3. 15/12/2021. Hindon. Blacksmiths Gully. Leaders Jill Reid, Sarah McCormack, Linda Partridge, Jan Butcher.
A reasonable day dawned for our combined Christmas visit to Hindon, and about 40 people headed up George King Memorial Drive to the hall. We deposited our “plates”, wrapped up warmly, and drove to Don Graham’s gravesite on Ardachy Station.
Don loved this challenging country & he overlooks the hills and Taieri River.
The hikers walked a gentle track & enjoyed the spectacular scenery.
The trampers headed down the hill to Blacksmiths Gully, then looped back up to the cars – about 6 km.
Kevin Burke said Ian Fleming’s grace and we then enjoyed the generous pot luck lunch.
Chris Wither told us some Hindon Hall history & her various associations with it during her 38 years living at Hindon. She mentioned how mice often visited during yoga classes……and yes, one brave mouse came under the door soon after!
We greatly enjoyed Grant Shackell playing his guitar and singing along with his “blind date” Claire Currie.
Thank you both for the wonderful entertainment, and to Jill Dodds and her helpers for organising the food etc. A very pleasant way to wrap up our tramping year!
Jill Reid
2/4/2014 Both. Hindon. Machine Creek. Recently Bathgate, now Cowley Farm. Easy+ Leaders: Ian, Ken