Club History

A short history follows

The first general meeting of the Taieri Recreational Tramping Club proper was held on Thursday 4 March, 1988 but its beginnings were ripening over the previous year.

When Daphne McEwan retired in 1986 she was looking for a new challenge along the line of a walking or tramping group.
She first did a W.E.A. bush-craft course under the leadership of Steve Amies (of the Steve Amies track fame) and there met up with five others, viz. Olga Corlette, Maureen Gough, George Haggie, Rose Harper and Dawn Murray. With these five backing up her idea of forming a walking group, a public notice was put in the Taieri Herald in December 1986 inviting phone replies to Daphne or Dawn. The offer of “easy day tramps for beginners and others over fifty” met with a good response. A meeting at Daphne’s resolved that tramping should begin early in the new year. Except for during the two winter months of July and August, it would be weekly on Wednesdays. So on 21 January 1987 members of the Taieri Recreational Tramping Group (note: not club at this stage) began the club’s history by meeting at the Mosgiel Baths’ Car Park and tramping the Powder Creek/Whare Flat track. Participants included Ernie Bell, Peg Chisholm, Olga Corlette, Muriel Crawford, Elizabeth Gamperle (now Haggie), Peggy Gibson, Maureen Gough, George Haggie, Rose Harper, Eva Joyce, Morton Legg, Daphne McEwan, Isobel Miller, Ray Miller, Denise Pearce, Kath Reid and Mary Young. Membership numbers rose steadily to 46 by the year’s end. A steering committee provided informal leadership in that first year with Helen Wight assisting Daphne as Secretary-Treasurer. By September, members were wanting a trip programme to help them plan ahead and the Glasgow Street car park was now the chosen meeting place. Destinations recorded in that first programme included Allans Beach and Mt Charles, Flagstaff, Silverstream Weir, Government Track, Maturata Island, Swampy, Berwick Forest, Sandfly Bay, Deep Stream, Brighton coast, Green Hill, Three Kings and a Taieri River jet boat trip to finish the year off. The Taieri Recreational Tramping Group held its first minuted meeting on Thursday 4 February 1988 at the home of Denise Pearce to decide its future and the possibility of changing its name to a Club. There was discussion on the eligibility of residents outside of the Taieri becoming members. Six members were elected to form a steering committee namely: George Haggie, Bob Heenan, Daphne McEwan, Dave Morton, June Waugh and Mary Young. This meeting was immediately followed by the first meeting of the Steering Committee with Dave Morton elected Chairman and June Waugh as Minute Secretary. It was agreed that Dave obtain the Rules and Regulations of the Otago Tramping Club as the basis of a constitution. A membership of 40 at any one time with a waiting list of intending members was agreed to, with a preference for people over 45 and Taieri residents. Members could invite guests to tramps and the Trip Leader would have overall control on the day and would give a short talk on the proposed route, &c. A Safety Officer would be in charge of the first aid kit, would check on adequate clothing, food and drinks of members at each tramp. A Guide would be responsible for maps, routes, leadership contact, &c. A second meeting, this time in Daphne McEwan’s lounge quickly followed on 11 February to consider rules and regulations which were to strictly apply to all trips as follows:
– One whistle blast to stop, 3 for an emergency.
– Leader to appoint a tail-ender, set meal times and stop and start times.
– Land owners’ permissions to be obtained regarding opening and closing of gates, the lighting of fires and barbecues, stock movement, crossing of fences and damage control.
– Numbers to be checked before, during and after tramps.
– A Safety Officer to keep confidential book of members’ health and medical notes, to oversee suitability of clothing and food and drink (including salt tablets), and to carry a first aid kit comprising plasters, bandages, asprin, burn lotion, knee and ankle bandages, survival sheet.
– Joining fee set at $2.00 and annual subscription at $3.00.
– A Car Marshall to be appointed to arrange passenger needs and set passenger fees for each trip.
– All walks to be graded Easy, Average or Difficult with any required additional information on the Programme Sheet.
– Walk cancellations to be made through 4ZB’s cancellation service.
– The Annual Meeting to be held on the first Thursday in September of each year. A third meeting was held on 19 February where the Constitution prepared by Dave Morton was agreed to and George Haggie’s list of Safety Rules was adopted. Preparations were made for the General Meeting.

