Trip Organisation Guidelines for leaders and trip participants and Track Grading information. See also Trip Programme Information.
Trip Programme for printing (likely not up to date).
Distances and costs are for road travel from Mosgiel car park.
Trip details may change – check latest notices.
This webpage has all current updates. Last updated 28/03/25.
Meeting time at the Mosgiel car park is 8:45 am for 9:00 am prompt departure.
Wednesday 2 April.
Combined. Inch Clutha. Grade 2.5. $17. 70 km (road distance PJP to Somewhere). Leaders: Phil and Raewyn Keene, Graeme Souter, Bruce and Jenni Wright.
Wednesday 9 April.
Trampers. Trotters George, Palmerston Package. Grade 3. $21. 83 km (road distance PJP to Trotters Gorge Scenic Reserve). Leaders: Neil Hodgkin, Sarah McCormack.
Hikers. Old County Track, Waikouaiti. Grade 2. $14. 55 km (road distance PJP to Waikouaiti Centre). Leaders: Jan Butcher, Shirley and Noel McRandle.
Wednesday 16 April.
Trampers. Leisman Falls, Powder Hill, Chalkies Circuit. Grade 4 $5 11km (road distance PJP to Silverstream Car park).
Leaders: Katrina McKenzie, Julie MacKenzie
Hikers. Historic Port Chalmers. Grade 2. $8. 30 km (road distance PJP to Mount St, Port Chalmers). Leaders: Mike Webb, Max Wilson.
Wednesday 23 April.
Trampers. West Maungatua. Grade 4.5. $7. 28 km (road distance PJP to Mahinerangi Road near trig B92W). Permission required. Leaders: Phil Morris, Gary Mort. Pulpit Rock. Grade 4. $11. 42 km (road distance PJP to Mountain Road). Leaders: Carolyn Pridham and Esther Willis
Hikers. Taieri Ferry Bridge – John Bull Gully. Grade 2.5. $6. 24 km (road distance PJP to Taieri Ferry Rd/ Henley Rd Bridge). Leaders: Linda Partridge, Janette Abbott.
Wednesday 30 April.
Trampers. Flax Clearing. Grade 4!!. $5. 15 km (road distance PJP to Somewhere). Leaders: Phil Keene. Leith Saddle Track, Rustlers. Grade 4. $7. 25km (road distance PJP to Leith Saddle carpark). Leaders: Pam Cocks and Karen McInnes.
Hikers. Dunback Shag/Waihemo River Walk. (New destination) Grade 2. $15. 61 km (road distance PJP to Dunback Domain). Leaders: Neville Griffiths, Peter Horrell.
End of current trip programme.