Millennium Track Return (from Henley)

Trampers 15024/07/2024.   Millennium Track return, Henley Start. Trampers. Grade 4   Leaders: Gwenda Farqharson. &  Alison K.

Millennium – a strange name for a track?  By definition. A period of one thousand years, especially one which begins and ends in “000”.

The year 2000 is often referred to as the “Millennium”. Robbie William’s song comes to mind, co-written with his producer Guy Chambers, perhaps ironically in only 4 hours, back in 1998! (Just as an aside, unusually for a pop song, it is performed in D-flat major – bet you didn’t know that?) Written in 1998? Perhaps that’s where the answer to this track naming mystery lies? In the couple of years prior to the year “2000,” Millennium became a “buzzword” to celebrate a milestone, and the beginning of a new era, with exciting implications of impending change. Anyway, for whatever reason, like at least another 4 or 5 walkways and tracks in the lower South Island alone, we have a track named “Millennium” between Henley and Taieri Mouth, all 7.9km of it.
On a calm, still, overcast morning, 17 trampers, in 4 cars, arrived at our Henley start point at 9.50am.

Starting Off On The Millennium Track From South. Caption And Photo Pam
Starting off on the Millennium track from South. Caption and photo Pam

Leader Alison Kim set a cracking pace, and by 10.50am we were at John Bull Gully. Morning tea was enjoyed here, with 2 picnic tables to sit at close to the banks of the Taieri River.

Table 1 At John Bull Enjoying Morning Tea. Caption And Photo John
Table 1 at “John Bull” enjoying morning tea. Caption and photo John
Table 2 At John Bull Enjoying Morning Tea. Caption And Photo John
Table 2 at “John Bull” enjoying morning tea. Caption and photo John

Investigating the origin of this name, proved just as perplexing and perhaps bewildering as my “Millennium” search! An article in the O.D.T (4 June 2020) referring to John Bull as a fictional character, with Bull Creek possibly sharing the same name origin? Regardless, by 11.05am we were on our way again, conquering the uphill climb to the lookout, before arriving at 11.45am. Unfortunately, the low mist obscured our view. It was pretty much all downhill from here, on a mushy, slippery and at frequent intervals, pig damaged track, before walking a beautifully constructed boardwalk at 12.25pm.

Walking The Board Walk. Caption And Photo Pam
Walking the Board walk. Caption and photo Pam

By now the sound of the sea was getting louder, encouraging us into believing that Taieri Mouth wasn’t far away. Sure enough, at 12.45pm we were alongside a diverse, character filled, row of cribs near the Taieri Mouth bridge.

Elvis Was Here Caption And Photo John
Elvis was here? Caption and photo John

A leisurely lunch break was enjoyed here, in the sunshine, again with the luxury of picnic tables.

Taieri Mouth Our Destination Caption And Photo John
Taieri Mouth Our destination Caption and photo John

All too soon at 1.20pm we were on our way again, retracing our steps back along the track.

There Were A Lot Of Ups And Downs Caption And Photo Pam
There were a lot of ups and downs! Caption and photo Pam
We Are Waiting For You John Caption And Photo Pam
We are waiting for you John Caption and photo Pam

This time we enjoyed a clear magnificent view when we reached the lookout at 2.20pm for a rest.

View From The Lookout. Caption And Photo John
View from the lookout. Caption and photo John

By 2.30pm we were on our way again, arriving back at the cars at 4.00pm. a bit too late for afternoon coffee, all headed home for a rest.
Thanks to: – Gwenda, who led the recce and was originally to lead the tramp. Hope you get over your nasty cold quickly Gwenda.
Alison, for assuming the leader’s role in Gwenda’s absence (originally tail end Charlie). I hope your course assignment deadline, that prevented you writing this report, will be successfully met.
Pam, who assumed the tail end Charlie role at short notice. A logical choice having earlier been on the recce with Gwenda and Alison.
Some stats: – Elapsed time 6:07:11
Moving time 4:52:25
Distance 15.8km.
Grade 4.
“My wish for the new millennium is for all children… to grow wiser, stronger and more prosperous in the future than ever before”.
Hillary Clinton.

John G.


Link to background information and earlier tramps and hikes in the same area.

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