The first General Meeting of the new Taieri and Recreational Tramping Club was held on Thursday 4 March 1988 at the home of Denise Pearce, with 28 present. The meeting adopted the Constitution and Safety Rules after some spirited discussion regarding Flora and Fauna and the preference for Taieri residents. The matter of tramping numbers’ limitation received considerable discussion and the idea of two groups proposed but no changes eventuated. Daphne McEwan was elected President, George Haggie, Vice President and Helen Wight Secretary-Treasurer. Committee members were Peg Allison, Hugh Dickson, Bob Heenan, Merle Hugget, Ria Lippers and Mary Young. The incoming committee was to elect a Chief Guide, Publicity Officer, Car Marshall and Safety Officer. Flowers were presented to Dawn Murray who was leaving the district.

29/6/88. At Jean Young’s home overlooking Taieri Mouth. (Ian pic, scanned from Peg Chisholm photo collection.) Ria L. and Peg in from. Audrey H. in Row 2; Bob H. in back.
Tramping Programmes
George Haggie was appointed Chief Guide in 1988 and convened a subcommittee to plan a tramping programme for the year and subsequently. In 1991 Ria Lippers succeeded George as Convener and was supplied with maps of areas tramped by the Club. In turn, Bill Hunt was appointed as Track Guide in 1995. In 1997 the committee took over responsibility for organising the weekly Track Programme.
Weekend camps proved popular from the start, with 2-3 held each year. A Camp sub-committee operated from the start until it was taken over by the general committee in 1997. Recipe books and Song Books have appeared. Until the 1996 Glenorchy camp, members prepared and shared common meals. After that camp however, members have prepared their own meals.
Over the years Club members have made many major tramps, having developed the fitness and experience Club experience has given them.
The Club gained in popularity to such an extent that through the 90s there was an official membership restriction of 40 but unofficially was allowed to rise over 70, with a waiting list kept as well. A form letter suggesting non-tramping members cancel their membership led to several resignations.
In the mid-90s, with the Club’s blessing, a new tramping club – the Trixies – was formed from trampers unable to join because of numbers. Club membership age limitation was further raised from 45+ years to 55+.
There was also an on-going concern over trampers’ differing abilities, the need to stay reasonably grouped, and the “Recreational” part of the Club’s name was frequently appealed to. Until, in 1995, the Club agreed to two tramping groups, one “less demanding” and the other “for more difficult tramps”. In 2002 a three- tier group formation was adopted viz. Trampers, Hikers and Ramblers. With this flexibility established, age and membership size restrictions have since been relaxed.
Track clearing. As recorded in 1999, work was being carried out on the following tracks:
– Government Track at Waipori Scenic Reserve, cleared annually: six people, 8 hours;
– Milton Pole Line Track at Waipori, Otago Native Bush: three people, 8 hours;
– Horse Shoe Ridge Track at Waipori;
– Waipori Gorge Road to Shaws Hill Road: six people, 8 hours;
– Post Office Creek;
– Pole Line.
– Latterly, various groups such as the Phoenix and Green Track Groups, besides tramping clubs, have made themselves responsible for a considerable number of tracks. A few members of the Club joined with a number of Mosgiel retired trampers under Les Murcott to join further with a Dunedin group under Rex Malthus to clear tracks in the Silverstream basin.
Following upon extensive snow-damaged fallen trees blocking all bush tracks in the Silverstream basin and beyond in the winter of 2013, Ken McV. and Ian H. of our Club formed with our club’s blessing, a new track-clearing group, and in collaboration with the Green Hut Track Group did major work clearing tracks and putting in substantial track signs in accordance with the signage adopted in Antony Hamel’s Tracks and Trails booklet.

People photoed present at the Tenth Anniversary Dinner, Moeraki, 15 December 1997 of the Taieri Recreational Tramping Club.

Sylvia Williams, Win Gibson, Audrey, Margaret, Nancy, Les, Margaret, Dot, Mary, Les, Peg Les, Mavis Winefield, Bev, Barbara, Don

People photoed present at the Fifteenth Anniversary Dinner of the Taieri Recreational Tramping Club held at the Mosgiel RSA, 16 February, 2003.

