Trotters Gorge – Information and Trips Library
4. 09/03/2022. Trampers. Trotters Gorge. Leaders: Arthur and Pam
The skies were overcast when leaving Mosgiel at 8.45am but once over the Northern motorway it became brighter and remained like that for the rest of the day.
We met the city trampers at the Waitati store and 5 cars with16 trampers were on their way to Trotters Gorge picking up a hitch hiker ( Heather) at Palmerston before continuing on SH1 past Shag Point with spectacular vistas of Katiki beach. At Hillgrove we turned left into Horse Range Road, arriving at Trotters Gorge Scenic Reserve 10:15.
Day packs on, poles, gloves at the ready we started off by walking through the first of six stream crossings – no stepping stones here, so straight through. The small stones were quite slippery under foot.

The wide formed track, which was muddy in parts, wove its way through native bush of kanuka, ribbonwood, wineberry and kowhai.
The birds were very vocal around this area- great to hear.
1km on we arrived at the University owned hut for morning tea on the veranda while John, ( a big kid at heart) enjoyed the rope swing.

10:55, leaving the hut and the Trotters Creek area we were straight onto the un-maintained single track into the Trotters Gorge area.
The landscape changed dramatically to sheer rock bluffs which looked like limestone but are greywacke breccia conglomerate formed about 80 million years ago.

Here we saw the NZ Falcon (Karearea) flying high above the cliff and could hear the nestling’s whining sounds.
Continuing on through the eucalyptus trees we noticed the distinctive smell of its leaves- a camphoraceous smell, slightly medicinal.
Further on along the flats the track became quite swampy and after crossing a small stream we started our climb up hill.
With gloves on and walking poles ready, we made our way up the track through the overgrown gorse to arrive at the top (11:50) for lunch.
From here we could see over to Moeraki and the sea but the Pine Forests obscured better views.

After lunch we headed back down the same track with ever changing views and were fortunate to get another glimpse of the falcons.
Back at the reserve we embarked on the 700m walk to the Cave.

This maintained track follows a tributary of the Trotters Creek through beautiful native broadleaf forest.
On the track we came across a very large NZ Silver fern and as we approached the Cave we were greeted by a Black Fantail (Piwakawaka).

The caves had been sculptured by the river many years ago.

Returning the same way back to the cars it was on to Palmerston -continuing on the Horse Range Road, passing through forestry and then rolling farm land to the “Coffee cup” cafe .
Here we enjoyed great coffee, cake and ice cream in the cafe court yard.
Another great day with the TRTC. Pam
3. 7/6/2017. All. Bus Trip. Trotters Gorge. Leaders; Keith, Dave and Arthur.
Hike app route map, courtesy Ian. (About a km short, due to slowness to engage the app.
We followed the road in a north to north-west direction, winding around somewhat, and going…

…uphill twice before descending again. The distinctive rock formations of the area could be frequently seen.
Eventually we came to a much longer uphill section, but the grade was good.

A regroup was necessary at the top as the hill had sorted out the faster people.
There was a light breeze up here, so we found a sheltered spot in Fantail Road at which to stop for our lunch It was nice in the sun.

Lunchtime over, it was only a few minutes’ walk till we left the road to begin the descent into Trotters Gorge. At first, for a short distance, the 4WD track was bare clay, steep, and a bit slippery. Once past that bit progress was good, and eventually we reached Trotters Creek. We were down in the canyon now, with ever-changing views of the rock cliffs.

They look like limestone, but are actually greywacke -breccia conglomerate formed about 80 million years ago. About 12,000 years ago Trotters Creek was a much larger river and carved out the gorge.
Our track followed the bottom of the gorge now, with 6 stream crossings to make,

the water being 3 or 4 inches deep at each. We reached the picnic area and the bus just after 2 pm, after an enjoyable day’s tramp.
?Ramblers report of day at Trotters Gorge.
After the trampers and hikers were dropped off, the 10 of us who had opted for a shorter walk stayed on the bus while the driver drove to the pick-up spot. This took him a bit of manoeuvring. By this time we were really looking forward to a cup of tea, so we walked along the road to a nice sunny spot to sit and enjoy it. We walked back to the bus and got a map from driver which showed a bush track with a shortish loop track not too far along. The 10 of set off on this really lovely track. After a while 4 of our group opted to go back leaving the rest to carry on. We came to the loop track and decided to have a look at it as there was a cave to view not too far a long. Anyway, our loop track proved to be rather more difficult than we had bargained on being very steep up hill and very slippery with mud etc. However, having hauled ourselves up using scrub, roots or a friendly hand, to say nothing of crawling on hands and knees, we decided to carry on as we weren’t keen on returning the way we had come and hoped that the way down would be less challenging! This proved to be marginally right. We decided at about 12.20pm to have lunch sitting in the cave. The way down was slightly better but still required a lot of care. Once again we managed by sliding on backsides, hanging on to trees or whatever else presented its self, and helpful advice and hands of companions. It has to be said here that the one in front with help and advice quite a bit of the time was none other than our 90 yr old and sight impaired Molly!!

We were at no time lost, and as there were 6 of us, in no danger of not having someone to go for help if needed. We had not been given any time to be back at bus and as, in the past, a bus trip has always meant a whole day out, we didn’t feel any concern about time as it was before 3pm. We actually felt quite proud of ourselves and what we’d achieved by just taking our time and giving each other support and help. – Bev
2. 8/12/2004. Both. Bus Trip. Trotters Gorge. Leaders: Ria, Doug J, Catherine, Joyce.
1. 8/10/2003. Both. Trotters Gorge. Bus. Medium. Leaders: Trampers: Joyce, Pat McL; Hikers: Nancy, Catherine.