Boulder Beach closed during yellow eyed penguin nesting 1 November – 28 February.
Distance from car-park: 24 km to Macandrew Bay, 27 to Highcliff Road.
18. 22/05/2024. Trampers. Macandrew Bay to Boulder Beach and return. Leaders Pam and Gwenda
With overcast skies 23 trampers headed up Greenacres Track (From Macandrew Bay) to Boulder Beach.
It was a bit of a grunt and halfway up the group became spread out a little.

While regrouping we were transported to Scotland admiring the beautiful Highland cattle.

A stop for Morning tea at the top of Greenacres track was enjoyed with panoramic views across the Harbour to Maia and beyond.

Of course, John couldn’t resist reliving childhood memories of the rope swing on the track.

Single file we proceeded along Highcliff Road for 25 mins, passing the site of NZ First Cheese Factory, to the start of Buskin Track.
While on the road we were accosted by two vans of exuberant Malaysians, taking photos of us and with us, V signs and waving our poles. (Hope they continue safely enjoying NZ).
We proceeded down Buskin Track, (slippery in places) with views out to Seal Point then onto the Highcliff track before turning off to Boulder Beach.

We followed the orange ribbons through chest high vines to the Beach when oops – a slight diversion had to be made due to a sealion resting on the track.

Lunch on the boulders was welcomed while watching the in- coming tide.

We retraced the track back from the beach (20mins) to the junction with Paradise track and proceeded the gradual climb (30 mins) to Highcliff Road while regrouping and looking back to views of Boulder Beach and coast line, the ruins of a house and intriguing stone walls covered in lichen.

40 mins along Highcliff road, down Greenacres we were back at Macandrew Bay 3pm ready for coffee/cake at “The Duck Cafe”.

Hope you all enjoyed the days outing on the Otago Peninsula.
Length= 12.5kms. Moving Time = 4.10hrs. Vertical Climb= 580m (Taken from Topo50)
Leaders: Pam and Gwenda.
17. 21 July 2021. Trampers. Greenacres St -Boulder Beach – Seal Point Rd. M. Leaders: Ross and Wyn
Brrrrr… it was cold in Mosgiel after a light frost so we were keen to get into our cars and head out for Macandrew Bay, our starting point. After meeting up with the Trampers from town, 23 of us set off from Macandrew Bay just after 10am. (I thought there were 22 until morning tea when I realised I hadn’t counted myself!). We headed up Greenacres Street…

…where we came across our first of many animals of the day (and my favourites) – Highland cattle and even baby ones.

After about 35 minutes of uphill and not far up the Greenacres Track we stopped for morning tea by a seat at some big old macrocarpas.

We then carried on up the track until we came to Highcliff Road (280 metres of climbing). We had certainly warmed up after that and we were able to admire the views as we walked along Highcliff Road towards the Paradise Track.

About halfway along we crossed the road to look at the monument to New Zealands first Cheese factory in 1871. The monument was understated considering how important the dairy industry has become. Then it was onto Paradise track which leads down to Boulder Beach. It was slippy slidy in places but everyone seemed to remain upright.

A few animal distractions on the way starting with a group of friendly alpacas which received quite a bit of attention.

Then we came across 2 sheep engaging in rather vigorous headbutting. After all the animal antics we made our way on down to the bottom of the track to the Beattie cottage which we had a look around…

… before making our way to Boulder Beach through the protected area. It was 12.30pm and lunch was had on the beach near a leopard seal sunbathing on the sand who seemed to pose to have his photograph taken.

It was very calm and even warm with a short appearance of the sun. The return journey was an uphill climb via Braidwood Road (a 4-wheel drive track), leading onto Seal Point Road which in turn joined up with Highcliff Road at Pukehiki. The church has been undergoing renovations with a very smart paint job in grey and white.
A bit further along Highcliff Road to Greenacres Track again for the thankfully downward journey to our cars (with the customary stop at the BIG swing).

We had a well-deserved coffee at the The Duck café at Macandrew Bay where we were pleased to rest our weary legs and chat some more. A great end to an enjoyable tramp.

16. 14/8/2019. Trampers. Highcliff, Boulder Beach. M. Leaders: Helen and Phil.
17 brave souls left the car park and travelled over to Tautaku parking in a car park nearby.

Cool day with a cold wind was blowing. Walked up the Karatei Track having morning tea in the shelter of the trees and pampas grass at the top of the track.

The decision was made to go all the way up to the top of the Karatei Road and keep the wind on our backs. Going on to Highcliff road there were great views up the harbour.