Executive Officers
Executive Officers and wives. Shirley, Dot, Nelson, Colleen, Ian. (Bill pic)

People photoed present at the 20th Anniversary Dinner of the Taieri Recreational Tramping Club, held at the Mosgiel Railway Station Restaurant. To celebrate such an important occasion, President Peter Bathgate welcomed over 70 members who sat down to a hearty lunch at the Mosgiel Railway Station. Everyone tucked in to roast beef, pork, stuffed chicken and lots of vegetables followed by pavlova, sticky pudding, fruit salad etc. A very kiwi lunch. Doug Moir piped in the anniversary cake, which was cut by life members George Haggie and Daphne McEwan.

Cake Cutting
George and Daphne cut the Cake

Speeches by founding members of the club were appreciated as reminiscences about amusing incidents from past tramps and camps were remembered.

The entertainment followed started off by The Entwistle ensemble, Evelyn and Bob entertaining us with Gaelic songs and music on harp and treble recorder. Very harmonious and soothing music. Then the 4 tramping-mates rolled along to a catchy romp along the track.

4 mates
Peter, Ian, Ray, Les

This was very popular and got everyone in the mood for a good sing-along with Bruce Spittle on guitar and Ian Fleming on keyboard leading the way. A most enjoyable way to spend the day (even if it was not as healthy as a good tramp). – Tash

People photoed present at the 25th Anniversary Dinner of the Taieri Recreational Tramping Club held atCareys Bay Hotel, 6 March 2013.

Taieri Times
A Jun 2014 Taieri Times addition

People photographed at the 30th Anniversary Dinner of the Taieri Recreational Tramping Club held at the Taieri Bowling Club rooms at Wickliffe Street, Mosgiel, 14 March 2018.

President Jill, PP Judy, V/P Arthur, Sec. Jan.
Group photo at 30th.
LM Les, LM Margaret, Bev, Bill, Ted.

Office bearers over the years:
Daphne 1987-1990 (3 years)
Bob H 1990-1992 (2 years)
Molly 1992-1994 (2 years)
Nancy 1994-1996 (2 years)
Bev H 1996-1998 (2 years)
Les S 1998-2000 (2 years)
Colleen 2000-2002 (2 years)
Ian 2002-2004 (2 years)
Arthur H 2004-2006 (2 years)
Doug J 2006-2007 (1 year)
Peter B 2007-2009 (2 years)
Bill McL 2009-2011 (2 years)
Bev H (2011-2013) (2 years)
Les S 2013-2015 (2 years)
Judy K 2015-2017 (2 years)
Jill D 2017-2019 (2 years)
Arthur H. 2019-

Helen 1988-1999 (1 year)
June 1999-1991 (2 years)
Mavis 1991-1995 (4 years)
Wendy 1995-1997 (2 years)
Nelson 1997-2004 (7 years)
Arthur L, Treasurer 2003-2005 (2 years)
Dorothy, Secretary 2004-2005 (1 year)
Ian, Secretary 2005-2014 (9 years) Treasurer 2005-2013 (8 years)
Janice, Treasurer 2013- Secretary 2014-

Life Memberships:
Peg A 1996 (died 25/5/2010) – 14 years
Peggy M 2001 (died 1/5/2008) – 7 years
Peg C 2002 (died 31/5/2012) – 10 years
Daphne 2003 (Died 18/10/2012) – 9 years
Les W 2003 (died 6/7/2010) – 7 years
George 2006
Bob H 2006. (died 19/12/2019) – 13 years.
Ian F 2012
Bev H 2014
Molly 2015
Les S 2018 (died 12/5/2020) – 2 years.
Margaret S 2018


Kath R wrote a tramping song for the club which went as follows:

Here we go again, Wednesday is our day,
All good pals and jolly good company.
Tramping round the hills and wading through the mud,
Following the footsteps of Old Ben Rudd.

Refrain: Never mind the weather, never mind the rain,
Now we’re all together, whoops! we’re off again.
La-di-da-di-da! La-di-da-di-dee!
All good pals and jolly good company.

