Cleghorn Street, Signal Hill – Information and Trips Library


This page of club tramps and hikes in the Opoho, North East Valley, North Road area (Dunedin City) groups together tramps to Cleghorn Street, Signal Hill area.

Background Information:

Road distances from Mosgiel carpark.

Distance Chingford from carpark: 20 km.
Follow Old Main North Road to Cleghorn Street which has the best view of the harbour. Walkway sign.
Walk starts starts at the gate on right, up McGregors Hill. Beyond stile Pine plantation on 3rd stile at summit.
Gravel road 10 minutes to end. Locked gate. Last stile. Signal Hill road.
Links to tramps and hikes in this area:

Signal Hill Tramps. 2023 – 1992 (19 trips with 5 reports, 4 with photos only, 10 with no reports or photos)
Signal Hill Centennial Memorial, Ravensbourne, Big Easy. 2023 – 1998 (24 trips with 7 reports, 2  with photos only and 15 with no report or photos). See reports dated 18/5/2022 and 24/11/2021 for reference to Cleghorn Street.




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