bush Road.

We proceeded to the start of Friends Hill Track descending to Wingatui where we walked along a track that leads to the entrance of the Wingatui Tunnel and our lunch stop in lush farmland on the other side. The tunnel was in very good walking condition, no muddy or boggy boots!!

Jane Bruce gave us a very interesting and informative talk on the history of the tunnel. Work begun in Sept 1873 and after excessive water problems causing a collapse in Feb 1873 that claimed 2 workers lives. It was completed in Aug 1875. The tunnel is 462m in length and lined with 14 inch bricks (3 layers)

After lunch we headed thru farmland and back onto Friends Hill Track the same direction we had walked down, but this time heading down Frasers Gully on the upper side.

We eventually found the entrance to Graeme & Carol Thurlow’s new home,

where our group was privileged to be invited for a welcome afternoon tea and beautiful baking that Carol had prepared. Thankyou to you both for entertaining our group and providing delicious refreshments. Graeme guided us on an alternate route back to our cars. An enjoyable 18k tramp with plenty of variety, native bush, gravel roads, farmland & tunnel ending with an impressive afternoon tea
Regards Anne and Lyn
Link to background information and earlier tramps and hikes in the same area.