Never mind mosquitoes, never mind that bog,
Puffing up the bush track, no one left behind.
Give your pal a push, tea-break nearly due,
Pit-stop round the corner, you’ll make it to that loo.

Off to weekend camps, backpacking all our needs,
All aboard our transports, drivers into gear.
Waterfalls and rivers, beaches cave and birds,
Following trails in places we’ve never been before.

Peter B wrote the following song performed at the 20th Anniversary,  later adding verses 4 and 5. (To tune: We’re four jolly sailor men come up from the sea.)


We’re four jolly tramping mates, as you can all see:
There’s Les Smith, Ian Hebbard, Ian Fleming, and Me,
Enjoying our freedom-years, maintaining our health:
That’s Les Smith, Ian Hebbard, Ian Fleming, and Self.

1. We meet in the carpark where Pat marks the roll;
Then it’s off to the start of our pre-recced stroll –
Perhaps down the Silverstream – to the river and back –
Or a slog up the rocky slope of the Steve Amies track.

Chorus …

2. When we reach a tricky fence, our hearts start to thump,
For we know that our girls will need a hand on the rump.
And when they are safely through, we give a wee smile …
For just down the fence a bit we’ve spotted a style.

Chorus …

3. Our lunch-times are happy hours; of that there’s no doubt;
No subject is sacred when Joyce Shaw is about.
With sandwiches eaten and many jokes told,
It’s back on the track again before we get cold.

Chorus …

4. Young Fred brings us chocolates each week which is nice,
Kept cool with a slicker pad which Fred fills with ice.
There’s soft ones, hard chewy ones, a treat in each bite,
With strawberry, peppermint and turkish delight.

Chorus …

5. When storm clouds are gathering and rain appears near
We all dive into our packs for our wet-weather gear.
All except Margaret Smith, who laughs at our folly
As she battles the elements ‘neath her little red brolly.

Chorus …

6. We’re four jolly tramping mates, but now there are three
For Ian’s dived behind a bush for his half-hourly pee.
We all look the other way for the time that it takes.
We know he’ll be back with us in a couple of shakes.

Chorus …

7. And now we are home again, our joints stiff and sore
But we all know that next week we’ll be back for more,
Enjoying our freedom years, maintaining our health –
That’s Les Smith, Ian Hebbard, Ian Fleming and Self.

We’re four jolly tramping mates, as you can all see:
There’s Les Smith, Ian Hebbard, Ian Fleming, and Me.
We’re four jolly tramping mates, four jolly tramping mates are we:
That’s Les Smith, Ian Hebbard, Ian Fleming, and Me.


Two 2016 Mid-Winter Lunch additions, both by President Judy –


1. If you come to the parking lot
On Wednesday morn at 9 o’clock,
You’ll find a geriatric flock,
Who love to go a-tramping.

Away, away, with parka and pack,
A-rollicking down the mountain track,
We’ll all get lost and never come back,
For we love to go a-tramping.

2. Judy is our President,
And many happy hours she’s spent
Out in the hills, inside a tent,
For she loves to go a-tramping.


3. The Treasurer, her name is Jan,
She has a very cunning plan,
To take your money when she can,
And she loves to go a-tramping.


4. The President of Vice is Jill.
She helps you when you’re feeling ill,
And doesn’t even send bill
And she loves to go a-tramping.


5. The Master of the Web is slow,
His whiskers seem to grow and grow,
There isn’t much he doesn’t know,
And he loves to go a-tramping.


6. Now Jim’s our helicopter boy.
To see them fills his heart with joy,
but nowadays he doesn’t FLOY!!
– for he loves to go a-tramping.


7. Peter Bathgate’s quite a wit,
At his jokes your teeth you grit,
The ladies often have a fit,
But he loves to go a-tramping.


8. Our Arthur, he has loads of fun,
At clearing tracks he’s quite a gun,
He likes it when the work is done,
For he loves to go a-tramping.


9. Fred Deans on hikes is often found,
And when we sit upon the ground
At lunch, he hands the chocs around,
And he loves to go a-tramping.


10. So, if you’re under 93,
And find your life’s a misery,
You’d better come along with me,
For we love to go a-tramping.


