Monday 6th March – Tramping.
Day 3 – Bannockburn Sluicings, Stewart Town, Long Gully Loop Track
Beautiful weather for start of the day. Lunches made. We left cars at Bannockburn Camp just a short distance from School Camp and headed along Domain Road/Gibson Road to the start of sluicings and up to Stewart Town for morning tea with all of group.

Here hikers and trampers parted ways, the hikers walking around through sluicings to Felton Road and back to carpark via coffee stopover.

The trampers headed further afield to complete Long Gully Loop Track 7kms, a steady uphill climb, where we stopped for lunch at the top and admired magnificent views of Bannockburn, its wineries and further down to Cromwell and Lake Dunstan. We couldn’t have chosen a better day; the scenery was amazing. Lunch over and back down steep incline to complete Loop Track, a tired but very satisfied group on completion of track.

Many sore and tired muscles took refuge in the pool back at camp.

Neil started the evening meal with his version of grace, very apt for our group. Our yummy meal was followed by Neil’s quick wit for ‘News of the Day’ very entertaining thanks Neil. Shona and Keith arrived just in time to assist with meal preparation.