23/10/2024. Tomahawk, Soldiers’ Memorial, Karetai Track. Grade 4. Trampers. Leaders: Di Bezett, Gail Williams and Lyn Keene
24 people set off on a very humid day, straight up the 4wheeldrive track, the views were spectacular. Partway up we went to the right down a wee side track for more views and to see the stunning cliff faces.

A well earned cuppa was had by all at the top and from here we did a bit of road walking, before going right down to Highcliff Track stopping to look back at the stone walls and scenery.

We went halfway up Paradise Track and had lunch at the old house site with once again great views of the sea.

We finished the 2nd half of the track to meet Highcliff Road at the top, where we enjoyed another liquorice-all-sorts, which helped us with the 1 hour road walk to the Soldiers, Monument. Unfortunately, the peg track was closed. It must have had a washout by the creek from the rain a couple of weeks ago, so very sadly we turned back and went along Centre Road back to the cars.

That road walk was very hard on your body but at least we had an alternative!
Approx. 17 km walking, 6 hrs, so well done everyone. We couldn’t have had a better day for tramping! Thanks to one and all for your company and to our Tail End Charlies Gail & Lyn. Also thanks to Lynley and Karen for taking me on the Recce.
Di Bezett

Link to background information and earlier tramps and hikes in the same area.