On a very pleasant and warm Brighton morning 22 hikers set off towards McIntosh Road led by Faye (with an E).
The wet land area planting and a talk about it. (Photo and caption Helen)
We visited Star Fish Gallery for morning tea and a friendly inspection of premises hosted by owner.
Morning tea at Starfish Gallery. (photo and caption Helen)
From here we headed back down the hill to explore different parts of Brighton and Ocean View led by Alex as Liz was off the scene with slight injury caused earlier in the week. With such a pleasant day it was good to enjoy sea views and other interesting sites before a stop for lunch at Ocean View.
Sea view (photo and caption Helen)
Up the Bennett Road to inspect the Mosaic Wall …
The mosaic wall. Beautiful. (photo and caption Helen)
… which leads us down the steep track back to Brighton and local Coffee shop for more relaxation and welcome visit by Bev Harvey and Dot Bennett.
Alex And Faye.
On a some what cloudy day 23 hikers meet at Braids Hill Park Ocean View.
From here we took to the beach for a short walk…
Nice flat walk on Ocean View Beach (photo and caption Clive)
Beach art (photo and caption Liz)
and headed back onto the Main Rd and observed the group of houses that had been recently developed.
Ocean View Beach towards Blackhead (photo and caption Clive)
Onto the domain until we reached the bottom of Kayforce Rd where morning tea was taken.
Morning tea (photo and caption Clive)
A climb up to the top of a hill took place where great views of the surrounding district were appreciated.
A long way from the beach now (photo and caption Clive)
Continued back up Bennett Rd to see the beautiful Mosaic Wall which is a must to see.
Taylors Creek (photo and caption Liz)
Down track to Main Rd enjoying views of a reasonable flat sea until we reached the Brighton Bowling Club for an enjoyable lunch break with full sunshine.
Lunch at Brighton Bowling Club (photo and caption Clive)
Away heading south until we climbed up to Bedford Parade with more lovely views and off to local coffee shop for refreshments.
Coffee at the end of the hike (photo and caption Barbara)
Liz & Faye
8. 5/5/2021. Combined. Brighton to Allenton. Leaders: Betty and Jim FinnieThe weather gave us just one of those amazing days after some overnight rain, so it was all go for
the 30 trampers & hikers, that departed by bus from Allanton for Brighton,after our commute there
by car.
“All Aboard.” – Photo and Caption John
From Brighton, Arthur lead a party of 20 as they meandered up the (gravel) 5.2 kms
McIntosh Rd for a timely meet up with the balance of the group of 10 lead up the 4.3 kms Scroggs
Hill Rd by Alex.
“Clear blue sky.” – Photo and Caption John
“One way to repair a fence – warratah storage.” – Photo and Caption John.
“Good timing- the two groups meet at Scroggs Hill Rd and McIntosh Rd.” – Photo and Caption PamAt the saddle we were afforded beautiful vistas of the Pacific Ocean; Brighton and
ahead of us lay the Taieri Plain. From the saddle both parties combined to follow the dry weather
road downhill to our cars at Allanton.
“Homeward bound- view over Taieri Plains.” – Photo and Caption Pam“Almost back to the cars.” – Photo and Caption John.
“Happy Trampers.” – Photo and Caption John.
Thanks to the numerous members who assisted.
Betty & Jim
7. 22/7/2020. Hikers. Brighton area. Leaders Alex and Liz.
20 hikers including ramblers reported at Brighton Surf Life car park to a sunny but cool area to start there 11 ks hike. After about 10 minutes it was time for morning tea break at resident Sue’s house.
Photo and Caption Alex – “Morning tea in the sun”.
From here 3 ramblers went for there own direction while the hikers continued climbing up Scroggs Hill to the top.
Photo and Caption Alex – “In the shelter near the top”.
Time was about 11 50 am so down McIntosh Road for lunch about 12noon. It had been very windy up till now but more sheltered on this road.
Photo and Caption Alex – “Lunch by a big tree”.
Photo and Caption Alex – ‘Amazing views from the top of the road”.
Photo and Caption Alex – “Pleasant scenery on the homeward downhill walk”.
Cruising down until we came to Star Fish exhibition shop where some purchases happened and from here onto Brighton Cafe for more good company to finish the day. Alex and Liz.
6. 5/9/2018. Both. Brighton Area & George’s 90th Birthday. Leaders; Alex, Liz and Arthur.
George’s 90th Birthday. (Clive pic and caption.)
Back to the 9am summer starting time today. All club members traveled to Brighton this morning and parked at the Bowling Club.
Although a combined day, the leaders Liz and Alex asked me to take the Trampers on a separate tramp, to give them some exercise. The Hikers did a walk around the Brighton town area, …
[The hikers had a good walk. This leader was carried away with the atmosphere of the day wanting to treat it as a special occasion with special people which I feel hopefully was achieved. – Alex. and Liz]
Along the front at Brighton. (Clive pic and caption.)Ocean Beach towards Black Head. (Clive pic and caption.)Down the Zig Zag. (Clive pic and caption.)
… while the Trampers crossed back over the bridge and then followed Mcintosh Road out into the country.
Passing the “Hire Boats” by the river bridge brought back many memories from childhood for some, of boating on the river long ago.
After passing the last houses, the road followed the river flat for a time before turning away to ascend the green farmland hills.
At the right time morning tea was taken at a nice sunny spot.
The brilliant sunshine was very enjoyable as we followed the road uphill, with much to see. Green paddocks with some new lambs therein, and the bushy deep gullies. It was a beautiful day.
