This page of club tramps and hikes in the Silver Peaks area groups together trips to Yellow Ridge (map) including Gap Ridge, The Gap, Yellow Hut and the South Branch of the Waikouati River
Background Information:
Road distances from Mosgiel carpark.
Silver Peaks Forest for background information on the area.
Accessed from Mountain Road from old forest HQ 6 hr ret, Route, DOC and private land.
How To Get There:
Proceed via the Northern motorway to Waitati and turn left onto Double Hill Road (just past the store on the left at the end of the motorway), which joins Steep Hill Road. Access to Yellow Ridge route is located off this road.
Links to tramps and hikes in this area:
Tunnels Track, Yellow Hut, The Gap, Gap Ridge. 2021 -1997 (8 trips, 6 with reports and photos, 2 with no reports)