Portobello – Information and Trips Library

13. 8/11/2023. Hikers. Varleys Hill-Hereweka Track. Grade 2.5. $9. 32km. Leaders: Jan Butcher/Jenny Finnerty
22 hikers set off on a cloudy morning for the Portobello Community carpark.

We struck light misty rain on the drive down the bay so decided to walk the Hereweka Track first and carry on from there depending on the weather. It was certainly a pinch getting up the hill for this ‘tail end Charlie’, but once at the top we stopped for a quick morning tea break and then it was a comfortable down hill walk on a nice grassy track.

Once we hit the bottom of the track there was no rain and we continued on Sheppard Road to Hoopers Inlet. We continued along Cape Saunders Road, stopping at the junction to enjoy our lunch on grassy verges in lovely sunshine.

When the sun disappeared we moved right along looping back around Hoopers Inlet, passing the Hoopers Inlet Hall and keeping on this road until it met up with Allans Beach Road which took us back to the carpark.

Distance covered 11ks. Refreshments were enjoyed at The Cove in Portobello before homeward bound to Brighton and Mosgiel.
12. 9/11/2022. Hereweka Track. Leaders Jenny and Julie
19 hikers met at the Portobello Community Park on a lovely spring day. After morning tea and toileting we set off up Allans Beach Road. At the top we stopped to look at the fab view looking out over the inlet.

We carried on down the road and turned left around the inlet onto Shepards Road.

Had a bit of a wander through the Hoopers Inlet Memorial Park where some went Bush for a toilet stop while some wondered whether the bunnies were dead or not.

All in all, it was a big 2-hour loop! After lunch we trekked along to the Hereweka Track which is a good slog on a nice track to finish our hike off with.

We all met for refreshments at “The Cove” in Portobello. It was a lovely day for a 11km walk.
Jenny and Julie.
11. 13/04/2022. Hikers. Hereweka Track. M. Leaders: Jenny and Alex

Caption and photo John
After meeting up with the Townies on the perfect day, we parked our cars at the Portobello Reserve/Skateboard Park and had our morning tea.

Caption and photo John

We then walked along Allans Beach Road to the Hoopers Inlet Junction. What I thought was going to be a 50 minute walk was only about 20 minutes(I don’t know where I got that info?) Thinking on our “feet” we turned left around the inlet onto Sheppards Road. We stumbled upon a picnic spot called Hoopers Inlet Recreation Reserve for a wee look then carried on up the road to Papanui Inlet Road then onto Cape Saunders Road and back to Allans Beach Road. (Are you keeping up?)

In fact it was a good loop walk. Thanks Jim Finnie. We stopped off at Hoopers Inlet hall for a nice leisurely lunch on their deck.

After lunch we carried on along to the road leading on to the Hereweka Track. Well worth it as its a lovely bush walk. A good short and sharp uphill climb at the base of the Harbour Cone coming out at the camping ground. Two loops in one day!!!
All up our team of 8 men and 8 women walked 10.5 km. Then it was off to Nichols for a well deserved coffee. Cheers Jenny and Alex
PS. Thanks Pam for the suggestion. I think it will be a keeper.
10. 9/5/2018. Hikers. Varleys Hill. M. Leaders: Pam and Jay.

9. 10/1/2018. Trampers. Varleys Hill. M. Leader: Janine.
While the weather report was forecasting showers, my barometer just continued to climb towards ‘dry’ – so we had another rain free day which provided ideal conditions for our first tramp of the year .An eager 15 individuals set off from Portobello across farmland where we stopped for morning tea at an old milking shed site, allowing those mechanically minded to study remains.

Continuing on we passed both live bunnies and dead ones! Then ventured back onto a gravel road leading us to Papanui Inlet,

such a busy piece of road – we stepped aside for one car! We detoured from the road into private farmland and began the uphill climb through the bush protected by a QE2 covenant.
The traditional stone walls in this area are always amazing but the stone fortress around the top of Varleys Hill never ceases to astound all and constantly query ‘who and why?’ But dispite rigorous research into the history of this block of land and it’s history, present owners have been unable to answer these questions.
After lunch within this fortress overlooking the amazing views of Harbour Cone, Papanui Inlet. Hoopers Inlet and the Pacific ocean, most tried to detach bidi-bids from backpacks, socks, jerseys, gaiters etc. This proved a futile exercise as the tramp down the other side

of Varleys Hill proved to be a further tangle of this weed and most were unable to rid themselves of this attachment untill we reached the Hoopers Inlet Hall.
After another short road walk we cimbed up and over the ‘Leith’Track (I think thats what the sign referred to} back to Portobello.A lovely walk in mostly warm overcast conditions – covering just over 10 km – and finishing up at MacAndrew Bay for leisurely coffee/ ice cream and conversation. – Janine.
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8. 8/2/2017. Hikers. Portobello, Sheppards Road, Varleys Hill, Leith Track. M. Pam and Dawn.

We parked the cars in Allans Beach Road. 33 people set off and 3 people went as far as they could cope and went back to Portobello for lunch. We walked from Allans Beach Road to Hoopers Inlet and turned into Sheppard Rd where we had morning tea on side of road. We then walked along Sheppard Rd turning right at Papanui Inlet Road. At Parkers property, 150 Papanui Rd, we walked up their driveway to start of track up to Varleys Hill.

