10. 11/05/2022. Hikers. Portobello Aquarium Leaders: Jim and Lester
It was different to be one of the only 2 for refreshments after a pleasant walk on Hatchery Road at Portobello. It was at the Aquarium’s marine studies centre that our group of 15 were afforded a very interesting presentation by Tamlyn Somerford on their ongoing research that is currently being carried out.

Caption and photo Raewyn

Our trip by bus from the Edgar Centre was a change of outlook from traveling by car. It was a very pleasant day for what was a short walk to a laid-back lunch stop looking out to Taiaroa Heads.

Back in Portobello waiting for the return bus seemed the perfect time to fuel up on ice cream.
Leaders were Lester & Jim
9. 10/7/2019. Hikers. Portobello, Quarantine Point. Leaders: Bob and Kevin.

8. 24/9/2014. Hikers. Portobello, Hatchery Road. E. Leaders: Chris and Dot.
7. 29/8/2012 Hikers. Portobello, Aquarium. Leaders: Jim and Betty
6. 13/7/2011 Hikers. Portobello, Aquarium. Leaders: Arthur and Barbara.
5. 8/7/2009 Hikers. Portobello Aquarium. Leaders: Chris, Molly.
4. 25/11/2008 Hikers. Portobello Marine Studies Aquarium – Quarantine Point.
What a perfect winters day it was on Wed, absolutely ideal for our Portobello/Aquarium hike. The drive down the peninsula was a lovely start, with the harbour like a mill pond and the reflections superb. Parked the cars in a picnic area on the outskirts of Portobello and from there walked along some lanes, paths and walkways,some a bit slippery with frost, till we came to the Reserve by the Happy Hens Gallery.
Here we sat and enjoyed our morning tea in the sun. From there it was off down the road to the Aquarium. The views were outstanding so there were frequent stops to admire and photograph the wonderful scenery on such a glorious day. From the Aquarium there is a track to the the end of the point called Quarantine Point. A fantastic spot to sit back and relax while having our lunch. Scenery to admire and a ship being guided into the harbour at Port Chalmers to watch with interest. We made the most of the sun and lingered somewhat longer than usual soaking it up.
3. 20/8/2008. Hikers. Portobello Aquarium. Leaders: Chris, Jean A
2. 21/3/2007. Hikers. Portobello Aquarium. Easy. Leaders; Chris, Jean.
1. 23/11/2005. Hikers. Portobello Aquarium. Leaders: Chris, Jean A
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