Turned in at Penzance kennels and set off down the Buskin track. Wet and muddy in places. We stopped for our lunch ending up in two groups. One in the shelter of the trees and the other getting views while sheltering in the bushes.

A cyclist passed by carrying his bike which he had to do for most of the track. We then kept going down the hill and turned onto the Highcliff track and up.

Jenni has a slip in the cowpat. Views were over to Sandfly bay and beautiful views of Boulder beach.

Further up we went past beautiful stone walls and past old buildings and the house. Onto Mcmeeking road and back out to the Karatei road …

… and then the track. By this time the weather front was coming through and it was cold with rain. Lovely views over Smales beach with a wild sea

and back to the start. Coffee and refreshments were taken in the warmth of the Tuppence cafe in Waverley.

On the whole a great tramp in the cold but some awesome views. Helen and Phil M.
15. 20/6/2018. Trampers. Macandrew Bay – Boulder Beach. M. Leader: Dave.
11 Trampers were keen to get on the move after some cold dull misty days. We started out on Greenacre road at Macandrew bay. This road leads on to Greenacres track through a patch of old macrocarpas up to Highcliff Rd. We then walked along Highcliff road for about 1 km to Paradise track. Along this part of the road Larnach built a hotel so that he didn’t have to go far (3km) to go for his drinks. The walk down Paradise track …

… was interesting with some native bush either side of the track to start. As we wandered down, there were outstanding views of the coastline.
There were a number of clumps of Macrocarpas where original 1860 houses used to stand. Some remains still existing along with sturdy well, built stone walls. Early family names included Sanderson and Beattie. At the bottom of the track we visited the named Beattie cottage, …

… well surrounded in macrocarpas with a few remaining garden plants. Beattie was known for introducing the first rabbits to the peninsula.
We then headed through the protected area to the beach – aptly named with many boulders …

… and a sandy beach to one side. Lunch was had there.
The return trip was via Braidwood and Seal Point roads up to Highcliff road. The mist had cleared and the coastal views were amazing. Spirits were all lifted after a visit to the church at Pukehiki!!
Coffee was calling so we headed back down the greenacre track, …

… to the coffee bar at Macandrew bay, a convivial ending to an enjoyable walk. Trip approx. 14km in 4hrs – Dave.
14. 27/7/2016. Trampers. Macandrew Bay – Boulder Beach. M. Leader: Neil M.
About 10 am we started the walk up Greenacres Track which was very pleasant although a tad slippery in places. Upon arriving at the pines and drier ground it was time for a break. It was here we were joined by a walking rider and very placid horse which apparently had a distaste for riding downhill routes and had to be led on foot.

… and where others removed a layer of clothing.

Walked 12.8 Km; Travelling time 3 3/4 hours; Climbed 580 metres. – Carole

12. 30/1/2008. Trampers. Macandrew Bay, Boulder Beach. Medium. Leaders: Bruce and Marjorie.
11. 9/8/2006 Trampers. Macandrew Bay, Boulder Beach. Leaders: Bruce, Glenis
9. 28/8/2002. Macandrew Bay – Greenacre Street – Boulder Beach. Medium+. Leaders: Ian, Irene, Elaine.
8. 15/8/2001 Macandrew Bay Greenacre Street Paradise Track, Boulder Beach. Medium. Leaders Doug M, Mary L, Evelyn C
7. 19/7/2000 Macandrew Bay Greenacre Street Paradise Track, Boulder Beach. Leaders Jean A, Chris, Joan H
6. 1/12/1999. Macandrew Bay, Larnach Castle, Boulder Beach. Leaders: Molly, Bill H, Pat.
5. 6/5/1998. Macandrew Bay, Greenacres, Boulder Beach, Paradise Road. Leaders: Doug J, Betty, Ted.
4. 21/5/1997. Macandrew Bay Greenacres Street, Boulder Beach return. Leaders: Chris H, Ria H, Jean
3. 6/3/1996. Macandrew Bay – Greenacres Street – Boulder Beach. Medium. Leaders: Dot and Eric, Chris, Joan H.
2. 4/11/1992 Tomahawk Lagoon, Boulder Beach, Paradise Track. Round Trip. Average. Leaders: Ria H, Bev H, Jean A, Noel.
1. 2/10/1991. Macandrew Bay, up Greenacre Street and over to Boulder Beach. Return by Paradise Road. Windy Ridge!! Lovely views. Leaders: Ria and Kees, Jean A, Ria H, Peg C.