Quite a steep climb up to top where there was a lot of very large stones forming a circle. We had lunch there …

… and enjoyed magnificent views of sea and hills.

After lunch we went down through the track (heaps of biddi biddis that we had ben warned about) …

… to Hoopers Inlet Hall, where some group photos were taken.

21 people went back to Portobello via the Leith track and 9 people chose to return walking back via Allans Beach Road. We arrived back at Portobello at 2.30 where we enjoyed a coffee at the lovely café. A very enjoyable day. – Dawn
7. 9/3/2016. Trampers. Portobello, Clarks, Sheppards and Varleys Hills. Medium. Leader: -.
Once again we had a very nice day for our tramp around Clarks – Varleys Hill at Portobello. And it was another opportunity to show this area to some who had not been there before.
This is not a long tramp, so the pace for the day was a bit slower than we normally travel at, but it does give time to absorb the scenery.
We had to fill-in a form for Brendon at the first gate, but after discussing this with him over the phone when I was seeking permission, it was no problem, & only took a minute to fill out the necessary bits. We then had morning tea in the normal place by the willows, & made our way up the hill past the “twisted” tree, & through the hard to open gate [ which thankfully was already open] at the top of the hill.

On reaching Weir Rd. we travelled down here to Papanui Inlet, & along the road to the private driveway leading up to Varleys Hill. Here we stopped to retrieve an information sheet from the letterbox, that the owners had left for us. This sheet describes the work they have carried out, & some history of the property. I will forward this sheet to Ian for possible addition to the website.

Some made hard work of the climb up to the top “ring of stone” where we had lunch among the bidi bids !!

Then it was off down the other side of the hill following a very indistinct track, to the turn off through the bush, which leads down to the Hoopers Inlet Hall.
Another lengthy road walk followed, till we reached Leith track end which goes over the hill back to Portobello. We stopped at the top of this before going down to the cars.
Once back at the cars, it was decide to continue the “coffee club” tradition, by calling in at the Macandrew Bay cafe for a chat, before moving off home.
The day was enjoyed by all, & we only had one problem with one member using new boots, & getting a blister on a heel, which was ably seen to by our nursing member.
Walked 9.6km
climbed 376mtrs. – Ken.
6. 23/4/2014. Trampers. Portobello, Clarks, Sheppards and Varleys Hills. Medium.
The weather was not looking good when I got up in the morning, it was raining gently, but as the day progressed it got somewhat better, & we had a fine day for our walk, with hardly any wind, & mild temperatures. The grass in the farm paddocks was a bit wet, but not too long so we all stayed dry the whole day.
We had morning tea in the willows on the first farm, & lunch at the top of Varleys Hill…

… in the ring of rocks, after having a good chat with the lady of the property before we climbed up through the bush to the top. Lunch was a bit early at 11: 40, but that gave use the option of getting back to the car early, or just loafing around to fill in the time. As it turned out, we did a bit of both, before we took off down the hill to the Hoopers Inlet Hall. Then it was the lengthy walk around the road to the track leading up & over the hill, back to Portobello, which we reached at about 12:50pm. This allowed us [ the No 2 coffee club ] to stop at MacAndrew Bay for our ‘fix’ & a chat before heading home. – Ken
5. 25/5/2011. Trampers. Portobello, Clarks, Sheppards and Varleys Hills. Medium.

4. 16/6/2010. Trampers. Portobello, Clarks, Sheppards and Varleys Hills. Medium. Leader: George

3. 25/3/2009. Trampers. Portobello, Clarks, Sheppards, McArthny and Varleys Hills. Medium. Leaders: George, Lex
but soon becoming “an old stick-in-the-mud”, according to Bob. We turned off into the driveway up to Varleys Farm.

2. 25/6/2008 Clarks, Sheppards and Varleys Hills. Leader: George
A great introduction to some Peninsula hills our club hasn’t experienced before. Thanks to George for getting the landowners’ permissions at a moments’s notice and providing this excellent alterative for the day. – Ian
1. 25/4/2008. Trampers. Portobello, Varleys Hill. Easy. Leaders: George, Ria.
Beautiful pictures!
kia ora
we own the small farm at 12 Hoopers inlet road, the route from top of Hereweka street in Portobello reaches Hoopers Inlet at our gate. Next time you are planning trips out this way we would be delighted if you used the new track system, developed with the Harbour cone trust and other local interests, that crosses our property on north side of Harbour cone and accesses harbour cone tracks. This track/route is well marked and allows for a climb of the peak, or a round the peak walk, or a slightly less arduous loop mostly in bush up through our property and down through Peter Cooke and Anna Moore’s property. Though not officially open yet if the trip leader phoned up before hand I would be very happy to provide quidance/map/permission to enjoy this ‘mini-tramp’.
Steve Cutler and Brigitte Kammlein 03 4780055.
Thanks Steve. This sounds interesting, and with lots of possibilities. I’ll bring this to the attention of our trip planners. And take your point about all users walking on these tracks doing so at their own risk. Cheers, Ross