10/9/2008 Mornington – Southern Cemetery

Very surprised and delighted to yet again have another fine Wed. after having 2-3 days of mist and rain. A bit cloudy but fine and not too cold. Ten keen hikers parked their cars in Lees St. and set off on a very convoluted walk to get to their final destination which was the Southern Cemetery. It was up hill all the way to our morning tea stop which was the play area in the Mornington Park. After a refreshing cuppa it was off again on the ups and downs of the streets in the Maryhill/ Mornington area till we eventually got to Eglington Rd and the very top gate of the Southern Cemetery. We walked down through the area of very old graves and found a spot on a grave in the sun to sit and eat our lunch. Very peaceful and quiet. No people or traffic to disturb the peace! After lunching we strolled around among the graves, reading inscriptions where they were still legible and finding many of well known early citizens of Dunedin. Also the area where the early Chinese were buried in place that was supposed to be separate for the rest of the community.
All in all an interesting place to visit and the first time for most of the hikers there on Wed. From there it was a fairly short walk back to the cars. Everyone said how much they’d enjoyed the day. Bev.