11. We’re sorry that there is no more,
We’d hate to be an awful bore,
We’re stopping ’cause our throats are sore,
But we love to go a-tramping.


We’re a funny bunch of critters in the Taieri RTC.
We may be old and wrinkly, but we’re fit and fancy free.
We wander all around the hills, on trails we know so well,
Stopping very frequently, because we need a spell.
Toiling up a gentle slop, feeling just like death –
Trotting down the other side, gasping for a breath.
Morning teas are welcome, from thermos cups we slurp,
Biscuits, buns or muesli bars – whoops, was that a burp?
Lunch time comes along quite soon, we’re always glad to stop,
Packs are lowered gently, as on the ground we flop.
Fred delivers chocolates, a very welcome snack;
Eventually we’re packing up, ready to head back.
Heat or cold or sun or rain, weather doesn’t matter.
Everyone is keen to go and have a pleasant natter.
Life is good, we still turn out, in spite of aches and pains
Together at the car park – that is, unless it rains.
Our coffee stops are legend, we love to sit and yarn.
People think we’re crazy, but we couldn’t give a darn.

Bruce S wrote the following song (to tune: ‘When I was a lad’) sung at the 30th Anniversary of the Club.

1. Some years ago in nineteen eighty eight,
Some Mosgiel people simply could not wait.
They formed a club so they could take a walk,
They were people full of action and were not just talk.
They were people full of action and were not just talk.

So let’s celebrate our anniversary,
Our friendly Taieri Tramping Club has turned thirty.
So let’s celebrate our anniversary,
Our friendly Taieri Tramping Club has turned thirty.

2. If the tops of hills you cannot reach
There’s flat sand for a walk on Allans Beach.
And if hill climbing doesn’t make you groan,
You can spend a day just frolicking on Harbour Cone. (rep.line)


3. Two spots where we also like to rove
Are Tomahawk Lagoon and Ocean Grove.
If it’s ocean views that help you to thrive
You might try a scenic ramble at John Wilson Drive. (rep)


4. The very grand stupendous view
From Taieri River Lookout is seen by few.
And for our Egyptology
At the Pyramids at Victory Beach is where we’ll be (rep)


5. To see fantails flutter and dart and soar
There are forest roads to walk upon at Akatore.
And to listen to tuis sing and spark
There’s native bush to wander through at Logan Park (rep)


6. We have a routine that adds to the fun
When the energetic tramping for the day is done.
We gather again without a pack
At our cafe of choice and sit down and yak. (rep)


7. It’s sad absent friends can not be here
Just to reminisce on days from yesteryear.
They gave us a club that has lasted long,
So we honour them in mem’ry as we sing this song. (rep)


8. The future is always hard to see,
We never can know what it will be.
But while we still have life and limb
Let’s get our packs and go and tramp with lots of vim. (rep)


Bruce S wrote the following song (to tune: ‘The Old Grey Mare’) sung at the 2018 end of year meal at the Berwick Lodge.

1. The Taieri Tramping Club is simply sensational,
very hospitable, not undesirable,
The Taieri Tramping Club is Recreational, that’s why we love it so.

(ref) That’s why we love it so, that’s why we love it so.
The Taieri Tramping Club is Recreational, that’s why we love it so.

2. The Taieri Tramping Club goes into the countryside,
to beaches at low tide on rambles far and wide,
The Taieri Tramping Club is our great joy and pride, that’s why we love it so.

(ref) That’s why we love it so, that’s why we love it so.
The Taieri Tramping Club is our great joy and pride, that’s why we love it so.

3. The Taieri Tramping Club can tramp tracks both old and new,
Climb hills with a view, when skies are grey or blue.
The Taieri Tramping Club will always wait for you, that’s why we love it so.

(ref) That’s why we love it so, that’s why we love it so.
The Taieri Tramping Club will always wait for you, that’s why we love it so.

4. The Taieri Tramping Club nods to the man in red,
With snow white beard and his jolly reindeer sled.
The Taieri Tramp Club sees we are all we fed, that’s why we love it so.

(ref) That’s why we love it so, that’s why we love it so.
The Taieri Tramp Club sees we are all we fed, that’s why we love it so.

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