About 1.5 km short of reaching Scroggs Hill Road, it was time to turn back, and retrace our steps, downhill now.
Arrived back right on time (11.45 am) at the Brighton bowling Club’s pavilion for the birthday celebrations.
It was both George’s and his wife’s (Elizabeth) birthdays today, and both sat in a place of honour for the “finger lunch” provided by club members.
Ian Fleming said grace before the meal, …
Plenty to talk about and plenty to eat. (Clive pic and caption.)
… and afterwards presented an interesting speech on George’s long association with this club, with reminiscences and memories of a Life Member. …
Amusing stories of George and the tramping club over 30 years. (Clive pic and caption.)
… George spoke in reply, before blowing out the candles and cutting his 90th Birthday Cake. …
The man and the cake. (Clive pic and caption.)
… A great time was had by all, being a very happy occasion for our club members. The venue was perfect, with around 60 in attendance.
Special thanks to Liz and Alex Griffin for organising the day, [not to mention Jan Y for arranging the cake – Ed] and to George for providing the excuse for our day’s celebrations.
– Trampers’ Leader, Art.
5. 28/6/2017. Trampers. Kaikorai Estuary to Brighton. E. Leader: Jill.
On a frosty morning 10 trampers ventured south into the sand dunes at Ocean View Domain. Initially we crunched on frozen sand which was a contrast to last weeks creek crossings, rope climbs and the mud. It really was a pristine day the sea gently rolling in with a spray along the tops , sun out in its full glory and a clear horizon and no mid winter dippers !!
We followed the Ocean View coastal walkway
Clive pic.
towards Brighton. This is a purpose built track, fenced with access points to the beach to help protect the fore dunes. The back dune area has also has been replanted and is an ongoing project along with weed gorse and broom eradication. The track meanders round a little creek back to the main road just below Big Rock. We climbed Big rock and had wonderful clear views both north up the coast
Clive pic.
and south over Brighton and beyond. That was our hill climb for the day.
Our return was along the beach to the Kaikorai stream estuary where we had lunch along with the seagulls.
Clive pic
Our trip back was over the mud flats into the dunes again along a tussock covered track. We were accompanied by a local farm dog who wasnt really willing to go with his owner who was out training his horses on the beach. We eventually came out on the beach again and back to the cars the time only being 1 pm. Back on the road towards Westward I had spotted a sign to a B n B and Gallery so all were keen to venture up the gravel road to a hidden gem where we meet the artist Karen Baddock who proudly showed us into her studio and explained the history of some of her pieces . As I had read the birds look as tho they are ready to fly off the canvas. Her address [email protected]. It’s well worth a visit .We walked 10.2 kms and had our art fix as well . An enjoyable day . – Jill
4. 14/6/2017. Hikers. Brighton walk. Leader: Alex and Liz.
Nike app route map courtesy Ian. Was a bit slow remembering to turn it on.
Eight hardy hikers enjoyed a walk along sand dunes at Ocean View with morning tea stop at playground.
Off to Brighton on a street walk with many points of interest given.
Climbing back down from top of Brighton’s Big Rock. (Ian pic and caption.)
Back to Ocean View…
Liz pic.
…for a one and half hour lunch stop with many topics discussed at the invitation of Marjorie and Bruce Spittle. The weather was up and down but an enjoyable day had by all and off to Agnes’ coffee shop for refreshments and more wisdom. Great company. – Liz and Alex.
Route map, courtesy Ian. (Begun a few minutes late.)
3. 8/8/2012. Hikers. Brighton Walk. Leaders: George and Chris.
Just thought I would say what a great day we had with our hikers’ day. The leaders Chris and George where the upmost of leaders.
The day started from the rugby club’s rooms at the Brighton Domain. Up and on through muddy fields. And, I will say, a field with a very huge bull with his lot of cows. One of our group, whom I will not name due to privacy laws, was very stressed about the bull. So we formed a group around her and we moved through. So far, so good.
Then we were approached by a group of horses (sorry, are they called a group?). They demanded food. Lucky for us George had a container of carrots!
Whew – we got through all that!
Then George found a wool stand to have lunch under cover. Well done, George.
What a day! I think we must have done about 10 km. Lots of laughs.
P.S.We girls did agree the uniforms of all the guys at the games are wonderful. – Elaine.
2. 14/12/2011. All. Brighton Recreational Reserve. End of Year Tramp. Easy.
George first took 22 of us along a short beach walk and up to his property for morning tea. A light drizzle had set in, but not too discouraging. Thank you George for providing so many chairs.
Part of group on George’s front lawn having morning tea. (Ken pic and caption)
Chris then took over and led us around a number of Brighton’s back streets overlooking the Otokia Creek. (I like ‘Stream’ better, but Creek it is.) Non-Brightonians were surprised by the extent of the township’s suburb.
Blooming wild flowers
Overlooking the Otokia Creek from Brighton back streets
However the light rain wasn’t letting up, so at 11.00 a.m. we adjourned prematurely to the Brighton Rugby Football Club Hall (sic) on the Brighton Recreational Reserve (sic) (you can see I have googled all the correct local nomenclature).
With an hour’s wait till lunch time, Bruce, however, had happily brought along his guitar and songbooks, led us in some merry singing. In seemingly no time at all, we arrived at meal-time. President Bev presented an excellent official welcome and we enjoyed a pleasant sociable hour or so over a generous and varied selection of food. Thus came to its close another successful year. – Ian.
1. 13/12/2006. All. Brighton Domain. End of Year Tramp – Xmas finger food lunch. Easy. Leaders: George, Chris.