Rustlers Ridge, Burns Track

20240925 134923 Thumbnail25/09/2024.  Rustlers Ridge, Burns Track. Grade 4 Trampers.  Leaders: Phil Morris and Sarah McCormack.

On a sunny Wednesday we headed to the Leith Saddle car park, to tramp the above hike.

A group of 20 hardy trampers hit the hills. We headed down the gravel Leith Valley Road and left into the Pipeline track. Along the bottom is quite muddy but we as trampers expect the same. We moved along at good speed joining the Rustlers track and with a good gradient and a late morning tea, we got to clearing before the junction, at 11.15am. A great view of hills to north and Waitati could be seen to the left.

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looking towards Mt Cargill, from just below our morning tea stop – photo & caption John
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Morning tea on the track. – photo & caption John

The Wednesday track-clearing group could be heard in the distance, they are certainly ‘doing a great job clearing our tracks‘.

Now off to a spot on Northern side of swampy would take a further hour and a quarter. So we cranked the last hill to the view northern mountains at a reasonable pace. At 1 pm we were ready for lunch. A 280 degree view from Mosgiel round to TV mast wow!

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Main “mutinous” group (one of two) having lunch! – photo & caption John
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Second mutinous lunch group (one of two). – photo & caption John
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Panorama – View from our lunch spot. – photo & caption John
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Blueskin Bay beyond some hungry trampers. – photo & caption John

The tracks had dried and were in great condition for this time of year. After a half hour or so we descended from the top to the lower Burns track, midway down a great view of Waitati inlet could be seen.

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View Waitati Inlet going down top of Burns Track – photo & caption Phil

We then continued down Burns track, great job clearing boys. 40 minutes on we had got to bottom turn at 3 pm. With a quick picture, we continued back onto last climb for a 3 pm finish.

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group at bottom of Burns track – photo & caption Phil

A good day out was topped by a batch of Laneway’s Black Forest Fudge had by all,   Yummie!!

Cheers Tail end Charlie Sarah McCormick (thanks)

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Rustlers/ Burns Strava stats for tramp today – Phil

Start time 9.45 am. Junction 1.30 min. Nth Swampy 1.30 min. Junction 35 min. Burns 40 min Cars 30 min Finish Time 3 pm. Tramp time 3.5hrs, 30min lunch, 15min M/Tea. Elevation 575metres

Phil Morris

Link to background information and earlier tramps and hikes in the same area.


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